
Parents were detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees! Netizen: The first time I heard about it since the beginning of the world!

author:Lao Bai narrated 5r4t


Oh, ladies and gentlemen, have you heard? In Shuyang, there is such a couple, they were sued by the school for arrears of their children's tuition, and the parents were finally detained for 15 days! It's shocking, is the cost of education really that high?

Parents were detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees! Netizen: The first time I heard about it since the beginning of the world!

First, the tuition fee is high, and the burden on parents is heavy

Wang and Gu, a husband and wife, are not wealthy, and their monthly income is tight, barely making ends meet. However, their children's tuition and fees are astronomical, adding up to 15,308 yuan for two semesters! This does not include a series of additional expenses such as school uniforms, materials, and accommodation. Parents have sighed, why is the cost of education so high? Their faces were full of helplessness and anxiety, as if they were carrying a heavy mountain on their backs.

Parents were detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees! Netizen: The first time I heard about it since the beginning of the world!

2. The arrears of tuition fees led to a lawsuit, and the parents were detained

Faced with such high tuition fees, Wang and Gu chose to be in arrears. However, the school did not tolerate them and took them to court. After mediation by the court, Wang and Gu agreed to pay the tuition fees before April 20, 2024. However, when the agreed date came, they were unable to meet their payment obligations due to financial difficulties. In the end, the court took Wang into judicial custody and detained him for 15 days. After this news came out, it immediately aroused widespread concern in the society.

Parents were detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees! Netizen: The first time I heard about it since the beginning of the world!

Third, the school is strict in debt collection, and parents complain

In this incident, the school's approach also sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people think that school debt collection is too strict and lacks human touch; Some people think that the school is protecting its own rights and interests, and it is wrong to default on tuition fees. In fact, as the cost of education continues to rise, schools have to take stricter measures to recover tuition fees in order to maintain normal operations and improve the quality of education. However, this also makes parents feel stressed and complained.

Parents were detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees! Netizen: The first time I heard about it since the beginning of the world!

Fourth, netizens are hotly discussed: Who will pay for the cost of education?

As soon as this incident was exposed, it quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens expressed sympathy for the parents' situation, believing that the high cost of education has made it difficult for ordinary families to bear; Some netizens support the school's approach, believing that it is wrong to default on tuition fees. Some netizens put forward more in-depth thinking: Who should pay for the cost of education? Is it the government, the school, or the parents? This is a question worth pondering.

Parents were detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees! Netizen: The first time I heard about it since the beginning of the world!

Fifth, the editor has something to say

After watching this incident, I also felt the heavy pressure of education costs. Education, as the future of the country and the hope of the nation, should be a fair, just and humane cause. However, this is often not the case. I believe that to solve this problem, we need to work together between the government, schools and parents.

Parents were detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees! Netizen: The first time I heard about it since the beginning of the world!

First, the government should increase investment in education to improve the quality of education and reduce the burden on parents. More scholarships, grants, etc., can be set up to help children from financially disadvantaged families complete their studies. At the same time, we should strengthen the supervision of schools to prevent the occurrence of arbitrary fees and price increases.

Parents were detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees! Netizen: The first time I heard about it since the beginning of the world!

Secondly, schools should also reflect on their own practices, and in the process of recovering tuition fees, they should pay attention to ways and means, and not one size fits all, one stick to death. Communication and understanding with parents should be strengthened to jointly create a good learning environment for children.

Parents were detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees! Netizen: The first time I heard about it since the beginning of the world!

Finally, parents should also understand the difficulties of the school, try to pay the tuition fees on time, and do not default on them. After all, children's future is the most important thing, and we should try our best to create a good learning environment for children so that they can grow up healthy and happy.

Parents were detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees! Netizen: The first time I heard about it since the beginning of the world!


Although this incident is an isolated case, it also reflects some problems and contradictions existing in the field of education at present. We need to think about and address these issues from multiple perspectives to make education more equitable, just and humane. Only in this way will we be able to create a better future for our children!

Parents were detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees! Netizen: The first time I heard about it since the beginning of the world!

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