
He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

author:Tsing shirt scholar
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the details may be polished, please read it sensibly, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

He is an unknown little supporting role, but he can make many "old actors" praise him wildly.

He is a national second-class actor, debuted for 29 years, and has filmed nearly 30 film and television works conscientiously.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

He is low-key, not for fame all his life, just to be able to be a good actor.

He is the "Best Supporting Actor" - Jiang Baixuan.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

However, he not only pursues the ultimate in his acting career, but is also very stubborn about his feelings.

He once married a "single mother" despite his parents' objections, and sought medical treatment for his wife's illness.

Now 56-year-old Jiang Baixuan has finally become popular and is heading towards the peak of her life.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

01. Small people can also make big achievements.

In 1967, Jiang Baixuan was born in the "big city" Shanghai, but his family is not a "rich family", but an ordinary person.

And due to their parents' work, they moved out of Shanghai and came to live in Wuhan, Hubei.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

When Jiang Baixuan was a child, his ideal was not to be an actor, but a hot-blooded teenager with a "football dream" in his heart.

He was almost obsessed with football, and basically ran to the pitch to kick it twice as soon as it was time for recess.

At that time, his greatest wish was to be on the varsity team, but he was "shut down" because of his short stature.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

And he didn't give up because of this, in order to make the school coach recognize him, he even began to practice wild ball.

His shoes are kicked and broken every 1 month, so he is often scolded by his mother.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

In the end, the coach saw his perseverance and gave him a place on the school bench, which made Jiang Baixuan very happy.

But in the end, he still did not embark on the path of career, but started "art" by mistake.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

After graduating from middle school, he was admitted to Hubei Art School, and since then he has started his career as an actor.

Jiang Baixuan studied as a drama actor, and since he had never been exposed to acting before, he had a slow start.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

But it is precisely this little bit of learning that makes his basic skills very solid, he is not talented in acting, but he works hard.

In the past few years in college, Jiang Baixuan devoted himself to acting, others practiced once, he practiced three times, and finally after graduation, he was favored by the Hubei Repertory Theatre and picked him away.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

Due to his good foundation, he quickly adapted to the rhythm of the theater and stepped on the stage early.

thought he would do this for the rest of his life, but unexpectedly, an opportunity found his head.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

In 1995, a war film "The Decisive Battle in Northern Jiangsu" went to the Hubei Drama Theater to recruit people, and the director took a fancy to the decent Jiang Baixuan at a glance, so he sent him an invitation.

But after all, interlacing is like a mountain, although they are both performances, but the difference between drama and acting on TV is very far, after Jiang Baixuan's long ideological struggle, he decided to give it a try.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

In the end, he got the position of "Deputy Minister of National Defense", although it was only a supporting role, but the importance of the play was also an "indispensable" role.

And in order to shoot the best results, he began to train day and night.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

Fortunately, the hard work paid off, and with his efforts, the first work was very successful, and although his role was not many shots, it was still loved by the audience.

After that, Jiang Baixuan embarked on the road of the film and television industry.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

But his career did not go well, and from 1995 to 2003, he only acted in five productions, and all of them were supporting roles.

In the most difficult times, it is even difficult to maintain life, but he has a characteristic, that is, he is stubborn and does not give up.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

It wasn't until after 03 that his work slowly improved and got on the right track.

Although Jiang Baixuan plays most supporting roles in film and television dramas, his excellent acting skills are still not inferior to the protagonist, so many big-name stars have praised him.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

Even he once said: "I am not a star but an actor, and if passers-by recognize him and say which drama he is the role of, it will be his success."

It is precisely because of this spirit that he has filmed many classic works, such as "Brave Heart", "Rebirth", "Heart Like Iron" and so on....

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

In 2023, a TV series called "Lady's Character" will be released, which will make Jiang Baixuan popular again, and Jiang Hongkai played by him is simply a "scumbag".

And this year, a crime blockbuster called "One Thought" will be released, and Jiang Baixuan plays a criminal police captain in the play, which is very worth looking forward to.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

However, not only does his film and television road go through twists and turns, but even his emotional road is not smooth.


Jiang Baixuan's first first love happened when he was a student, but because he was too obsessed with acting and often neglected to take care of his girlfriend, after graduation, the two chose to break up due to work.

However, at this time, his current wife Cai Wen appeared, and the two had actually known each other through commercials and film and television dramas, and their relationship after that was like friends.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

After Jiang Baixuan broke up, he was very sad, so Cai Wen kept comforting him, and over time, the two rubbed a spark of love, and sure enough, "there is no pure friendship between men and women"!

And after making friends, Jiang Baixuan also learned that Cai Wen, who was one year younger than herself, was actually a divorced mother with a baby.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

But he didn't dislike the shortage, and even decided to be with Cai Wen, which made Cai Wen very moved.

The two soon lived together, but Cai Wen was very inferior at first, and she thought that Jiang Baixuan was suitable for just the right person.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

But Jiang Baixuan doesn't think so, as the saying goes, "in the eyes of a lover", he made a good example.

He not only thinks that Cai Wen is an ambiguous woman, but also thinks that it is very happy to have children.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

In the end, in order to give Cai Wen a "sense of security" and a complete family, he decided to get married.

In 1998, the two entered the palace of marriage, and Jiang Baixuan's parents were strongly opposed at first, but in the end they did not reverse his stubbornness.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

The relationship between the two after marriage was very stable, and when the "SARS" broke out in 2003, Jiang Baixuan was trapped in Beijing.

This made Cai Wen very worried about him, so regardless of his own safety, he got on a plane and went to Beijing, and rushed to her husband's residence, which moved Jiang Baixuan, and he immediately thought that taking Cai Wen was the happiest thing in his life.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

Later, Cai Wen gave birth to a daughter for Jiang Baixuan at the age of 38.

In 2023, Jiang Baixuan's wife suddenly fell ill, and Jiang Baixuan stopped all the work she was doing and took her wife to seek medical treatment everywhere.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

even sent an inquiry to netizens on social platforms, hoping that netizens would give a hospital with better treatment.

I have to say that the relationship between the two is simply enviable.

He is a famous actor who married a single mother for 26 years despite his family's opposition and became popular at the age of 55

To this day, the relationship between the two is still very stable, Jiang Baixuan is not only very successful in her career, but also has a happy family.

Information sources:

1. Baidu Encyclopedia - Jiang Baixuan

2. Chutian Metropolis Daily - Photo: Happiness Protagonist (Jiang Baixuan Cai Wen) - 2012-02-23

3. Douyin - Jiang Baixuan's personal social media