
My imperial concubine and sister pretend to be high-minded and disdain to argue with others, and I escorted her, but she was tortured to death

author:Little Sister Library

My imperial concubine and sister are as indifferent as chrysanthemums, pretentious and disdainful of arguing with others.

I escorted her when she entered the Punishment Division and was tortured to death.

She only said that the pure person is self-purifying, and she didn't care about my misery at all.

In the end, my death not only cleared her of suspicion, but also allowed her to ascend to the back seat through the painful compensation for the loss of her loved ones.

When she was reborn and entered the palace together, her disgustingly cold face came into view.

"When you and my sisters enter the palace together, you should serve the Holy One first, and don't use any means to do anything."

It's just that in this life, there is no means for me to block her difficulties, how can she continue to be high.

My imperial concubine and sister pretend to be high-minded and disdain to argue with others, and I escorted her, but she was tortured to death


"Emperor Yi, the imperial doctor has found musk in the honey you sent to the concubine, what do you have to say?"

In the main hall of Chengqian Palace, the emperor spoke solemnly.

"Since the emperor doesn't believe in the concubines, the concubines have nothing to say."

Sister Yan held her head high and spoke lightly.

"Your Majesty must be the master of the concubine!"

Hearing this, Concubine Yi's eyes suddenly turned red and she spoke sadly.

"Did you know that murdering the emperor's heir is a serious crime?" The emperor was displeased.

Sister Yan panicked for a moment, then took a posture and shifted the spearhead to me. "The honey was given to me by the noble Shun a few months ago, and our Li woman will never do such a degrading and despicable thing, even if she enters the Shen Penal Division, she is upright."

"Honey is ......" I wanted to defend myself, but was directly interrupted by my sister.

"Will the Detective Division be able to prove our innocence to the Emperor?"

"This..." The emperor hesitated, how could a concubine enter the Shen Criminal Division and be tortured.

Sister Chang turned around and asked me, "Shun noble, do you dare to enter the Shen Penal Division?"

Being erected to such a height, I had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Sister Yan is the only concubine of the Li family, and she is the concubine of Emperor Chaoyi, and I was sent to the palace as a concubine specifically to assist Sister Yan.

Before entering the palace, my mother took my hand and told me to listen to my sister in the palace and seek a future for the Li family.

Although my sister was elected to the palace before I was born, and there is really not much sisterhood between us, I still did my best to look forward to her after entering the palace.

So this time, I stood in front of her as usual and entered the Sentencing Division for her.

It's just that I didn't expect this to be the last time I would die for her.

Concubine Yi held a grudge against my sister-in-law, and specially sent money for the eunuch to torture me, and made sure that I confessed my guilt.

But Sister Yan didn't bother me at all, only felt sorry for herself in the palace, sad that the emperor actually grounded her, and completely left me behind in the Shen Criminal Division.

In the end, I was killed by the eunuch's accident, and she listened to it with a flat face, and only said that she died for the sake of innocence, and I did not live up to the integrity of the Li woman.

The emperor took pity on her for being wronged and lost her sister, and wanted to make her the queen, but she pretended to shirk herself and only wanted people to be as light as chrysanthemums, and did not want to be the queen.

The emperor wanted to posthumously seal me, but she immediately proposed that the Li family did not have important ministers of the previous dynasty, and it was enough to show off her as a queen.

In the end, she didn't even investigate the real murderer of me thoroughly, saying that for the sake of the peace of the harem, my life had been sacrificed, so it ended here, so that the emperor was even more impressed by her character, thinking that only she could deserve the throne.

I finally realized that I was just a pawn for her from beginning to end, giving her a character of indifference to fame and fortune and not fighting for it.

With hatred, I was born again.

Reborn in—

The day I first entered the palace.


In the hot summer, the willows weeping in July, the green is picturesque like a fairyland.

I followed the group of show girls into the Imperial Garden.

At this time, there were two people sitting in Jiangxue Xuan, the emperor in the center was wearing a yellow robe, and on the side was my "good" sister-in-law, Yi Guifei Li Ru.

The current emperor has been on the throne for more than ten years, the queen mother has passed away, and the original queen is weak and unable to come due to illness.

The emperor thought about it and chose the most fair and indifferent Concubine Yi Li in his mind to participate together.

Just like in his previous life, Li Ru was wearing a dark palace costume with dark beads on his head.

She was originally the side concubine of the emperor's palace, she was not young, and she was even more overshadowed in front of a group of beautiful and beautiful show girls.

In my previous life, before I entered the palace, Li Ru specially sent me a letter, asking me to maintain my identity and dress solemnly. I also dressed up exceptionally plainly as she said, and I didn't leave an impression in the eyes of the emperor at all.

