
How long can men and women last together?

author:Sister Hong (Feidong)
How long can men and women last together?

How long can men and women last together?

How long can men and women last together?

How long can men and women last together? Regarding this issue, many bloggers said that the only criterion for judging how long they can last together is to see if the two of them are comfortable together? But I don't think so, it's normal for newlyweds to quarrel, they all come from two different families, they don't understand their personalities, there must be a run-in period, life is originally firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, before and after marriage is different, there is no discomfort before marriage, then it will be different after marriage, you can't quarrel because you are awkward together, always complain about this, dislike this and that, then you think that your feelings are broken and even think that your other half has a situation to find a new change, so give each other a decent turn, Are you sure you can find a better one than your ex when you turn around, that's not necessarily,

How long can men and women last together?

Our husband and wife have been fighting for more than 30 years, didn't they just come over, how can there be a perfect marriage, make do with it, the old man often says: noisy to the end, not noisy and not noisy to the end,

Especially when middle-aged couples arrive, there are not many loving couples, in order to have a complete home for their children and endure each other, which is a portrayal of half of the families in real life. I'm one of them, and I know it very well, and I let go again and again for the piece of meat that fell off my body.

Maybe everyone has their own thoughts.

How long can men and women last together?

Nine times out of ten, people's lives are unsatisfactory, including work, life, husband and wife relationships, etc. It's just that you have fun in the bitterness, leave the laughter to the world and the sadness to yourself, no matter how loving a husband and wife are, there is no 100% perfect marriage

My neighbor Uncle Wang is a retired teacher and his wife and wife are in good health, the old couple go out together every day, Uncle Wang is 89 years old, and his wife is 86.

How long can men and women last together?

Just the day before yesterday, the old couple was walking in the community, and a neighbor asked him why the old couple was so good when they were old, Uncle Wang smiled and said, together is fate, I have always insisted on doing these three things, the first is to say dear every day, and the second is to remember to put down the toilet seat. The third thing is to remember to throw away the garbage, do you know what these three things mean? Please find the answer you want in the comment area, I'm Sister Hong,

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