
The Vietnamese female soldier was holding a gun and passed by the PLA scouts, but she didn't notice it

author:Xiaorui Entertainment

On this special day of September 15, 1984, the soldiers of the Second Reconnaissance Brigade of the Kunming Military Region shouldered an important mission and embarked on a journey to the Zhiyin Mountain area. Their goal is to penetrate deep into this mysterious and complex area, carry out reconnaissance missions, and provide critical intelligence for subsequent military operations.

Jiangquan Village, a small village located at the foot of the Zhiyin Mountain, became a temporary station for the reconnaissance brigade. The terrain is steep, surrounded by dense jungle and rugged mountain roads, providing natural cover for reconnaissance operations. The soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade are well aware that they are about to face a battle full of unknowns and dangers.

After being stationed in Jiangquan Village, the reconnaissance brigade moved quickly and began to look for a suitable place in the village to set up an observation post. After careful survey and assessment, they chose a place on high ground with a wide view of the entire area, while at the same time being able to observe the enemy's movements in a covert manner. On this land, the soldiers began the painstaking construction work, erecting improvised bunkers and observation points.

Under the meticulous observation and analysis of the Second Reconnaissance Brigade of the Kunming Military Region, the enemy situation gradually became clear. The Vietnamese army deployed troops in the villages of Giang Le and No. 3, which are geographically important and are important support points for the Vietnamese army in the Zheyin Mountain area. However, through continuous reconnaissance and surveillance, the reconnaissance brigade found that the vigilance of the Vietnamese army was not high, and their mode of action had formed a certain regularity.

The Vietnamese forces in Giang Le and No. 3 villages maintain security in the areas under their control mainly through daily patrols and alerts. Their patrol routes, timings, and frequency of changing guards have been carefully recorded by the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade. The Vietnamese seemed overconfident in their own defenses, unaware that the reconnaissance brigade had quietly infiltrated their sphere of activity, keeping a close eye on their every move.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade took advantage of the darkness and the cover of the jungle to quietly approach the patrol routes of the Vietnamese troops, recording their movement patterns. They found that Vietnamese patrols usually set out at dusk and patrolled along a fixed route until late at night. This regularity of action provides opportunities for reconnaissance brigades to exploit.

In addition, the Vietnamese army also showed a certain laxity in the changing of the guard. The Reconnaissance Brigade observed that the process of changing the guard in the Vietnamese army lacked strict organization and coordination, and the soldiers often gathered together for brief exchanges during the changing of the guard, which provided a good opportunity for the reconnaissance group to observe and record the staffing and equipment of the enemy.

Based on the data collected, the intelligence analysts of the reconnaissance brigade mapped the deployment of Vietnamese troops in the villages of Giang Le and No. 3. They found that the Vietnamese army's defenses were mainly focused on the periphery of the village, while the defenses inside the village were relatively weak. This may be because the Vietnamese army believes that patrols and vigilance on the perimeter are sufficient, ignoring the potential safety hazards that may exist inside.

The Vietnamese female soldier was holding a gun and passed by the PLA scouts, but she didn't notice it

Through an in-depth analysis of the law of the Vietnamese army's movements, the reconnaissance brigade began to formulate a targeted reconnaissance plan. They decided to take advantage of the gap between the changing of guards and patrols of the Vietnamese army to send small detachments deep behind enemy lines to collect more intelligence. These squads consisted of capable scouts, equipped with advanced reconnaissance equipment, and were able to approach the Vietnamese camp without being detected and obtain critical intelligence.

In the course of carrying out reconnaissance missions, the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade showed great concealment and mobility. They take advantage of the terrain and vegetation as a cover and silently weave through the jungle. When approaching the Vietnamese army camp, they used night vision equipment and radio listening equipment to collect communications information and activities of the Vietnamese army.

With the deepening of the reconnaissance operation, the reconnaissance brigade gradually grasped the key information of the Vietnamese army's troop deployment, weaponry, and command system. This information is crucial for the decision-makers of the Kunming Military Region, not only to help the military region understand the actual situation of the enemy's forces, but also to support the development of effective tactics.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade are well aware that their work is directly related to the development of the entire battle situation. Every successful reconnaissance operation can provide valuable intelligence resources for the Kunming Military Region. Therefore, they always maintain a high degree of vigilance and concentration when performing tasks, constantly optimize reconnaissance strategies, and improve reconnaissance efficiency.

