
They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!



The space is surging, and the director's words stir up a thousand waves

Every day on this planet, when we look up at the boundless universe, we are inevitably a little curious and yearning in our hearts.

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

And the great powers on the earth are chasing after each other to turn this yearning into practical action, trying to leave a strong mark on the historical picture of space exploration.

No, Mr. Bill Nelson, the head of NASA recently, is like throwing a super big float on the surface of a calm space exploration lake, and the ripples that stir up are rippling in circles, and people can't help but want to say: "Oh, this wave of operation is not simple!" ”

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

The director said, the moon tournament warmed up?

When Mr. Nelson opened his mouth, it was a loud voice: "American astronauts, this time we not only have to return to the moon, but also one step faster than China!" ”

As soon as these words came out, the villagers of the global village pricked up their ears, some nodded in praise, some frowned, and some began to turn up the history books, wanting to see whether this was full of confidence or bluff.

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

Apollo, the space feast of half a century ago

It is said that in the midsummer of 1969, when the footprints of "Apollo 11" gently stepped on the floury surface of the moon, the entire global village was boiling.

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

This is not an ordinary summer pastime, but a "big event" in human history - Armstrong's sentence "This is just a small step for individuals, but a big leap for mankind" is simply more shocking than the lines of any Hollywood blockbuster, and people can't help but wonder, who is the director of this script?

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!
They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

But you know what? At the same time that all mankind was cheering, there was also a group of people, holding popcorn in their hands, but their eyes were like copper bells, and they muttered in their hearts: "Wait, is the speed of scientific and technological progress faster than the electric car of the takeaway brother?" ”

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

That's right, the Apollo program has had its own aura of controversy since the day it was born, which makes people scratch their heads while admiring it.

Imagine that it was the sixties of the last century, the TV was still black and white, the mobile phone?

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

Sorry, that thing wasn't born yet! And the Americans announced: "We're going to the moon!" This news can be on the top of the hot search list now, let alone at that time.

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

As a result, all kinds of conjectures, doubts, and even conspiracy theories, like mosquitoes in summer, buzzed around the Apollo program.

Someone asked: "Is this video of jumping on the moon really not filmed in a Hollywood special effects studio?"

You must know that the level of special effects in science fiction films at that time was not low! ”

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

Someone else pulled out a photo of the moon, pointed to the shadows, and said, "Hey, this trick of light and shadow seems to be a little wrong!" What's more, he directly moved out of the alien theory: "Perhaps, it was the help of our alien friends who made us humans one step ahead in the space race!" ”

Of course, although these doubts are lively, NASA has not had time to respond to them one by one.

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

They were busy planning the next step of interstellar travel, and they may still be snickering in their hearts: "This free publicity, the effect is very good!" ”

Having said that, no matter what the outside world says, the Apollo program is a brave attempt by mankind to explore the unknown.

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

It not only proves the wisdom and courage of human beings, but also makes the word "impossible" gradually lose its original weight in the dictionary of space exploration.

As for those doubts, perhaps only time, or when the moon resort opens in the future, can solve the mystery for us one by one! After all, if the WiFi signal on the moon is good, who is afraid of not finding the truth?

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

China's space dream, a steady latecomer

Speaking of which, we have to mention China's space exploration journey.

From the "Shenzhou" series of manned spacecraft to the "Chang'e" to the moon, every step has been steady and firm, as if to say: "Slow work produces meticulous work, and the good show is ahead."

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

Every progress in China's aerospace industry is like telling the world: "Space Exploration Club, we are also a member of the weight!" ”

Xiao Jiujiu behind the director, guess what?

Was Mr. Nelson's bold remarks true or did he have other plans?

Some people guess that this is the United States cheering itself up in the space race, after all, who doesn't want to be the leader?

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

Some people also muttered that this may be a message to the old men in Congress: "Look, we have to increase our investment, otherwise how can we keep the position of space boss?" However, having said that, does such a "shouting" also reveal a hint of "stressful mountain"?

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

Apollo suspicions, truth or mystery?

The director's speech inadvertently made the authenticity of the Apollo program a hot topic.

Although Chinese scientists have not found ironclad evidence, those small doubts are like craters on the surface of the moon, which leads people to reverie.

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

Moon rocks, photos, astronaut stories, every detail is examined with a magnifying glass, and people can't help but ask: "Behind this, is there really no 'dress rehearsal'?" ”

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

Global audiences, each with their own script

In the face of this "moon trailer", the reaction of the international community is also varied.

Some friends applauded, thinking that this was a manifestation of the ambition of the United States; Some people frowned and shook their heads, feeling that this smell of gunpowder did not quite fit the main theme of peaceful space exploration.

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

Space exploration, can we have a good time?

After all, exploring the universe is such a lofty thing, can we have more fun, less confrontation, and more cooperation? After all, the sea of stars is so big, how can a person and a country be enough to explore? The big guys are hand in hand, marching towards the unknown together, and that picture is beautiful when you think about it.

They admit to fraud? The head of the US Aerospace Administration suddenly made a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

Conclusion: On the road to space, look forward to more "handshakes"

Director Nelson's words, regardless of their original intentions, undoubtedly drew a new course in space.

Whatever the true face of the Apollo program, it is a testimony to humanity's courageous exploration.

In the days to come, I hope that all countries can have more sincere exchanges and less meaningless competition on the journey of space exploration, so that our space dreams can fly higher and farther.

After all, exploring the vast galaxy, the common home of mankind, should be both exciting and heartwarming, right?

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