Not only that, but she was even more stupid because of my qualifications, and she could not get privileges because of her status as the sister of the noble concubine, so that the harem would lose harmony and be jealous, and persuaded the emperor to make me the lowest promise, but she was never favored, and she only rose to the rank of noble person until she died, and she was under Li Ru's hands all her life.

This life is different, with the experience of my previous life, I naturally know what kind of dress the emperor favors.

When the chief eunuch called my name, I slowly knelt down.

"Courtier Li Suihua, see Emperor Yi Guifei."

"You're Concubine Yi's sister." The emperor said with appreciation, "The peach is dying, scorching its beauty, and this peach-colored dress is very flattering to you."

The moment he saw my clothes, Li Ru couldn't help but tighten his sleeves and replied before me, "Your Majesty, this is the concubine's sister-in-law, and she is inevitably a little shy when she meets the saint for the first time, but she is a little younger."

Naturally, I wouldn't let Li Ru introduce me, so I said generously, "The courtier's maiden's name is Suihua, taken from the age of the empty Ranran, the heart is melodious and leisurely, and it happens that there is also a Chinese character, and the family's nickname is Hua'er."

The daughter of the Li family was named Conghua, and her sister's real name was Li Ruhua, after the emperor ascended the throne, in order to find a backer and curry favor with the queen mother, she said that she could not match this Chinese character, so she changed the title of "Yi".

"Hua'er ......" Hearing this long-ago title, the emperor also thought of the time when he and Li Ru were in the hidden mansion, and couldn't help but sigh a little emotionally.

After all, the young time in my memory is always extraordinarily beautiful, and I even have a little more affection for me, "It is true that there is a little bit of your sister's previous appearance, the daughters of the Li family are all well-raised, have you ever read any books?"

Li Ru couldn't even hold back her laughter, "Your Majesty has praised it falsely, my sister only knows a few words, and she is still less good in front of Your Majesty." He glared at me as if he were warning.

I bowed my head and humbly replied, lowering my crow-feather-like eyes, echoing Li Ru on the surface. "As my sister said, the courtiers don't dare to claim to be proficient in poetry books, but they are a little proficient in the four arts, You Shanqin."

"Oh, Zenqin?" The emperor was interested and ordered me to show it.

Waiting for the attendant to carry the guqin, I stroked the strings with my bare hands, the posture was graceful and graceful, a song of the phoenix seeking the phoenix clear sound tactfully, and the aftermath of the song lingered like wisps.

I've been cultivating talent since I was a child, but I haven't been able to touch the strings since I entered the palace in my previous life. Just because Li Ru is not good at talent, and there is another concubine Li in the palace who can sing and dance, and she has a sacred heart, she is disgusted with these, saying that these are all fox methods and I am not allowed to touch them.

After that, I broke my hand to save Li Ru, and I never touched the piano again in my life.

"Okay." The emperor praised, "Hua'er is extremely talented, this is not like Concubine Yi, but it has the demeanor of Concubine Li."

"It's just some strange and clever skills, and the most important thing is to enter the palace and serve the emperor well in the future." Li Ru said lightly with a cold face.

But the emperor was in high spirits, and he didn't notice Li Ru's emotions at all, "Since ancient times, a gentleman is a good qin, Hua'er is good at the qin, and he must also be a gentleman, so he will be named a nobleman, and he will be given a famous qin Jiuxiao Ring to wear, and he will live in Changchun Palace, and you two sisters can also take care of each other in the future."

"Emperor Xie, Concubine Yi." I bowed my head and thanked him, but my heart was unwavering.

This concubine of Changchun Palace is Li Ru, and when she saw the emperor's resentful eyes when she praised me, I was afraid that she could immediately admonish me.


When the draft was over, the eunuch who led the way congratulated me happily and took me out of the Imperial Garden to the side hall of Changchun Palace.

With my efforts, when I first entered the palace, I was a nobleman, a hundred times stronger than in my previous life, but I couldn't relax yet, I had to be promoted to the concubine position as soon as possible, and I could get rid of Li Ru's constraints.

After I thanked the eunuch who led the way, Li Ruoran sent a personal maid to my room.

"Yo, this new show girl who has entered the palace is really different, and she has won the favor of the saints." Li Ru's maidservant neither reported nor asked for peace, but directly broke into the house, looking around, as if she was the emperor's concubine, and after a circle, she spoke in a strange manner.

"Who is this?" I pretended to be puzzled and asked Sang'er, the new personal maid assigned to me by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but I knew it in my heart.

"This is Aunt Green-waisted, the steward of Changchun Palace." Sang'er introduced.

This green waist is not good at stubble, not only is it bitter and mean, and he often spreads rumors, but he also wants to be a concubine with a heart higher than the sky.

In his previous life, Li Ru never restrained the behavior of the green waist, and was almost framed by the green waist to become a pedal for the green waist to climb up, or I saved Li Ru at the cost of breaking my hand and disposed of the green waist.

