
Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

author:Finish C chatting about the world

Qin Lan's acting career is like a drama with ups and downs. In "Huanzhu Gege 3" broadcast in 2003, Qin Lan played the role of "Zhihua" that made the audience hate itchy.

Qiong Yao once used "a tear in her eyes and a star in the sky" to describe Qin Lan, which is not only a compliment, but also seems to endorse this character who has caused public outrage. With her superb acting skills, Qin Lan portrayed the scheming and complex heart of "Zhihua" thoroughly, making the audience remember this character that people love and hate.

Subsequently, Qin Lan starred in Qiong Yao's "See a Dream Again", once again challenging the role of "scheming girl". These characters label Qin Lan as "bitter", but Qiong Yao explained that only this kind of bitter character can show Qin Lan's charm.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

In 2018, Qin Lan changed her previous image in "Yanxi Raiders" and played the gentle and intellectual Empress Fucha. Her performance is remarkable, and her transition from villain to positive character is amazing.

Qin Lan vividly interpreted Queen Fucha's generosity, gentleness and tenacity, and became the "white moonlight" in the hearts of the audience. In the play, her gentle conversation with the heroine Wei Yingluo, as well as the scenes of common struggle, made this "cool drama" win unanimous praise from the audience.

This role not only allowed Qin Lan to redefine her acting career, but also allowed her to establish a new image in the hearts of the audience. Her accurate grasp of the role, as well as the temperament and charm she showed in her performance, all proved Qin Lan's true strength as a powerful actor.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

However, success in acting doesn't mean it's all smooth sailing. As she grew older and the audience's aesthetics changed, Qin Lan seemed to have fallen into a strange circle that was difficult to get rid of.

This strange circle not only affects her role choice, but also affects her life trajectory, making this former "White Moonlight" face new challenges and choices. In Qin Lan's life, love and career have always been a pair of balances that are difficult to balance.

Her first public romance was with director Gu Chuan. During the filming of "Nanjing, Nanjing", the crew encountered the dilemma of breaking the capital chain, and saw that the film was about to die. At this critical moment, Qin Lan resolutely reached out to help.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

Not only did she devote all her money to supporting her boyfriend's career, but she also devoted herself to the filming of the movie. Qin Lan's dedication is touching: she put all her savings into film production, and she worked so hard to play the role on the set, so tired that she needed to rely on drips to maintain her physical strength.

Even so, she still insisted on accompanying Gu Chuan everywhere to promote the movie, and supported her love and career with practical actions. However, when Gu Chuan was moved by Qin Lan's sincerity and proposed marriage many times, Qin Lan chose to shirk.

Her explanation is: "I don't want to be in love for the time being, I want to focus on my career." This decision makes people wonder if it is because of the pressure of her career that Qin Lan cannot devote herself to marriage.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

This relationship, which has poured a lot of effort, has not been able to achieve positive results in the end, leaving behind embarrassing regrets. Immediately afterwards, the relationship between Qin Lan and Huang Xiaoming was even more sensational.

The beginning of this relationship was full of drama: Qin Lan signed a contract with the company at that time, which clearly stipulated that she could not fall in love during the contract period, and she would need to pay a huge fine if she broke the contract.

However, in the face of sincere feelings, Qin Lan resolutely chose love. She did not hesitate to pay 10 million liquidated damages, chose to be responsible for love, and had to be with Huang Xiaoming with huge debts.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

Qin Lan and Huang Xiaoming quickly made their relationship public, and they were photographed having dinner with Huang Xiaoming's parents many times, seemingly happy. However, this vigorous relationship only lasted for two years before it came to an end, proving once again the difficulty of maintaining a long-term relationship in the entertainment industry.

These emotional experiences let us see Qin Lan's bravery and persistence in love. However, it also makes people think: In the entertainment industry, can love and career really be both? Qin Lan's choices and encounters seem to confirm how difficult it is to get sincere feelings in the entertainment industry.

Even at the age of 43, when someone commented on her marital status, Qin Lan still said firmly: "What does it have to do with you whether my uterus is used or not." This sentence not only shows her independence, but also exposes her inner helplessness.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

In 2024, 43-year-old Qin Lan will star in the TV series "Shining Her". This work focusing on women in the workplace should have become another peak in Qin Lan's career, but it unexpectedly became a turning point for her to fall into a "strange circle".

"Shining Her" starring Qin Lan, Wang Yang, Zhang Meng, and Liu Yun was originally promoted as a TV series that focuses on women's workplace and emotional stories. Before the broadcast, the show attracted a lot of attention with its theme and cast, and many netizens were looking forward to the release of the show.

However, when the show officially aired, the audience's reaction was very different. The plot that was supposed to show the fighting spirit of women in the workplace was drowned out by too many love plots.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

Qin Lan's "Guanwen" is a strong woman with a successful career, but the play shows more of her emotional entanglements than workplace struggles. What's even more regrettable is that Qin Lan's figure is used as a selling point many times in the play.

Frequent close-ups show Qin Lan's graceful body and twisted waistline, as well as multiple scenes of wet kiss scenes, these elements make this workplace drama degenerate into a vulgar romantic drama.

The direction of the plot has also been criticized. In the first act, the scene of Qin Lan's character reuniting with the male protagonist who she hasn't seen for many years is considered too dramatic, and the handling of the car accident scene and some nonsensical plots make the audience call it a "bad drama".

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

Not only Qin Lan's role, but other characters have also been criticized. Chen Xuanxuan, played by Liu Yun, is portrayed as a "love brain" daughter, who constantly endures her boyfriend's behavior in the play, and even takes money to fund her boyfriend's family, which is not accepted by the audience.