During the reconnaissance operations in Giang Li Village and No. 3 Village, the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade not only had to face patrols and vigilance by the Vietnamese army, but also had to deal with complex terrain and adverse weather conditions. However, with their firm will and outstanding professional skills, they have completed their tasks again and again, providing effective intelligence support for the military operations of the Kunming Military Region.

With the passage of time, the reconnaissance operations of the reconnaissance brigade in Jiangli Village and No. 3 Village gradually achieved remarkable results. They not only succeeded in collecting a large amount of valuable intelligence, but also succeeded in avoiding direct clashes with the Vietnamese army and ensuring the concealment and safety of reconnaissance operations. These achievements are inseparable from the bravery, wisdom and teamwork of the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade.

Although the operations of the reconnaissance brigade were full of hardships and dangers, their efforts and efforts laid a solid foundation for the military operations of the Kunming Military Region. Their heroic deeds will go down in history and become a model for future generations to learn from and admire. And this history will also become one of the most precious memories in the lives of the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade.

After conducting an in-depth analysis of the enemy situation in Jiangli Village and No. 3 Village, the Second Reconnaissance Brigade of the Kunming Military Region quickly convened a strategic deployment meeting. At this meeting, the commanders carefully worked out a set of ambush and capture battle plans based on the information collected and the characteristics of the terrain. This plan not only takes into account the enemy's troop deployment and movement rules, but also fully considers the use of terrain and the configuration of detachments.

The Vietnamese female soldier was holding a gun and passed by the PLA scouts, but she didn't notice it

First of all, the reconnaissance brigade decided to divide the troops into three main detachments: reconnaissance detachments, ambush detachments and support detachments. Each detachment has clear tasks and objectives that ensure coordination and efficiency throughout the operation.

The task of the reconnaissance detachment is to continue to penetrate deep behind enemy lines, collect more detailed intelligence, and at the same time monitor the enemy's movements and provide real-time intelligence support for the ambush detachment. This detachment is made up of the most capable scouts, equipped with advanced reconnaissance equipment, and able to approach enemy camps and obtain critical intelligence without being detected.

Ambush detachments are at the heart of the entire battle plan, and their task is to set up ambushes in the enemy's path, capture enemy prisoners, and obtain confessions and intelligence. The ambush detachment is made up of experienced veterans who have a deep understanding of the terrain and are able to quickly set up ambush positions in complex terrain, while having excellent camouflage and concealment capabilities.

The task of the support detachment is to provide logistical support and fire support to reconnaissance detachments and ambush detachments. Equipped with heavy weapons and communications equipment, they are able to respond quickly in battle, providing the necessary support to the front-line detachments.

In the distribution of tasks, the reconnaissance brigade adopted a flexible and changeable strategy. According to the law of action of the enemy forces, they chose several key time periods and places for ambushes. During these time periods, enemy patrols and changing officers are the most vulnerable targets for ambushes. At the same time, according to the characteristics of the terrain, the reconnaissance brigade also selected several sites that were easy to defend and difficult to attack as ambush positions, so as to increase the success rate of the ambush.

In order to ensure the success of the ambush operation, the reconnaissance brigade also conducted a number of simulation exercises. During the exercise, the soldiers became familiar with their respective tasks and lines of action, and improved their ability to coordinate operations. At the same time, commanders are constantly adjusting and optimizing their combat plans to respond to various scenarios that may arise.

In the process of developing the ambush combat plan, the reconnaissance brigade also paid special attention to concealment and suddenness. They knew that only through covert actions and sudden attacks could they gain an advantage in battle and disrupt the deployment of enemy forces. Therefore, the reconnaissance group adopted a series of covert measures during the operation, such as the use of camouflage uniforms, night vision equipment and radio silence, to reduce the risk of detection.

With the gradual refinement of the combat program, the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade began to enter a combat state. They check their equipment, familiarize themselves with the terrain, adjust their mentality, and prepare for the upcoming battle. While everyone knew that an uphill battle was about to be faced, their eyes were full of determination and determination.

The Vietnamese female soldier was holding a gun and passed by the PLA scouts, but she didn't notice it

At the moment when the battle was about to begin, the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade were well prepared. They know that this battle is not only related to their personal fate, but also related to the development of the entire war situation. They will use their wisdom and courage to contribute their strength to the military operations of the Kunming Military Region.

