
Huang Yiming, Shining and Wang Sicong are in the same frame, and there are all kinds of signs that they will stage a love drama

author:Entertainment Bajie


Text/Summer Monsoon

Huang Yiming, Shining and Wang Sicong are in the same frame, and there are all kinds of signs that they will stage a love drama

Huang Yiming, Shining and Wang Sicong are in the same frame, a small family of the old Wang family was born, and the P pictures of netizens are really emotional:

Is it possible? It's really a fool's dream, it's simply impossible.

But then again, what if it was possible? Looking at Huang Yiming's statements about Wang Sicong and Wang Sicong on the Internet during this time, to be honest, it is really possible for them to get back together.

Look at Huang Yiming, Wang Sicong has never been disgusted in the live broadcast, and she has said a lot of good things, and her three strange operations recently make people suspicious:

First: She deleted the first video exposing Wang Sicong, which was what she said Wsc, you are a der.

Second: Second: She didn't put onion clips in her live broadcast anymore.

Third: She deleted most of the videos on her daughter's Douyin about her connection with Wang Sicong.

Why did Huang Yiming do this? Could it be that she reconciled with Wang Sicong in private? Is it really like what many netizens said?

If Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong are really the perfect ending, then the script written by the author later will surprise more netizens.

If you continue to look down, it may really move you to tears......

Huang Yiming, Shining and Wang Sicong are in the same frame, and there are all kinds of signs that they will stage a love drama

"Hello, I'm Wang Sicong." Voices both familiar and unfamiliar.

Huang Yiming was also stunned when she answered the call, she felt that it was unlikely to be him, so she confirmed again: "Who are you?" ”

"I am Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong who has been teased by you." I could see that the other party was a little unhappy, and the tone of his voice was also a little impatient.

"Didn't you block me? Why should you contact me? Huang Yiming was a little puzzled.

"Don't talk nonsense, I want to come to Anqing to find you, and by the way, I will give you the milk powder money."

"No, the money I make from live streaming is enough, I don't need your money, besides, didn't you say you had no money before, and said that you would have to wait until next year." Huang Yiming replied to him a little angrily.

"I thought about it, I want to marry you, and now I don't want to play, that's what I mean, and that's what the old man meant, so I have to come." This time, Wang Sicong's tone of speech was really sincere.

Huang Yiming laughed and replied to him: "Is it possible?" How many women have you deceived now, should you be tired of being lazy again and looking for an Internet celebrity again? ”

"Don't sour me, the phone is not clear, wait for me to come to you, unless you don't want to marry me."

Huang Yiming was silent, she didn't reply to him, and she didn't hang up the phone, she felt too impossible, the marriage she had dreamed of, it was he who spoke first, she felt too incredible.

It was Wang Sicong who broke the silence, he said that he was serious, not joking, unless you really didn't want to.

Huang Yiming became more and more nervous, she began to beat faster, and she didn't know what to say to him, but she finally calmed down, she said that she had to think about it, and then hung up the phone.

That night, Huang Yiming tossed and turned, sleepless all night, and she really couldn't understand Wang Sicong's thoughts......

The next day, Wang Sicong called again, and he said that if it is inconvenient to meet in Anqing, then go to Shanghai, and talk about it at my house in Shanghai CapitaLand Maoming Mansion.

I don't know what's going on, Huang Yiming actually agreed to his request, maybe she wants to know what Wang Sicong's intentions are.

As he said, Wang Sicong immediately booked a ticket to Shanghai, and Huang Yiming also booked two tickets, from Anqing to Shanghai, she brought her daughter with her.

After all, he is a public figure, Wang Sicong is particularly sensitive and was captured, and he quickly called a taxi to his mansion after arriving at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport.

And Huang Yiming was a little arrogant, and called an online taxi to arrive at CapitaLand Maoming Mansion.

Huang Yiming, Shining and Wang Sicong are in the same frame, and there are all kinds of signs that they will stage a love drama

In fact, Wang Sicong had already seen her coming, but he didn't dare to go down to pick up her mother and daughter, still afraid that people with bad intentions would secretly photograph him.

When two people meet, it's like being a thief, it's really funny, there's no way, it's normal for a tree to make a big splash.

Wang Sicong opened the door, he finally saw Huang Yiming, and it was the first time he saw his daughter Shanshan.

They walked into the spacious living room together, it was the first time for Huang Yiming to see such a large living room, and she felt a little restrained.

After all, it is a man, Wang Sicong began to speak bluntly, he said that he didn't want to fool around outside, it felt really boring, these women were all for his money.

"I also want your money, so why do you want to marry me?" Huang Yiming was a little unconvinced.

"Actually, I know you love me, otherwise you would have been criticizing me on the Internet, as evidenced by your deletion of the first video that broke the news about me." Wang Sicong told the story, he said: "You broke the news about me this time, saying that Shining is mine, and my father was very angry when he found out about this, and asked me to rush back from Japan with a commanding tone." ”

Wang Sicong said that it was the first time he had seen the old man get so angry, and he had never seen it before, so he had no choice but to rush back.