"It's really a good piano," Greenwaist's gaze fell on the Nine Heavens Ring given by the emperor, revealing a hint of coveting, "Even my master doesn't have such a good piano."

"Aunt Greenwaist is overrated." I pretended not to hear the sourness in her tone, "The concubine is just a nobleman, naturally not as deep as the holy grace of Concubine Yi's sister, it's just that her sister is not good at the piano."

"Heh, Li Guiren is really good at talking, my family Yi Guifei Niangniang is invited, don't hurry up and leave, don't delay your work."

"Wait." I ordered Sang'er to open the luggage I brought out from home before entering the palace, take out some silver, and reward the palace maid in my house in front of the green waist, and her eyes were straight, "When the concubine finishes rewarding the people in my house, it won't take much time."

Li Ruke is indifferent to fame and fortune, and regards money as dung, even if the green waist is her personal maidservant and the head of the palace, she is rarely rewarded, and even the little silver I brought from home can make her greedy.

When the green waist lowered his face and wanted to scold, I took out another box of rouge from my bag.

"Aunt Greenwaist is serving by my sister's side, there must be no shortage of gold, silver and jewelry, this is the pomegranate flower rouge customized by the concubine from the largest gouache shop outside the palace, the color is the current fashionable vermilion cherry color, although it is not as good as the rose rouge in the palace, it can be regarded as a heart."

"Not really." Green Waist said this, and quickly took the rouge in his hand, "My family Master Yi has been in a bad mood since the end of the draft, Li Guiren needs to pay attention."

"Thank you, Aunt Greenwaist, for waking up." I followed the green waist to the main hall of Changchun Palace.

Although the palace is large but very plain, even the plaque in front of the door is a little old.

Walking into the house, Li Ru had already changed her clothes, which were still extremely dark, and she was sitting against the light with a tea cup in her hand, like an old lady.

"Sister Yi Guifei." I stepped forward to salute Li Ru, but I didn't get a response for a long time.

"Hmph." After a long time, Li Rucai snorted coldly and put down the teacup heavily. "Get down on your knees!"

"This palace doesn't know when the Li family has produced such a conspicuous and showy daughter like you, who is not a four-six."

Li Ru ordered me to kneel in front of the court and judge me from above.

"Is he still good at the piano, and he is talented? The concubine is a lowly girl, and my aunt really didn't teach you well."

Hearing Li Ru mention my mother, I couldn't help but clench my fists.

Li Ru's biological mother, Mrs. Zhengmu, was not in good health, and only Li Ru had one daughter, who died of illness a long time ago.

Although my mother is a concubine, she has long assumed the responsibility of housekeeping, and it was Li Ru who suppressed her as the emperor's concubine and did not allow her father to straighten the concubine, so that my brother and I were concubines.

But her mother did not have any complaints about Li Ru, and did her best to help Li Ru in the palace, hoping that after she gained a firm foothold in the palace, she could give back to the family and help her father and brother in their careers.

But except for the letters asking for money from the family again and again, Li Ru did not send anything back, and his father and brother were still suppressed in the imperial court, and the family was really unsustainable, so he had to send me to the palace.

Even so, my mother only taught me to support and help my sister.

Since Li Ru is unreliable, I have to rely on myself to serve my mother and the family.

"Eldest sister is like a mother, you can only go far by putting your mind on the right path, this palace is also for your good, go back and kneel for two hours, before the rules are practiced, this palace first let the worship room withdraw your green head card."

I responded meekly and did not resist. When I first entered the palace, I was weak and couldn't directly confront her, but the opportunity came quickly.


At present, in addition to the queen in the palace, the highest ranking is Concubine Yi Li Ru, and then there are two concubines, one is Concubine De who was born in Qiandi, and the other is Concubine Li who was favored by the Holy Grace and had no children and was named a concubine.

The queen is sick all the year round, and most of the concubines are exempted from asking for peace on weekdays, but this is the first time that the concubines who have newly entered the palace have asked for peace since the election, and the queen is forced to attend with her sick body.

Naturally, I dressed up early and came to Kunning Palace, and there were already a bunch of warblers and swallows outside Kunning Palace.

The queen was born in Jiangmen and is the emperor's original match, and the emperor's childhood sweetheart is a young couple, although she is seriously ill and not common to outsiders, but no concubine dares to underestimate her.

All the concubines came on time, except for Li Ru.

Of course, the queen didn't have to ask for peace for a long time, and Li Ru had already slackened.

In the previous life, because I set off with Li Ru, I urged her for a long time to catch up, and I was blinded in front of the queen.

After everyone waited for a long time, Li Ru finally supported Shanshan by the green waist, "The palace didn't rest well when waiting for the emperor last night, and it's late today, the queen won't blame the palace."

