
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring

author:Good upwards
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring
The circle of friends posted by my cousin-in-law, my stomach hurts with laughter, it's so funny, it's really talented, it's worth admiring

Li Yuesheng's "laughing" talk about life

In Shanghai during the Republic of China, behind the bustling ten-mile foreign field, there was a soul full of laughter and whimsy - Li Yuesheng. He is not a business tycoon or a political celebrity, but in his own unique way, he has made a mark on the metropolis of Shanghai.

Li Yuesheng was born in an ordinary family, but he showed a distinctive sense of humor and intelligence from an early age. Whenever the family was in trouble or bored, he always came up with some funny ideas that made the whole family laugh out loud. As he grew older, this talent became more prominent, and he also became famous in his circle of friends for various interesting things.

One day, Li Yuesheng met a few friends in a teahouse. They got together and talked about all the new things in Shanghai. One of my friends mentioned the recent popularity of "joke contests", saying that it was a joke published in the newspaper, and whoever had the funniest story would win a big prize. Li Yuesheng's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he felt that he was an excellent candidate for this kind of competition.

After returning home, Li Yuesheng began to meditate on the idea of creating a joke that was both funny and unique. He lay on his bed, tossing and turning his thoughts, scenes and conversations flashing through his mind. Finally, in the middle of the night, he was inspired to create a joke that would make people laugh.

The next day, Li Yuesheng came to the newspaper office with his jokes. The editors looked at his joke and nodded in praise, saying it was one of the funniest jokes they'd ever seen. As a result, the joke was quickly published in the newspapers and caused a sensation. People circulated the newspaper and laughed one after another.

Li Yuesheng became an overnight fame, and his name and jokes spread throughout Shanghai. His friends were proud and proud of him and came to congratulate him. And Li Yuesheng also felt very happy and satisfied, he felt that he had finally found his own stage.

However, after becoming famous, Li Yuesheng did not stop. He continues to create all kinds of funny jokes and stories that continue to bring joy to people. His jokes spread not only in Shanghai but throughout the country. Many people have come to know the name Li Yuesheng because of his jokes.

One night, Li Yuesheng was invited to a grand banquet. The banquet gathered celebrities and businessmen from all walks of life in Shanghai. They sat around and talked and laughed. However, halfway through the banquet, the atmosphere suddenly became a little dreary. Everyone felt a little bored and embarrassed, and didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Li Yuesheng stood up. He cleared his throat and began to tell a joke he had just created. The joke was so funny and vivid that everyone present couldn't help but burst out laughing. The atmosphere of the banquet instantly became lively, and everyone was immersed in laughter and happiness.

Since then, Li Yuesheng has become a "laughing star" in Shanghai. Not only did he publish jokes in newspapers, but he also often performed his humorous talents on various occasions. His performances have always elicited enthusiastic responses and applause from the audience. People say that as long as there is a place where Li Yuesheng is, there will be laughter and happiness.

However, Li Yuesheng was not complacent because of this. He has always maintained a humble and low-key attitude, constantly learning and improving. He understands that his success is inseparable from the support and affection of his audience, so he always does his best to repay them.

One night, Li Yuesheng met an old friend on his way home. This old friend used to be a comedian but gave up acting for various reasons. Seeing that Li Yuesheng is so successful and popular now, he can't help but feel a little envious and lost. He asked Li Yuesheng, "How did you do it?" Why have you been able to maintain this sense of humor and creativity? ”

Li Yuesheng smiled and replied, "Actually, there is no secret to speak of. I'm just magnifying the seemingly ordinary but interesting things in life so that people can see the fun and beauty in them. At the same time, I have always maintained a heart that loves life and pursues my dreams. ”

The old friend nodded in realization. He understood the reason why Li Yuesheng was able to succeed - that is, his love for life and the pursuit of his dreams.

In this way, with his humorous talent and unremitting efforts, Li Yuesheng left a legendary "laughing" life in Shanghai. His story has also been passed on by word of mouth, and has become a beautiful scenery in Shanghai during the Republic of China.