Although the combat plan of the reconnaissance brigade was full of challenges and uncertainties, their careful planning and careful deployment laid the foundation for the success of the battle. Their actions will be a contest of wisdom and courage, a test of life and death. And this battle will also be one of the most unforgettable experiences in the lives of the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade.

On January 4, 1985, the soldiers of the Second Reconnaissance Brigade of the Kunming Military Region began their operations under the cover of night. On this day, the sky was overcast and dark clouds were thick, which provided a natural cover for the actions of the reconnaissance brigade. The detachments, in accordance with the plan established in advance, secretly advanced to their respective ambush positions.

The reconnaissance detachment set off first, wearing camouflage uniforms, carrying night vision equipment and communications equipment, silently walking through the jungle. Their goal is to penetrate deep behind enemy lines, monitor enemy movements, and provide real-time intelligence support to ambush detachments. During the advance, the soldiers of the reconnaissance detachment showed great concealment and mobility, using the terrain and vegetation as cover to avoid detection by enemy troops.

The ambush detachment followed, carrying weapons and the necessary equipment, quickly and cautiously advancing towards the ambush position along a pre-planned route. After arriving at the ambush position, the soldiers quickly began to set up, using the terrain and vegetation for camouflage, ensuring the concealment of the ambush position. They inspect weapons and equipment, ensuring that they can quickly and accurately hit targets in battle.

Support detachments, equipped with heavy weapons and communications equipment, are on standby in the rear, ready to support the frontline detachments. The soldiers of the support detachment were also kept under tight concealment to avoid being detected by enemy troops.

On January 5, as the morning light gradually brightened, the reconnaissance detachment received information about the movement of enemy troops. According to the reports of the reconnaissance detachment, enemy patrols and changing of the guard were about to enter the ambush area. The soldiers of the ambush detachment immediately went into combat mode, they held their breath, clenched their weapons, and waited for the best time to come.

As the enemy forces gradually approached the ambush position, the commander of the ambush detachment gave the signal to attack. The soldiers opened fire quickly and accurately, hitting enemy patrols and changing guards. In the fierce exchange of fire, the soldiers of the reconnaissance group showed excellent combat skills and teamwork, successfully killing several enemies and capturing several prisoners.

During the battle, the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade always maintained a high degree of vigilance and calmness. They used the terrain and vegetation for cover and avoided being covered by enemy fire. At the same time, they also use night vision equipment and communications equipment to maintain close contact with reconnaissance detachments and support detachments to ensure coordinated and effective combat operations.

The Vietnamese female soldier was holding a gun and passed by the PLA scouts, but she didn't notice it

After the battle, the reconnaissance group quickly withdrew from the ambush position and returned to the base with prisoners and booty. During the evacuation, the soldiers continued to maintain a high level of vigilance to prevent the pursuit and ambush of enemy troops.

The success of this combat operation not only demonstrated the bravery and wisdom of the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade, but also demonstrated their ability to organize and coordinate operations. Through this battle, the reconnaissance brigade successfully captured enemy prisoners, obtained valuable intelligence, and provided strong support for the military operations of the Kunming Military Region.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade knew that this battle was only one link in the whole battle. They will continue to carry out more tasks and contribute their strength to the military operations of the Kunming Military Region. Their actions will be a contest of courage and wisdom, a test of life and death. And this battle will also become one of the most unforgettable experiences in the lives of the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade.

After the end of the combat operation on January 5, 1985, the Second Reconnaissance Brigade of the Kunming Military Region immediately began the post-war summing up work. The success of this battle was due to a number of factors, the most crucial of which were closely observed and organized, carefully drawn up a plan, and comprehensive combat preparations.

First of all, the organization of close observation was the cornerstone of the success of this battle. The reconnaissance detachment of the reconnaissance brigade conducted a long period of observation of the enemy situation and intelligence gathering before the battle. Using advanced reconnaissance equipment and rich experience in actual combat, they conducted an in-depth analysis of the enemy's troop deployment, action patterns, and defensive weaknesses. The work of the reconnaissance detachment not only provided accurate intelligence support for the development of combat plans, but also provided real-time information on the dynamics of enemy forces in the course of the battle, ensuring timely adjustment and effective implementation of combat operations.

