
Why would someone be disobedient? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!


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Why would someone be disobedient? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

"Under the starry night sky, why do some people forget the direction of their home and are unfilial to their parents? Is there an unknown story and struggle behind this? ”

The real sharing of netizens below is simply an eye-opener for me to read.

Why would someone be disobedient? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

From childhood to adulthood, any rebellion and disobedience will be called "revenge" and "how did we raise such a white-eyed wolf as you".

Why would someone be disobedient? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

The elders like you and are filial to whatever you do, and the elders don't like you and are unfilial no matter what you do. Elders are so subjective and emotional.

Why would someone be disobedient? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

Filial piety was originally a product of feudal oppression, and it is ridiculous that people who are still hyping filial piety have good rewards and the like, which is really hard to explain.

Why would someone be disobedient? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

The word filial piety is no matter what the heart does, and there is no filial piety through the ages. As long as the heart is right, it is filial.

Why would someone be disobedient? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

Let the elders feel comfortable, in their eyes is "filial piety"?

Why would someone be disobedient? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

Quanzhong is almost ruined, and he pursues freedom and happiness every day.

Why would someone be disobedient? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

Yes, unfilial piety should be condemned, regardless of whether the old man is good or bad. Adults can't blame adults for hitting children.

Why would someone be disobedient? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

Today, I also see a sentence that says, "The greatest cultivation of the elderly is to control the desire to criticize the young."

Why would someone be disobedient? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

"There is no empathy in the world, and people are never the same."

Why would someone be disobedient? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

I don't know if he is filial when he is willing, but if he is unwilling, there must be a large number of parents who say that he is not filial.

"In this rapidly changing world, we may not be able to completely change those unfilial behaviors, but we can choose to understand, tolerate, and warm those lost hearts with love and care. Let's work together to build a more harmonious and loving family and society. ”

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Why would someone be disobedient? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!