
Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score was questioned, but she can't swim but has a certificate? The official response after the classmate clarified

author:Xiao Youlai variety show

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Recently, Li Xueqin has become popular again, but this time it is not because of which variety show she participates in, but because her college entrance examination score has been overwhelmingly questioned.

She previously said that she couldn't swim, but netizens found out that she actually held a second-level swimmer certificate.

Now that the matter has ushered in a follow-up, Li Xueqin's classmates came forward to clarify, and then the official also responded, what is going on?

Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score was questioned, but she can't swim but has a certificate? The official response after the classmate clarified

The incident originated on June 26, on this day, the topic of "Li Xueqin swimming" suddenly rushed to the hot search.

It turned out that some netizens found that Li Xueqin had revealed that she couldn't swim in a previous interview.

But netizens found that Li Xueqin, who kept saying that she couldn't swim, held a certificate of second-level swimmer.

Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score was questioned, but she can't swim but has a certificate? The official response after the classmate clarified

Not only that, Li Xueqin did not participate in the national unified examination for the enrollment of ordinary colleges and universities, but participated in the independent enrollment examination of Peking University and enjoyed the college entrance examination score reduction policy.

According to public information, Li Xueqin, formerly known as Li Xueyang, is an actress, talk show actor and comedy creator in Chinese mainland.

Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score was questioned, but she can't swim but has a certificate? The official response after the classmate clarified

He studied at the School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University as an undergraduate, and after his sophomore year, he chose the direction of advertising, and then gradually practiced his speech skills.

In 2017, Li Xueqin was admitted to New York University for graduate school in education, but before the first semester was completed, the old illness relapsed, and in 2018, Li Xueqin took a leave of absence and returned to China.

In 2019, Li Xueqin paid tribute to stars such as Allen Guo, Robin Li, and Yang Ming by recording videos, and unexpectedly received their responses.

Through this incident, Li Xueqin quickly became popular on the Internet and became an Internet celebrity.

After that, Li Xueqin was invited to participate in the recording of the third season of the 2020 "Talk Show Conference", and became popular with her unique performance style, which was loved by many audiences.

Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score was questioned, but she can't swim but has a certificate? The official response after the classmate clarified

Also in 2020, Li Xueqin also won the "New Star of the Year Program" award issued by the Tencent Video Starlight Awards, and since then, Li Xueqin has become completely famous.

Since 2021, Li Xueqin has begun to frequently participate in various variety shows and has received a lot of attention.

It is precisely because Li Xueqin is very well-known in the entertainment industry that the negative news about her caused a sensation as soon as the news came out.

According to the photos exposed on the Internet, Li Xueqin won the second-level swimming athlete certificate on February 28, 2013, and participated in the 100-meter breaststroke at the 2013 National Children's Swimming Championships.

Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score was questioned, but she can't swim but has a certificate? The official response after the classmate clarified

Many netizens questioned, "How can Li Xueqin get a second-level athlete certificate if she claims that she can't swim?" ”

Some netizens picked up a news from Li Xueqin in 2019, and the copywriting was "I just came out of swimming and was stopped by a little girl".

Netizens believe that in combination with this, Li Xueqin is modest when she says that she "can't swim".

However, some netizens found the full video of Li Xueqin saying that she "can't swim", thinking that she was referring to her inability to "dive".

However, many netizens questioned Li Xueqin's participation in the children's competition, thinking that she was eighteen years old in 2013 and was not a child.

In this regard, the editor specifically checked the age range of children on the Internet.

Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score was questioned, but she can't swim but has a certificate? The official response after the classmate clarified

Li Xueqin's date of birth was July 1, 1995, and her participation in the Children's Swimming Championship was January 2013, strictly speaking, she was not yet 18 years old at that time.

With the heated discussion among netizens, major media also reported on the incident.

In the process, the official media broke the black history of Li Xueqin's high school in Benxi City, Liaoning Province.

According to Dawan News, Benxi High School is known as the "God School" for extra points in sports, and it has been investigated for adding points and being involved in fraud.

According to a 2014 report by the People's Daily, there were more than 1,000 college entrance examination students in Benxi Senior High School that year, and the number of students who received extra points for physical excellence was as high as 87, a figure that was questioned by many candidates and parents of students.

Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score was questioned, but she can't swim but has a certificate? The official response after the classmate clarified

On July 3, 2014, the People's Daily reported that the reporter had a detailed review of the process of obtaining the sports results of the 80 famous students in Benxi High School, and found that most of them obtained results in national competitions held outside the province, of which 14 of the 25 swimming students were qualified as second-level athletes in the National Children's Swimming Championships held in Nanning, Guangxi in January 2013.

According to the content of the news broke by netizens, Li Xueqin may participate in a competition with the "14 swimming students who gave up the qualification for extra points" in the 2014 media report.

After this news broke out, many netizens are still suspicious, mainly the following points:

The first point: is there a black box operation in this?

Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score was questioned, but she can't swim but has a certificate? The official response after the classmate clarified

The second point: Does it involve the chaos of extra points in the college entrance examination?

The third point: Was Li Xueqin admitted to Peking University by relying on a fake certificate?

In order to find out the truth of the matter, netizens have asked the relevant departments to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Li Xueqin's follow-up turmoil

You must know that before, Li Xueqin's performance in variety shows won praise from countless netizens.

Especially in the show "Fifty Kilometers of Peach Blossom Dock", she showed extraordinary talent.

For example, the "650 Radio Opening Ceremony" hosted by her and Li Jiaqi can be called the ceiling of talk show performances.

At that time, because the guests were going to attend the ceremony and walk the red carpet, the two of them specially wrote an introduction for each guest.

Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score was questioned, but she can't swim but has a certificate? The official response after the classmate clarified

What is amazing is that the words written by the two not only accurately summarize the characteristics of each guest, but also inadvertently complain about each other.

And they handled it just right, and it didn't make the guests feel embarrassed and offended.

After that episode of the show was broadcast, many viewers called this scene of the gods and praised it, calling it "a talented woman of Peking University".

But recently, her college entrance examination scores have been questioned, and for a while, netizens collectively called on Li Xueqin to come forward to explain.

However, everyone did not wait for Li Xueqin, but first waited for the response of her classmates.

On June 26, a netizen with the screen name "Thin Mud and Da Fluttering" claimed to be Li Xueqin's classmate at Peking University and her current work partner.

Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score was questioned, but she can't swim but has a certificate? The official response after the classmate clarified

Regarding the questioning of Li Xueqin's college entrance examination scores, the netizen posted Li Xueqin's admission transcript and spoke out for it, saying that the 20 points in Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score have nothing to do with sports expertise.

The netizen said that Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score consists of two parts, one is the college entrance examination score of 633 points, and the other is the extra score (20 points) in the independent enrollment examination of Peking University. ”

On the evening of June 26, the official blog of Li Xueqin's support club also posted an article emphasizing that Li Xueqin was admitted to Peking University without sports bonus points.

Some candidates from Liaoning also said that Li Xueqin's second-level swimming athlete certificate is true.

But some netizens questioned that since Li Xueqin claimed that she couldn't swim, how could she get a second-level athlete certificate?

Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score was questioned, but she can't swim but has a certificate? The official response after the classmate clarified

At present, the issuing unit of Li Xueqin's second-level swimming athlete certificate has also responded.

On June 27, the staff of the sports department of Benxi City, Liaoning Province, said that after preliminary online inquiries, Li Xueqin met the qualifications of second-level swimming athletes.

But public opinion not only did not stop, but intensified.

The media also made sharp comments on this matter, among which Qilu believes that the investigation cannot stop at the "initial core".

Li Xueqin's college entrance examination score was questioned, but she can't swim but has a certificate? The official response after the classmate clarified

Because "the preliminary verification can prove that Li Xueqin's certificate is registered in the system, indicating that the certificate she holds is issued by the competent authority, but it cannot directly prove that she has swimming skills and meets the standard of second-level athletes." ”

In order to completely dispel the public's doubts about this matter, the relevant departments might as well collect more and more detailed data to make it public, such as the video of Li Xueqin's participation in the competition in 2013.

Because it's not just entertainment news, it's a public topic about educational equity.

Education is no trivial matter, and it is hoped that relevant departments will pay attention to this matter and actively take action to respond to the concerns of netizens.

It is worth mentioning that recently, some netizens noticed that actress Wang Yan's son was escorted to Peking University with his basketball expertise, and the incident also aroused heated public opinion.

I wonder what everyone thinks about this? Welcome to leave a comment in the comment area.


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