Second, careful planning was the key to the success of this battle. On the basis of the information gathered, the commanders of the reconnaissance brigade developed a detailed set of combat plans. This plan includes many aspects such as detachment allocation, task allocation, action routes, and emergency plans. In the process of formulating the plan, the commanders fully considered the strength of the enemy and us, the characteristics of the terrain, the weather conditions, and other factors, and made every effort to ensure that nothing went wrong. In addition, the reconnaissance brigade also conducted a number of simulated drills to continuously optimize the plan and improve combat efficiency.

Finally, comprehensive combat readiness is the guarantee of the success of this battle. Before the battle, the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade were fully prepared for battle. They checked the armament, got acquainted with the combat scheme, adjusted the combat state. In the course of the battle, the soldiers showed a high degree of discipline and execution, acted in strict accordance with the battle plan, and quickly and accurately completed various tasks. In addition, the reconnaissance brigade has strengthened logistical support and medical care to ensure the smooth conduct of combat operations.

Through this post-war summing-up, the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade profoundly realized the importance of strict observation and organization, careful planning, and comprehensive combat preparation in battle. They realized that victory in battle was possible only through careful preparation and careful deployment.

The Vietnamese female soldier was holding a gun and passed by the PLA scouts, but she didn't notice it

At the same time, this post-war summary also exposed some shortcomings. For example, in the course of the battle, some soldiers did not make sufficient use of the terrain, which led to a decrease in the efficiency of their actions; During the evacuation process after the battle, some detachments did not move quickly enough, and there were certain security risks. In response to these problems, the commanders of the reconnaissance brigade conducted serious analysis and discussions, worked out improvement measures to increase the combat capability of the troops.

In short, this post-war summing up is not only a summing up of combat experience, but also an enhancement of the combat effectiveness of the troops. The soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade will take this battle as an opportunity to continuously improve their combat skills and tactical literacy and make greater contributions to the military operations of the Kunming Military Region. Their actions will be a contest of courage and wisdom, a test of life and death. And this battle will also become one of the most valuable treasures in the lives of the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade.

After receiving the order, the Second Reconnaissance Brigade of the Kunming Military Region moved quickly and stationed in Jiangqi Village, which is located in the Zheyin Mountain area. This small, tranquil village, due to its unique location, became an ideal base for reconnaissance brigades to carry out their missions. The first task of the reconnaissance brigade was to open an observation post here to conduct continuous and detailed observation of the activities of the Vietnamese army in the vicinity.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade chose a location with a wide view and seclusion in the village of Jiangquan and began to build an observation post. They took advantage of the local natural topography and skillfully integrated the observation post into the surrounding environment to reduce the risk of detection. The observation post is equipped with high-powered telescopes, night vision equipment, radio communication equipment, and other advanced equipment to ensure the efficient conduct of reconnaissance work.

Immediately after the establishment of the observation post, the reconnaissance brigade began to continuously observe the Vietnamese troops. They paid close attention to the deployment of the Vietnamese troops in Giang Le Village and No. 3 Village, and recorded the distribution of troops, equipment allocation, and daily activities of the Vietnamese army. Scouts take turns on duty to ensure 24-hour uninterrupted surveillance, and no small changes escape their eyes.

With the passage of time, the reconnaissance brigade gradually grasped the law of action of the Vietnamese army through meticulous observation and analysis. They found that there was a certain pattern in the deployment of the Vietnamese army in the villages of Giang Le and No. 3. Vietnamese patrols follow a fixed schedule and the changing of the guard is relatively fixed, which provides the reconnaissance group with information to use. In addition, the Vietnamese army's defensive focus was mainly on the periphery of the village, while the internal vigilance was relatively lax, which may have been a weakness of the Vietnamese army.

Intelligence analysts from the reconnaissance brigade conducted an in-depth analysis of the collected data, they drew a map of the deployment of the Vietnamese army, analyzed the tactical intentions of the Vietnamese army and possible courses of action. The results of these analyses are crucial for the decision-makers of the Kunming Military Region, not only to help the military region understand the actual situation of the enemy forces, but also to support the development of effective tactics.

