
Blessed are those who can't swim! It turns out that people can float on the water, this is a life-saving skill!


A Guide to Self-Rescue from Drowning: Life-Saving Tips at a Critical Moment!

Blessed are those who can't swim! It turns out that people can float on the water, this is a life-saving skill!

People who can't swim in the water must not panic, it is useless to scratch around, just remember a little, quickly hold your breath when you fall into the water, relax, and your body will naturally float up, you can show your head and breathe a sigh, and you can float on the water by changing it to a large font type of floating on your back. The main thing is not to panic and overcome fear. It's not that simple, it's about getting the hang of it. In fact, as long as you are calm and understand the nature of water, the human body can float naturally. Keep your arms underwater, tilt your head back as much as possible, and breathe through your mouth to avoid choking on your nose. The most important thing is to keep half breathing, that is, the chest is propped up and half breathing. It's okay to calm the water, a little wave to take advantage of.

Blessed are those who can't swim! It turns out that people can float on the water, this is a life-saving skill!

People of different weights have different buoyancy, and people who can swim have mastered the essentials of buoyancy, don't look at him very easy in the water, he will float up with two splashes, in fact, he has the degree of breathing and relaxation and the adjustment of the limbs to find buoyancy. But that's easier said than done. Therefore, if you have the conditions, you must learn to swim, and I taught myself that it is really an important survival skill. Buoyancy = gravity of the water displacement. The greater the displacement, the greater the buoyancy, so it is important to get your arms into the water. When backstroke, the hand gently picks up the water under the water, and it goes, the heart pressure is less, and the person is comfortable. Be sure to go to the pool to learn to swim, safety first. First learn to hold your breath in the water for a long time, overcome your fear of water, try to relax your body, and finally learn to swim.

Blessed are those who can't swim! It turns out that people can float on the water, this is a life-saving skill!

Blessed are those who can't swim! It turns out that people can really float on the water, and the key is to grasp the right essentials. Below, let's take a look at this life-saving skill!

First, remember one key thing: always keep your hands in the water. When the hand comes out of the water, the head sinks. So, whatever your posture, make sure your hands are in the water and try to tilt your head back. If you feel unbalanced, slide your hands back from the water, straighten and keep your body flat with your legs bent.

It seems like a simple action, but it requires extremely high psychological quality. It is crucial to stay calm, as once panicked, gestures tend to come out of the water, causing the head to sink. So, when summer is coming, be sure to let your loved ones see this drowning guide and watch it repeatedly, so that they know that as long as they stay calm and composed, keep their hands out of the water, and tilt their heads back, they can float on the water and wait for rescue.

Blessed are those who can't swim! It turns out that people can float on the water, this is a life-saving skill!

For people who can't swim, it's crucial to know how to stay afloat in the water and wait for rescue.

Keep your hands underwater: this is the key to keeping your body buoyant. When you put your hands out of the water, the front of your body loses buoyancy, causing your head to sink. So, whatever position you take, make sure you keep your hands in the water and don't lift them up.

Tilt your head back as much as possible: Tilting your head back helps keep your body balanced in the water and makes it easier for your mouth and nose to come out of the water to breathe.

Adjust your position: If you feel unbalanced, gently slide your hands back from the water, but don't completely lift them off the water. This movement can help you adjust your body's posture and maintain buoyancy.

Stay calm: It is very important to stay calm in an emergency. Panicking only exacerbates the danger and makes it harder for you to maintain your body's balance and buoyancy. Try to relax your body, breathe deeply, and focus on holding your posture and breathing.

Wait for rescue: Once you have taken the right posture and remained calm, you should wait quietly for rescue. Try not to try to swim or struggle, as this may drain your stamina and increase the risk of drowning.

Learn swimming and self-rescue skills: While the above methods can help you stay buoyant in an emergency, the best way to do this is to learn swimming and self-rescue skills. These skills can help you better deal with dangerous situations in the water and increase your chances of survival.

Tell your loved ones: It's important to share these self-help tips with your family. They can help you in an emergency and know how to properly respond to similar situations.

Blessed are those who can't swim! It turns out that people can float on the water, this is a life-saving skill!
Blessed are those who can't swim! It turns out that people can float on the water, this is a life-saving skill!

Finally, again, it's important to make sure you have basic swimming skills and self-rescue knowledge before swimming or entering the water. This will greatly increase your safety factor and reduce the risk of accidents.

This drowning guide is not only a transfer of knowledge, but also a guarantee of life. It is recommended that you bookmark and forward it so that more people can understand this key self-help skill. Perhaps, at some critical moment, it could save a life. Let's all learn to protect ourselves and our friends!

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