
Which is more dangerous, "high pressure high" or "low pressure high"? How should it be controlled?

author:99 Health Net

High blood pressure is a major health problem worldwide, and its measurement is usually represented by two numbers: systolic blood pressure (high pressure) and diastolic blood pressure (low blood pressure). "High pressure" refers to systolic blood pressure exceeding the normal range, while "low high pressure" refers to increased diastolic blood pressure. This article will explore which of the two is more dangerous and provide advice from doctors for controlling blood pressure.

Which is more dangerous, "high pressure high" or "low pressure high"? How should it be controlled?

First, high pressure and high risk

  1. Increased burden on the heart:
  2. High systolic blood pressure means that the heart faces more resistance when pumping blood, which can lead to heart enlargement and heart failure in the long run.
  3. Vascular Injury:
  4. High pressure can cause more pressure on the walls of blood vessels, accelerating the progression of arteriosclerosis.
  5. Stroke Risk:
  6. High systolic blood pressure is an important risk factor for hemorrhagic stroke, such as cerebral hemorrhage.
Which is more dangerous, "high pressure high" or "low pressure high"? How should it be controlled?

Second, the risk of low pressure and high pressure

  1. Decreased blood flow to organs:
  2. High diastolic blood pressure can cause organs to receive less blood and oxygen during diastolic in the heart.
  3. Impaired kidney function:
  4. Long-term high diastolic blood pressure may affect the filtration function of the kidneys.
  5. Visual impairment:
  6. High diastolic blood pressure can increase the pressure on the blood vessels in the retina, leading to vision problems.

3. Which is more dangerous?

  1. Doctor's point of view:
  2. Doctors generally believe that constant high pressure is more dangerous than low pressure because it is directly related to the burden on the heart and the health of blood vessels.
  3. Individual Differences:
  4. Different individuals may have different tolerances to high or low pressures, and risk needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Which is more dangerous, "high pressure high" or "low pressure high"? How should it be controlled?

4. Strategies for controlling blood pressure

  1. Healthy Eating:
  2. Reduce salt intake and increase your intake of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  3. Exercise regularly:
  4. At least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling.
  5. Weight control:
  6. Maintain a healthy weight and reduce the effects of obesity on blood pressure.
  7. Quit smoking and limit alcohol:
  8. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, which can damage the health of blood vessels and lead to increased blood pressure.
  9. Monitor your blood pressure regularly:
  10. Measure your blood pressure regularly under your doctor's guidance to make sure your blood pressure is within the ideal range.
  11. Drug therapy:
  12. If necessary, use antihypertensive medications as prescribed.

Conclusion: While "high pressure" is generally considered more dangerous than "low high pressure", both pose a health threat. Management of hypertension needs to be achieved through a healthy lifestyle and medical interventions, taking into account individual circumstances. Doctors recommend that patients work with a medical professional to develop a personalized blood pressure control plan to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.