In the course of reconnaissance, the reconnaissance brigade also paid special attention to the monitoring and analysis of the Vietnamese army's communications. They used radio listening equipment to intercept and analyze the communications of the Vietnamese army, from which they obtained a large amount of valuable information. These communications not only include daily commands and reports from the Vietnamese military, but also sometimes capture tactical deployments and adjustments at the top of the Vietnamese military.

The Vietnamese female soldier was holding a gun and passed by the PLA scouts, but she didn't notice it

The soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade always maintain a high degree of vigilance and concentration when carrying out reconnaissance missions. They know that their work is directly related to the development of the entire war situation, and any small negligence can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, in the process of observation, they constantly optimize their reconnaissance strategies, improve reconnaissance efficiency, and strive to be accurate.

With the deepening of reconnaissance work, the reconnaissance brigade gradually built up a complete intelligence network. They not only set up an observation post in Jiangquan Village, but also deployed reconnaissance points at other key positions, forming a reconnaissance system that covers a wide range of areas and responds quickly. This system is not only able to monitor the movements of the Vietnamese army in real time, but also can quickly respond to various emergencies, providing effective intelligence support for the military operations of the Kunming Military Region.

The reconnaissance deployment of the reconnaissance brigade, although full of challenges and risks, their professional skills and teamwork laid a solid foundation for the success of the battle. Their actions will be a contest of wisdom and courage, a test of life and death. This reconnaissance deployment will also become one of the most valuable experiences in the lives of the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade.

After the Second Reconnaissance Brigade of the Kunming Military Region was stationed in Jiangquan Village and set up an observation post, it quickly began to make preparations for combat. They know that a successful battle requires not only accurate intelligence support, but also an in-depth analysis of the terrain and enemy situation, as well as a well-thought-out battle plan.

First of all, the reconnaissance brigade organized on-the-spot surveys to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the terrain and the enemy's situation. The survey team consisted of experienced scouts who went deep into the surrounding areas of Jiangli Village and No. 3 Village to conduct a detailed survey of the topography, vegetation distribution, and location of water sources. During the survey, the scouts paid special attention to possible ambush sites, enemy patrol routes, and potential hiding spots. Using maps and field comparisons, they recorded every key point, providing important geographic information for subsequent combat deployments.

After an exhaustive survey of the terrain, the reconnaissance group began to analyze the enemy situation. Through a comprehensive analysis of the intelligence gathered at the observation post, they discovered the deployment of the Vietnamese army in the villages of Giang Le and No. 3 and the pattern of their movements. Information such as the enemy's patrol routes, changing of guard times, and the distribution of troops were recorded and analyzed in detail, providing a solid basis for formulating combat plans.

Next, the reconnaissance brigade developed a battle plan for ambush and capture of prisoners. The formulation of the plan is a complex and meticulous process, involving many aspects such as detachment formation, task allocation, selection of action routes, and time coordination. According to the enemy situation and the characteristics of the terrain, the commanders divided the troops into reconnaissance detachments, ambush detachments, and support detachments, each of which had a clear task and goal.

The task of the reconnaissance detachment is to continue to monitor the movements of enemy troops, providing real-time intelligence to ambush detachments. They need to stealthily approach enemy forces, using night vision equipment and radio listening devices to gather information while avoiding detection by enemy forces.

The ambush detachment is the main force of the battle, and their mission is to set up an ambush in the path of the enemy army and capture the enemy prisoners. The ambush detachment needs to choose a suitable ambush point according to the terrain, and use the terrain and vegetation to camouflage it to ensure the concealment and suddenness of the ambush.

In the process of developing a combat plan, the reconnaissance brigade especially emphasized the importance of coordinated operations. Through several simulated exercises, they ensured the coordination and consistency between the various detachments and improved their combat efficiency. At the same time, the commanders also developed contingency plans to deal with various contingencies that may arise.

The final step in combat readiness is to check the armament and carry out combat mobilization. The soldiers carefully inspected and maintained their weapons to ensure maximum effectiveness in combat. At the same time, the reconnaissance brigade also carried out combat mobilization, boosted morale, clarified combat objectives, and ensured that each soldier was clear about his tasks and responsibilities.

Through this series of combat preparations, the Second Reconnaissance Brigade of the Kunming Military Region was fully prepared for the upcoming battle. They knew that the battle would be a severe test of their mettle, wisdom and teamwork skills. And this battle will also become one of the most unforgettable experiences in the lives of the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade.