
Folk tale: The pawnshop guy went to the green house, and made jokes with his solid eyes, but he earned a daughter-in-law and an official position

author:Sports billion u one oh i

Folk tale: The pawnshop guy went to the green house, and made jokes with his solid eyes, but he earned a daughter-in-law and an official position

"Pawnshop Guy Pawn County Order: Life's Unexpected Gain"

During the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Abao, a countryman, unexpectedly stepped on the pinnacle of his life - from an ordinary pawnshop guy to a county magistrate! It seems like an absurd joke, but it really happened to this person. He relied not on power or illustrious birth, but on an unexpected encounter and his own simple personality.

Zhang Abao was originally an unpretentious countryman who went to the city to join his cousin to get a job as a pawnshop man. Although the job pays well, his life is still uneventful. Until one day, he began to indulge himself and began to visit the Qinglou. This was an unexpected move, but it became the key to a turning point in his life.

In the Qinglou, Zhang Abao met a girl named Guixiang. Guixiang was born in a green house, but she is not the same as an ordinary green house woman. She is kind and simple, and she is also very sincere to Zhang Abao. In this way, an unexpected fate brought these two people together, and Guixiang offered to marry Zhang Abao.

Although Zhang Abao complied with Guixiang's proposal, he felt that he was not capable of redeeming Guixiang. Unexpectedly, Guixiang took the initiative to express her willingness to live on an equal footing with him and no longer be a Qinglou woman. So, it is unbelievable that a woman in a green house actually married an ordinary pawnshop guy.

But it doesn't end there. Guixiang is not satisfied with being an ordinary wife, she is determined to get a job for her husband. Relying on her relationship with being an old mother in the Daotai family for many years, she arranged a position as a county magistrate for Zhang Abao. An ordinary pawnshop guy was promoted to a county magistrate through his wife's relationship, which is really a fantasy story.

Folk tale: The pawnshop guy went to the green house, and made jokes with his solid eyes, but he earned a daughter-in-law and an official position

When Zhang Abao really became a county magistrate, everyone around him was surprised. How could this man, who used to be just a pawnshop guy, sit in this position? But in the ridicule and disdain of everyone, Zhang Abao still maintained his true colors and won the trust of the Taoist platform with his honest and kind character.

Zhang Abao's story tells us that life's circumstances are sometimes unpredictable. An ordinary countryman, through an unexpected encounter, actually got an unexpected harvest. This kind of life encounter is undoubtedly breathtaking.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Zhang Abao's experience is just a joke. A pawnshop guy can become a county magistrate, and a Qinglou woman can become an official's wife, which is too bizarre in reality. But it is this incredible encounter that makes Zhang Abao's story a rare legend.

This story tells us that the trajectory of life is not always smooth sailing, and it is often full of accidents and surprises. We should not be quick to assert a person's future, because even the most ordinary people may experience some unexpected events.

Zhang Abao's story also shows us that even an ordinary person, as long as he has a kind and honest character, he can still receive God's favor. In this world, not all success depends on power and money, and sometimes just a kind heart is enough to start a new chapter in life.

Folk tale: The pawnshop guy went to the green house, and made jokes with his solid eyes, but he earned a daughter-in-law and an official position

Overall, Zhang Abao's story is undoubtedly an inspiring and inspirational one. It tells us that even an ordinary person can encounter miracles in life. As long as we maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and believe in ourselves, we may be able to find unexpected gains in life in the coincidence of fate like Zhang Abao.

Zhang Abao's transformation from an ordinary pawnshop guy to a county magistrate is certainly staggering. But what is even more remarkable is that he has won the trust of his boss with his kindness and honesty, and he has also made considerable achievements in officialdom.

As a countryman from an ordinary background, Zhang Abao has not only achieved success in the workplace, but also gained happiness in family life. His wife Guixiang, although she was born in a Qinglou, has a kind and innocent heart. She is not only willing to get rid of her past identity and become a virtuous and virtuous woman from a good family, but also takes the initiative to seek a career for her husband, and finally helps him become a county magistrate.

This kind of ordinary man has achieved his own life legend through an unexpected encounter, which makes people sigh at the magic of fate. Many people may think that such a story is nothing more than an absurd joke. But it is this kind of ups and downs and unexpected life experiences that make Zhang Abao's story particularly fascinating.

It is not difficult for us to imagine that when Zhang Abao became the county magistrate, the people around him were all surprised and questioned about him. After all, how can a person who is nothing more than a pawnshop guy achieve such an achievement in officialdom with his own ability? But it is in this kind of questioning and ridicule that Zhang Abao still maintains his true colors, wins the trust of his superiors with his honest and kind character, and gradually grows up in the officialdom.

Folk tale: The pawnshop guy went to the green house, and made jokes with his solid eyes, but he earned a daughter-in-law and an official position

This kind of story of an ordinary background but eventually a career is undoubtedly a great inspiration. It tells us that life is not all smooth sailing, full of accidents and surprises. Even if he is an ordinary individual, as long as he has a kind and honest character, he still has the opportunity to obtain unexpected gains in the choice of fate.

We should not be quick to assert a person's future, because even the most ordinary people may experience some unexpected events. Zhang Abao's story is a best footnote, which reminds us to stay positive and optimistic, and believe in ourselves, because opportunities always favor those who have faith and courage.

When Zhang Abao jumped from an ordinary pawnshop guy to a county magistrate, it undoubtedly aroused the attention and discussion of all walks of life. But he did not become complacent because of this, but continued to maintain his true colors, and won the respect and trust of his boss with his honest and kind character. This is his most valuable asset and the key to his ultimate success.

In fact, Zhang Abao's story not only teaches us a vivid life lesson, but also sets a model for us to learn from. It tells us that even the most ordinary people, as long as they maintain a kind and honest character, can still reap unexpected miracles in life under the favor of fate.

This kind of story of an ordinary background but eventually a career is undoubtedly a great inspiration and inspiration. It makes us understand that even the most ordinary people can get unexpected rewards in fateful choices. As long as we maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and believe in ourselves, we will definitely be able to find our own wonderful life on the road of life full of accidents and surprises.