
A new face has been added to the expert circle! Another expert on nonsense appeared on the stage and detonated public opinion!

author:The last batch of post-80s

Starting today, another expert known as Zhu Min has emerged, as if at the Davos forum, saying that China has become one of the high-income countries. This claim is like a pebble thrown into a pond and stirred up a thousand waves. But the question is, is this high-income country really thriving, or is it just a numbers game?

A new face has been added to the expert circle! Another expert on nonsense appeared on the stage and detonated public opinion!

High-income countries, the label sounds powerful, and the $13,000 per capita GDP threshold also sounds bullish. However, from the eyes of ordinary people, these things seem to have nothing to do with their lives. They are concerned about whether they are hungry and whether they have enough money in their pockets, and how can these GDP figures directly affect their quality of life?

A new face has been added to the expert circle! Another expert on nonsense appeared on the stage and detonated public opinion!

Experts are obsessed with GDP growth, ignoring the plight of the people. Doesn't this sense of fragmentation show that our development is not even enough? How exactly should a country define wealth? Is it just a matter of cold numbers?

In my opinion, economic prosperity should not only be based on GDP figures, but also on people's happiness and quality of life. What is the point of such so-called prosperity if a country's economic growth does not lead to the general well-being of the population at large?

A new face has been added to the expert circle! Another expert on nonsense appeared on the stage and detonated public opinion!

Looking back at history, can we learn any lessons from it? The ancients said: "It is up to people to plan things, and it is up to heaven to make things happen." This proverb tells us that the prosperity of a country does not only depend on the growth of macroeconomic data, but more importantly, it should focus on the reality of people's lives.

A new face has been added to the expert circle! Another expert on nonsense appeared on the stage and detonated public opinion!

Perhaps we need to reflect on the fact that a truly wealthy country should be one where everyone can live a dignified and quality life, not just a high digital income. How to make the fruits of economic development more equitable benefit every ordinary person is the direction we need to think deeply and work towards.

A new face has been added to the expert circle! Another expert on nonsense appeared on the stage and detonated public opinion!

So, when we hear a so-called expert claim that the country is in the ranks of high-income countries, we might as well stop and think about what this really means for every ordinary person. Is this development really making people's lives better? Or is it just a flashy numbers game that obscures the problems and inequalities of reality?

A new face has been added to the expert circle! Another expert on nonsense appeared on the stage and detonated public opinion!

Finally, how should we define a truly prosperous country? This question may not be answered by experts alone. Each of us should put people's livelihood first, think with our hearts, and change with actions. This is the direction of true happiness and prosperity that we are all pursuing.