The audience began to question: Is this really the Qin Lan we are looking forward to? The actor who has played classic roles such as Zhihua and Queen Fucha, why would he take on such a role that does not match her temperament? The controversy of this drama is not only in the plot itself, but also in people's expectations for a powerful actor like Qin Lan.

We can't help but ask: What kind of pressure made Qin Lan have to make such a choice? Does this mean that even an actor like Qin Lan cannot escape the "strange circle" of the entertainment industry? As she grew older, Qin Lan seemed to become more and more obsessed with the label of "strong woman" and began to show her figure frequently.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

This transformation is closely related to the changes in the entire entertainment industry. From costume films, palace fighting dramas to the popular themes of "sister and brother love" and "strong woman", the actors have to adjust their positioning accordingly.

Qin Lan's recent works are using her figure as a selling point, trying to attract the audience's attention, instead of focusing on the plot and acting skills. However, there is a terrible aesthetic trap hidden behind this adjustment.

The aesthetic standards of the entertainment industry are becoming increasingly demanding, and "the thinner, the better" has become an unwritten rule. This extreme aesthetic requires that the actor must have right-angled shoulders, an A4 waist, a swan neck, and comic legs.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

In order to adapt to this standard, many actors do not hesitate to take extreme ways to lose weight, even at the expense of their own health. Taking Yang Ying as an example, her image in the play and at the press conference is often commented by netizens as "thin".

However, in real life, she is even thinner than in front of the camera, so much so that some netizens described her as "a gust of wind that can blow down". This extreme pursuit of slimming, while seen as a compliment by some, is actually worrying.

Even more worrying is that this distorted aesthetic is transmitting wrong values to society. Many young girls begin to lose weight excessively in pursuit of the so-called perfect body, leading to health problems such as hypoglycemia.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

This phenomenon not only exists in the entertainment industry, but is also affecting the lives of ordinary people. In this "strange circle", Qin Lan seems to be difficult to escape. She has gradually changed from an acting actor who is loved by the audience to an artist who relies on her figure and the image of a "strong woman".

This shift has not only affected her role choices, but may also affect her future career development. We can't help but ask: In this aesthetic trap, how should a powerful actor like Qin Lan deal with himself? How to maintain yourself without being eliminated by the industry? These problems are not only the challenges faced by Qin Lan, but also the problems that the entire entertainment industry needs to think about.

In this "strange circle" of the entertainment industry full of pressure and challenges, not all actors choose to go with the flow. The different choices of some artists provide us with new ideas and inspiration.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

Liu Yifei is a stark example. Known as the "fairy sister", she has always maintained herself and not been bound by the standards of the outside world in the face of netizens' comments on her "round face" and "body fat".

Although some people say that she has a round face or a distorted figure, Liu Yifei still goes her own way and doesn't care about the eyes of others. She insisted on being her true self and won the love of the audience with her natural beauty.

Liu Yifei's choice shows us that even in this stressful circle, it is still possible to stay authentic. Another actor, Yin Tao, put forward deeper thoughts.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

She believes that "body management should not be the standard for judging an actress, and people should take improving their level as the main goal when they reach middle age." These words just point out the dilemma faced by many middle-aged actors and how to deal with it.

Yin Tao's point of view reminds us that the value of an actor should not only be reflected in appearance, but more importantly, constantly improve his acting skills and artistic accomplishment. These different choices provide us with new ideas: can we jump out of this "strange circle", return to the essence of actors, and impress the audience with strength and artistic creation? Qin Lan's experience, as well as the different choices of other actors, remind us that while pursuing external beauty, we should not ignore the improvement of internal cultivation and professionalism.

These different choices and perspectives provide new possibilities for actors in the "strange circle". They tell us that in the entertainment industry, maintaining oneself, focusing on strength, and paying attention to health may be the right path for real long-term development.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

Looking back on Qin Lan's acting career, we see how a talented actor rises and falls in the tide of the entertainment industry. From the much-loved "White Moonlight" Empress Fucha to the "official text" in the controversial "Shining Her", Qin Lan's transformation is embarrassing.

In "Raiders of Yanxi Palace", Qin Lan won the love of the audience with the role of Queen Fucha, and her gentle and intellectual temperament and superb acting skills made this role a classic. However, in the latest work "Shining Her", the role played by Qin Lan has caused controversy.

Over-reliance on the image and figure display of "strong woman" has made this once powerful actor fall into a "strange circle" that is difficult to get rid of. However, this does not mean that Qin Lan's acting career stops there.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

On the contrary, it may be an opportunity to revisit and adjust. The audience still misses Qin Lan, who can create a classic role, and looks forward to her being able to get rid of the shackles of "strange circles" and return to her true self.

For Qin Lan, the future path may lie in how to continue to explore her acting potential while maintaining her authenticity. It takes courage as well as wisdom. But we believe that with the experience and strength she has accumulated over the years, Qin Lan is fully capable of reshaping her image and creating brilliance in her acting career.

As the article says, what we like is the white moonlight's "Fucha Queen" and the hateful "Zhihua", not the "official text" that now relies on selling her figure.

Facts have proved that the 43-year-old Qin Lan has entered a "strange circle", and Hao Lei is all right

Qin Lan's transformation allows us to see the cruel reality of the entertainment industry, but it also reminds us that true acting skills and charm will not be limited by age and appearance. Qin Lan's story tells us that in this circle full of temptation and pressure, maintaining the original intention and constantly breaking through oneself is the key to long-term development.

This is not only a challenge for Qin Lan, but also a subject that everyone who struggles in this industry needs to face. We look forward to seeing a Qin Lan who has rediscovered herself and bloomed brightly, and I believe that she can jump out of the "strange circle" and conquer the audience with her superb acting skills again.

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