
74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

author:Gotta get a movie

Recently, there has been a jaw-dropping news in the entertainment industry -

Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play the role of Daji in the new drama "Fengshen", and as soon as this news came out, it instantly caused an uproar on the Internet.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

The cause of the incident was that the sixth princess interviewed Liu Xiaoqing.

In the interview, the reporter mentioned the movie "Fengshen", Liu Xiaoqing said that it was very good-looking, and the reporter asked again, if you were asked to choose, what role would you play in the film?

I thought that Liu Xiaoqing would choose "Queen Jiang" played by Yuan Quan, the aura of the mother is full in the world, and it can be regarded as matching her age, no matter how bad it is, it is also a twelve golden immortals, and her appearance has its own halo.

Unexpectedly, after finishing in a hurry, she didn't think twice and said that she liked the role of "Daji" very much-

"I'm going to play Daji!"

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

Then Liu Xiaoqing said his reason again-

"She's a fox, if she becomes very foxy, I can play this, with charm, with that kind of temptation, and the kind of eyes that are very demonic... I'm fine! ”

As he was talking, a light appeared in Liu Xiaoqing's eyes, and the joy in his eyes could not be hidden.

OMG, it turns out that Grandma Xiaoqing played Daji not only to challenge the beauty, but also to "charm" the audience on the screen and show her charm fiercely.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

You must know that Na Ran, the actor of Daji in "Fengshen", was only 22 years old when he filmed the movie, and Liu Xiaoqing, who was born in 1950, was 74 years old.

74-year-old Daji charms you!

Can you stand this?!

Most netizens have expressed doubts and dissatisfaction, thinking that Liu Xiaoqing is really unacceptable to play Daji at his current age.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

Someone bluntly said: "Liu Xiaoqing is so old, does he have to challenge such a young and beautiful role, is it a little too unconscious?" ”

Someone else joked: "Can't we give young actors some opportunities, do we have to watch the 'grandma version' of Daji?" ”

There are also netizens who are even more damaged, and they came directly:

"Daji has the smell of a fox demon, not an old man."

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words
74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

Why are netizens so malicious towards Liu Xiaoqing?

Because, it is not the first time for Grandma Xiaoqing to pretend to be tender, and if this matter is put on others, it may be understood as a challenge to the role, but as soon as Grandma Liu says it, netizens will understand it as "she is here again".

Liu Xiaoqing has actually been a "habitual offender" who pretends to be tender.

In the TV series "Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasty 3", Liu Xiaoqing, who is nearly 60 years old, plays the 16-year-old girl Ouyang Feiyan.

In the play, she wears a girl's bun and wears pink clothes, trying to show her youthful vitality, but the obvious wrinkles and no longer tight skin make it difficult for the audience to accept this setting of forcibly pretending to be tender, and the 8-layer soft light can't dispel the fatigue.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

and in "Yongle Hero", she played Jin Niang.

was supposed to be the image of a young woman, but her age at the time was far from the youthfulness of the character, and the performance seemed very stiff and embarrassing.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

In recent years, with the update and iteration of the audience, the age matching of stars and characters has been very strict.

But Grandma Liu is still challenging the limits of the audience, in the online university "Ice and Snow Sniper 2" starring last year, Liu Xiaoqing played the little girl again, and was also scrambled by bandits and soldiers, confusing the positive and negative fans.

Watching you be robbed of marriage, love triangle, and beaten in the chest with a small fist at an age, there is no physiological reaction here, and it is a little pitiful.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

What's even more terrifying is that in the entertainment industry, a female star like Liu Xiaoqing who plays tender is not an exception.

For example, Ruby Lin played the girl Yin Lihua in "The Long Song of the Beautiful Country", although Ruby Lin has a good foundation in appearance, it is still difficult to hide the sense of maturity brought by the years when she interprets the innocence and liveliness of her girlhood.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

When Zhou Xun played the girl Qingying at the beginning of "The Legend of Ruyi", he also received complaints from many audiences because his facial condition and performance method did not match the image of the girl.

This wind has been blowing from 2018 to the present, until Zhou Xun's second magnolia, and he is still deeply troubled by this drama.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

Of course, the most terrible thing is Yang Junjun's Simon No Hate in "Simon No Hate".

When I have to pretend to be a girl and play with a young actor when I can't hang my face, the sense of disobedience caused by the age gap makes people unbearable to look at directly, and even has a sense of horror.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

The phenomenon of these female stars pretending to be tender reflects a common problem in the entertainment industry-

Age is terrified.

As they grow older, female stars face many pressures such as limited role choices and fierce market competition.

In order to continue to maintain a youthful and beautiful image on the screen, they do not hesitate to challenge roles that are very different from their own age.

However, this kind of pretending to be tender often does not get the audience's approval, but will make the audience question their acting skills.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

Acting skills should become more mature and exquisite with age, but these female stars can't calmly accept roles that are suitable for their age because of their fear of age, but choose to emphasize their appearance by playing tender.

And some actors have obviously been recognized for their acting skills, but they are still obsessed with challenging some unsuitable roles to prove that they are not old.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

But a really good actor should be able to choose the right role according to his age and acting skills, and use excellent acting skills to shape the characters, rather than blindly pursuing a young appearance.

Liu Xiaoqing's decision to play Daji this time may be a personal challenge to her acting career, but from the audience's point of view, this is more like a challenge to the audience's aesthetics and IQ.

After all, acting is not for self-entertainment, it is for the audience to see.

When the audience sees that the 74-year-old is still holding the pipa, and lightly interprets Luo Shang to "tempt" you....

Do you feel excited, or do you feel uncomfortable challenging morals?

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

In fact, age is not the enemy of actresses, but a kind of wealth.

Many excellent actresses can find roles that suit them at different ages, and have created a classic image with their excellent acting skills.

For example, Liu Mintao's wonderful performances in "Langya Bang" and "The Pretender", she interpreted the roles of different personalities and ages with mature acting skills, which was deeply loved by the audience.

And Jon Chen.

She is originally a sweet woman in Taiwan, but in this year's "Ink Rain and Clouds", she not only played her mother-in-law, but also a vicious mother-in-law villain.

This character is far from Chen Qiaoen's image in terms of age and personality, but Chen Qiaoen still relied on his mature business ability to provoke the role, which not only added luster to the work, but also ushered in a peak in his career.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

and Zeng Li in "Next Stop Happiness", Wu Yue in "The First Half of My Life", everyone is also a big beauty, but they can also take on the roles of the elders and even the older generation, and they have also done a very good job.

In comparison, those female stars who blindly pretend to be tender seem so short-sighted and lack self-confidence.

What they don't realize is that the real charm comes from a deep understanding of the character and a great performance, rather than forcibly pretending to be young.

Haiqing once said at the FIRST Film Festival that actresses have no jobs immediately after they get older.

But half of this unspoken rule is also the active catering of actresses, many people with resources in their hands have to go back to pretend to be girls when they are old, but just like Hao Lei said-

"You play the girl, what is the girl next to you playing?"

If Liu Xiaoqing is really allowed to play Daji, then what will Na Ran play?

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

Looking at Liu Xiaoqing again, she has also had many excellent works and excellent performances.

But now, her mistakes in choosing roles have made people question her acting career.

If she can let go of her attachment to young roles and choose some roles that match her age and temperament, she may be able to show her acting skills again and win the respect of the audience.

74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji to "charm" the audience, and after watching her, I finally understood Hao Lei's words

In the highly competitive environment of the entertainment industry, female stars need to know themselves more clearly and constantly improve their acting skills, rather than relying only on their appearance to attract audiences.

Only in this way can they go further on the road of acting and bring more excellent works to the audience. I hope that in the future entertainment industry, there will be less embarrassment in pretending to be tender, and more wonderful performances that truly show the strength and charm of actors.

Let's look forward to seeing more actresses bravely face age and write their own brilliant chapters with their acting skills.

- End of full text.

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