
Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

author:Silly jelly


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It is said that Jia Mu, who was born in a Jinling historian, can be described as an amazing character.

In this Rongguo Mansion, she is not only the solid backing of the mansion, but also the master of the family strategy.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

Her wisdom and skill are particularly outstanding in dealing with various trivial matters inside and outside the house, especially in dealing with the issue of concubines at home, and her political wisdom and interpersonal talents are vividly displayed.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

This Jia mother, born in the famous Jinling historian, has received top-notch education and training since she was a child, which has laid a solid foundation for her intelligence and scheming methods in the future.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

Speaking of her husband Jia Daishan, he is a suave and talented man, however, even so, it has not shaken Jia's mother's control over the family.

In the Rongguo Mansion, Jia Mu's status in the main room is well maintained, and her strategy is really wonderful.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

Don't look at her appearance as amiable to the concubines, but in fact she is strictly controlled, never allowing them the opportunity to threaten her power.

This technique not only brought the family in harmony as before, but also skillfully resolved countless potential family disputes.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

Despite Jia's strict policies, she has never been stingy with the living needs of her concubines.

It is a deliberate way of control, meeting their basic needs in exchange for loyalty, while keeping the family's power structure unshakable through subtle management.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

This not only reflects Jia's mother's wisdom, but also shows her great consideration for the future of the family.

Looking at the overall situation, Jia Mu's every move reflects her deep insight into the game of thrones and her superb control ability.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

In the context of an era that required rigorous strategy and wisdom, her strategy and actions undoubtedly provided a strong guarantee for the stability and prosperity of Rongguofu.

Jia's mother, with her foresight and careful planning, has gradually consolidated her power and position in Jiafu and its intricate family system.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

Her policies are not only aimed at maintaining internal order, but also touching on the future of the family and an important strategy for expanding political alliances.

She calculated every step of her actions just right, and even the marriage of the daughter of Najia Daishan was arranged properly by her.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

This is not only for the sake of the family's interests, but also to further strengthen the social status and influence of the Jia family through political marriage.

Under Jia's mother's ingenious arrangement, although those concubines became pawns in the political alliance, these marriages greatly enhanced the political capital of Jiafu.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

Through these marital alliances, she closely connected Jiafu with other powerful families, a strategy that sacrificed the personal happiness of the concubines but effectively enhanced the overall strength of the family.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

And for the management of the concubines? Jia Mu is more strict.

Not only did she limit their social circles to ensure that they could not pose a threat to the core power of Jiafu, but she even controlled their fertility precisely to protect the authority and status of the housewives.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

Although these measures may seem ruthless, they are effective in maintaining the stability of the family's power.

In the daily life of Jiafu, the status of those concubines is really low, their lives are full of humiliation and helplessness, and there is almost no power to change their tragic fate.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

This status quo profoundly exposes the cruel oppression of women and the serious restrictions on individual freedom in feudal society.

In this strict family structure, the fate of every woman seems to be predetermined, whether it is the high-ranking Jia mother or the lowly concubines, their lives are deeply bound and affected by feudal etiquette and family interests.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

This kind of wanton manipulation and manipulation of women's fate is undoubtedly one of the ugly social phenomena criticized in "Dream of Red Mansions".

Although Jia's mother behavior shows her ingenuity and superb strategy, it also deeply reflects the social structure of the era and the ruthless constraints on women.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

In this environment like Rongguofu, everyone's roles and fates are precisely and rigorously defined and divided.

Is Jia's mother good to Jia Daishan's concubine? The answer is very cruel, her means of cleaning up the concubine are even better than Sister Feng

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