After returning to Beijing, Wang Sicong was scolded by the old man again, take a look at the comments of netizens, Lao Wang has become a hot search because of his granddaughter's flash, and has become a big Internet celebrity, so it's no wonder that the old man is not angry.

Wang Sicong told Huang Yiming everything he saw and heard during his time back, and it can be seen that he has learned a lot of lessons when he comes back this time.

His father told him about the current domestic real estate market, especially many people who lost their houses due to the interruption of supply, and the difficulties of life can be imagined.

Wanda is now selling and selling to pay off debts, which is not easy, Wang Sicong is really ashamed to listen to his father's words.

When I think that I am spending a lot of time drinking outside, while my parents are struggling to get out of Wanda's predicament, as long as I know a little conscience, I will not be indifferent.

Huang Yiming listened to him quietly, and suddenly felt that he had changed so much, and he didn't look like a playboy at all, she was really a little surprised and a little moved.

"Why did you come back to me? You keep asking me to marry you, why? Please be clear. Huang Yiming was still a little puzzled.

"The famous English Renaissance philosopher Francis Bacon once said that his wife was the lover of her youth, her companion in middle age, and the guardian of her twilight years, so I thought I had to change my ways, and I couldn't play like this." Wang Sicong said his truest thoughts.

"What if I don't say yes?" Huang Yiming deliberately teased him.

Wang Sicong said unhurriedly: "We have our daughter Shanshan, you dare not refuse, and you can't refuse." ”

Huang Yiming lowered her head embarrassedly, perhaps her mind had already been seen through by Wang Sicong.

Huang Yiming, Shining and Wang Sicong are in the same frame, and there are all kinds of signs that they will stage a love drama

Wang Sicong continued to elaborate his views, saying that he felt too much warmth and coldness in the world when he came back this time, and also saw a lot of future business opportunities.

During this time, Huang Yiming has been rubbing traffic, which is the business opportunities brought to him by Wang Sicong's popularity, she must have attracted a lot of money during this time, and Wang Sicong also saw such a way to make money.

During this time when Wang Sicong came back, he carefully studied the advantages and disadvantages of major e-commerce companies in the mainland, and he found that live streaming is the biggest way to sell now, and he wants to set up a platform independently to specialize in live broadcasting, just like Douyin.

He told Huang Yiming that the biggest problem with live streaming is that many merchants don't pay much attention to quality and blindly roll up, which is not right.

If he sets up a platform for live broadcasting, he will definitely put quality first, so that merchants and platforms can make money, instead of pressing each other's prices to survive like the current platforms.

Huang Yiming listened to him quietly, and she didn't even know that her daughter was asleep......

She really couldn't understand why Wang Sicong had changed so much, she only knew that he could play before, and he was not interested in business, but now he can be so interested in business, what is going on with him?

Don't say that Huang Yiming doesn't understand, even if netizens analyze and discuss, they can't say why.

Huang Yiming, Shining and Wang Sicong are in the same frame, and there are all kinds of signs that they will stage a love drama

It seems that Wang Sicong is definitely not a playboy, he has his business insight, otherwise he would not be able to analyze the weakness of major e-commerce.

He said that his future goal is to set up a live streaming platform, highly integrate Dong Wenhui's business and culture, and achieve a business model of "good quality and low price" instead of "good quality and low price", so that it is the most perfect Chinese business.

It seems that Wang Sicong has really changed, and Huang Yiming can't even recognize him, she feels that Wang Sicong in front of her is not like Wang Sicong, but a rising business giant.

Maybe it was Lao Wang's scolding that woke up Wang Sicong, or maybe it was Huang Yiming's live broadcast that made him see huge business opportunities.

Maybe Wang Sicong saw the value of his traffic, which made him understand that he could make full use of his popularity to obtain a lot of wealth.

Or maybe it was the crumbling Wanda that made Wang Sicong feel alive as an example, making him re-examine his own handling......

All in all, he has become more and more clear, and he has seen more and more clearly about society and family, and he really wants to change his ways and become a new person.

Wang Sicong used to talk about the scene before he went to study in the UK, he said that his father personally saw him off at the airport and left him a sentence: revitalize China.

Many people laughed, but Wang Sicong didn't laugh, maybe everyone is doubting that he can't do it at all, will a man who spends all day drinking outside and messing around with Internet celebrities consider revitalizing China?

People are doing it, the sky is watching, maybe Wang Sicong can really change himself, after all, the times are different, after all, this time Huang Yiming ran with the ball to let him re-examine himself, after all, Lao Wang's scolding made him suddenly sober.

It seems that Wang Sicong really wants everyone to see the new Wang Sicong, if his live streaming platform can really make great changes in China's business ecology, then he is the cutest person of China's rich second generation.

Of course, when Wang Sicong comes back this time, if he can really renew his relationship with Huang Yiming and tie the knot, then this is the most shocking love drama in China, which is not an exaggeration at all.

Can Huang Yiming really get his wish? Let's wait and see, but the author personally thinks that everything is possible, after all, they have a daughter Shining, which is the best bond for them to get back together.