"The queen is kind-hearted, but you can't let you be late." Concubine De spoke first.

"How can people control this physical discomfort?" Li Ru pretended to be shocked, "Presumably, the queen present knows best what it is like to be unwell."

Although the queen didn't say anything, her face sank for a moment.

"Sister Yi Guifei has always been the most rules-oriented." I picked up at the right time, "I hope you sisters don't blame, my sister definitely doesn't mean that."

"Respect the rules, Hongu heard me right." Concubine Li, who was full of pearls, covered her mouth as if she was amused.

"Shut up," Li Ru glanced at me, and then looked at Concubine Li, "What is Concubine Li's dissatisfaction with this palace?"

"How dare my sister, it's just that we can't see or touch the rules of Concubine Yi."

"That's not the case, Concubine Yi and I are sisters, and we were both removed from the green head card by my sister because we didn't do well, which shows how much my sister attaches importance to the rules." I insisted amid the discussion of the concubines.

"When was it so noisy?" With the sharp voice of the eunuch, the emperor suddenly appeared.

"See the Emperor." Immediately the people knelt down.

"Excuse me." The emperor waved his hand and walked straight to the queen's side to help her up.

The queen didn't look surprised at all, as if she knew that the emperor would come, "It's not a big deal, it's just that Concubine Yi was late, and it was delayed a little."

Seeing the emperor coming, Li Ru's face suddenly turned white with fright, she knew that the emperor was coming, she would definitely not be late on purpose.

"Late?" The emperor asked suspiciously, "Didn't I specifically tell me not to miss the hour in the morning?"

"Concubine—" Li Ru was speechless.

"Back to the emperor, my sister is the most disciplined and etiquette, the concubine has been taught by her sister since she entered the palace, and she can't serve the emperor for a day if she doesn't practice the rules well, and she has been removed from the brand. I'll explain it for Li Ru.

"Yes, yes, the concubine is unwell." Li Ru hurriedly agreed.

"You're... Li Guiren?" The emperor looked at me and thought about it for a while before remembering my name, "Concubine Yi is indeed a little stricter."

"I'm afraid it's not that I'm strict with my own rules, but that I'm only strict with others." Concubine Li sneered on the side.

"Why did Concubine Li spew blood." Li Ru suddenly glared at Concubine Li.

Concubine Li is such a good person, she figured out the movement on the field in just a few words, she didn't seem to want to help me, she wanted to tear apart Li Ru's hypocritical face, "Is the concubine wrong, Concubine Yi's rules are to be late and remove other people's brands for no reason."

Watching the emperor sway from side to side, the queen stood up, "Okay, one yard is one yard, it's always inappropriate to be late in front of the emperor, Concubine Yi is grounded for a month to introspect, the emperor will see how."

After speaking, he looked at me for a few seconds, and said slowly, "The rules and teachings of this show girl should be the responsibility of this palace, so I won't bother Concubine Yi."

"So be it." The emperor promised.

"Your Majesty, do you really care about the slightest affection?" Li Ruzi refused to bow his head and be punished.

"What are you messing around?" The emperor frowned.

"The love of my youth was deep, after all, I paid it wrong." As if he had been greatly wronged, Li Ru wiped his tears and walked out of Kunning Palace quickly.

"My sister is in a hurry, and she left before she could do anything, please don't blame the emperor." I pretended to appease, but in fact I was reminding everyone that Li Ruyu was out of honor in front of him.

"I think it's time for her to relearn the rules!" The emperor's face really didn't look good, "Empress, I'll leave all of this to you." After saying that, he also left.

Please An ended in chaos like this, and the queen ordered all the concubines to leave Kunning Palace under the pretext that her body needed to recuperate, and I deliberately ended up in the end.

Sure enough, the queen was waiting for me in the inner room.


Before Li Ru lifts the ban, I am going to pack up and move out of this Changchun Palace.

The green waist, who was supposed to accompany Li Ru's grounded, came somehow, watching the people from the Internal Affairs Office move things in and out, and spoke a little sourly.

"It's different for the queen to be in this place, how long did it take to be a concubine after entering the palace, and it was faster than the promotion speed of Concubine Li at the beginning."

"The concubine is just the queen's eye, don't guess."

Seeing that I didn't want to pay attention to her, Green Waist suddenly lost his temper. "Don't think that you can sit back and relax when you sit in the concubine position, you offend my family, and the days to come will be long. When Master Yi's grounding is over, the emperor will come soon."

I looked at the green waist painted with vermilion rouge, so I thought about it and took out a makeup box, "Aunt Greenwaist misunderstood, the concubine has no intention of separating from Sister Yi Guifei. I know that my sister doesn't like to wear makeup, but the emperor always has to be grand, and these makeup products must be useful."