
In the summer, the pool is out of the water hibiscus

author:Inspirational Sharing (with chicken legs)
In the summer, the pool is out of the water hibiscus
In the summer, the pool is out of the water hibiscus
In the summer, the pool is out of the water hibiscus
In the summer, the pool is out of the water hibiscus

One sunny day, I came to the pool alone. Dressed in a pink swimsuit, I was like a fluttering butterfly, reflecting a beautiful reflection on the clear water. I sat elegantly on the edge of the pool, gently holding my hair with my hands and letting the breeze blow on my cheeks, enjoying the beauty and tranquility of the moment.

The water in the pool shimmered and reflected my smiling face. I closed my eyes and felt the coolness and softness of the water, as if I was in a dreamlike world. My body swayed gently with the waves, and every inch of my skin became extremely sensitive and happy at this moment.

Suddenly, a small voice came that shattered the silence. I opened my eyes and saw a handsome man standing beside me. He was tall and straight in black swimming trunks, and his eyes revealed a sense of confidence and charm. His appearance makes the whole scene even more fascinating.

He greeted me with a smile and asked if I needed help. I smiled and nodded. He offered to teach me how to swim. Under his patient guidance, I began to learn to swim. His hand rested gently on my back and guided me through the water. I felt a warm force that made me face the water more courageously.

Over time, we became acquainted. He told me his name was Jack and that he was a professional swimmer. And I told him that my name was Amy and that I was a college student. We shared each other's stories and experiences by the pool. Before you know it, time flies and the sun gradually sinks in the west.

Saying goodbye to Jack, I left the pool. But today's experience is unforgettable. That handsome and gentle man left a deep impression on me. I think I will always remember this special moment and cherish this wonderful memory.

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