
Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

author:Home & Renovation

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Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

With the gradual implementation of the new policy of "fixed mortgage by housing" jointly promoted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and other three institutions, the real estate market seems to have ushered in a new round of warmth.

Especially in first- and second-tier cities, the number of listings and visits to second-hand homes has increased significantly, does this mean that the real estate market has really ushered in a turning point?

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

In the current home buying market, buyers should be more cautious.

For many people, the down payment is often the result of several generations working together.

There is an argument that it is unlucky to avoid the 4th and 14th floors for superstitious reasons, but this view seems biased.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

In fact, it is more important to avoid those floors that affect the quality of life and sense of security, because these floors not only have a poor living experience, but are also difficult to sell in the market.

Those who have experienced three house swaps will tell you that no matter how attractive the price is, the following four floors are the least worth the investment.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"


Many problems with a small courtyard on the first floor

Ground floor homes are favored by many buyers due to their often more affordable prices.

The attraction is multiplied when these residences come with a private courtyard, providing a small space where plants can be arranged and grown.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

But there are always four major problems that residents will face that are difficult to solve:

1. Heavy moisture

Moisture is almost ubiquitous in first-floor dwellings, especially during the rainy season, both in the south and in the north. Moisture can cause mold on furniture and walls, affecting the living experience.

Netizen @江江 shared her experience: "In order for my children to go to school, I bought an old house on the first floor, but I didn't expect to regret it after moving in.

During the rainy season, the ground is always wet and humid, and I am worried that I will suffer from rheumatism in old age. ”

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

2. Poor privacy

The first-floor residences are located next to the street, making the daily lives of the occupants vulnerable to prying eyes from the outside world.

Even if you're taking a break in your yard or drying your laundry, you need to be extra careful not to be seen.

Therefore, living on the first floor often requires the curtains to be tightened during the day, which undoubtedly reduces the comfort of life.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

3. Mosquitoes and noise bother

The first-floor residence is close to the green area of the community, and there are many mosquitoes in summer, moths, rats, frogs and other small animals are frequently infested, and the cockroach problem in the south is even more difficult to eradicate.

In addition, the flow of people and vehicles in the community is endless, and the sound of people chatting, children playing, and the noise of cleaning staff cleaning up garbage can be heard at any time.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

4. Risk of throwing objects from heights

Living on the first floor, you also have to face the risk of throwing objects from high altitudes.

Netizen @张三crazy said: "Although the upstairs neighbors are quite qualified, there are occasional garbage falling in my front yard, and sometimes clothes are accidentally dropped, which is also a kind of visual pollution." ”

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"


2nd floor - drainage regurgitation

In the past, the problem of backflow mainly affected the residents of one-story houses.

However, with the advancement of modern building technology, the popularity of independent drainage systems for one-story houses has effectively avoided the problem of backflow.

This means that the second-storey dwellings that followed may now face the problem of backflow of drainage.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

The sharing of netizen @嘟嘟酱 revealed a real problem: "As a first-time buyer, I gave priority to the second floor when choosing a floor, because it seems to be more convenient and more affordable.

However, during the renovation process, I discovered a serious drainage backflow problem, which made me worry that there might be an unpleasant accident in my home. ”

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

1. Consequences of drainage regurgitation

Regurgitation of drains and toilets not only brings foul odors and bacterial growth, causing great inconvenience to residents living on the second floor, but can also cause health and hygiene problems.

Regurgitation can also cause mold on walls, floors, and ceilings, disrupt well-renovated indoor environments, and cause many inconveniences by interrupting the water supply during blockages.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

2. Other problems with two-story residences

In addition to the problem of drainage regurgitation, the second-story house also inherited the disadvantages of mosquito infestation and poor privacy on the first floor.

In addition, for some buildings with high ceilings on the first floor, the second floor may face the challenge of special-shaped units, which makes it relatively difficult to decorate and live.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"


Middle floor household - decorative line

The mezzanine floors, especially those with horizontal lines on the facades, are designed to enhance the aesthetics of the building and add a unique layering to its appearance.

Although these moldings visually enhance the aesthetics of the building, they may introduce a series of disadvantages to the actual living experience.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

1. The challenge of lighting and vision

Lighting and ventilation restrictions: Due to their protruding design, the moldings on the middle floor may reduce the daylight area of the windows and affect the ventilation effect.

This can lead to an increase in indoor temperatures and a feeling of stuffiness in the summer; In winter and rainy days, it can make the interior look dark and affect the comfort of living.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

Obstructed view: For residents on higher floors, moldings on the middle floor may obscure part of the view, affecting the view of the outdoors and reducing the living experience.

2. Consideration of interior aesthetics

Compared to those with floor-to-ceiling windows, residents on the middle floors may find that their windows are partially obscured by moldings, affecting the visual and spatial feel of the living room and other rooms.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

3. Problems of water seepage and accumulation of debris

Water seepage hazard: As an additional structure on the exterior wall, the moldings are prone to water accumulation during the rainy season.

If the waterproofing treatment is not done properly, it is easy to cause moisture to penetrate the interior or flow down to the lower floor, which will not only damage the building structure, but also may affect the indoor environment.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

Cleaning problem: Due to its prominent design, the decorative lines are easy to accumulate dust, leaves and other debris in the wind and rain, and these positions are difficult to clean, becoming a sanitary dead end, affecting the overall appearance of the building.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"


The floor above the shop

In the real estate market, choosing a floor directly above the ground floor as the place to live requires potential homeowners to carefully evaluate factors such as the location and type of business of the bottom merchant.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

The aim is to ensure a peaceful and high-quality living environment. Here are some important considerations:

1. Effect of sound interference

Disruptions to daily life: Living on top of a floor, especially near a busy road, means that you are already in a certain level of noise.

If the bottom business is catering, taekwondo gyms, karaoke or dance studios, etc., then noise interference will become an important factor affecting the daily rest and quality of life of residents.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

2. Security considerations

Potential safety risks: Catering companies, in particular, have potential safety hazards in the use of electricity and gas.

In recent years, fires and explosions due to improper operation or aging equipment have occurred from time to time, which is a safety threat to the residents living above it.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

3. Impact of environmental health

Cleanliness of the surrounding environment: No matter what kind of business the bottom merchant operates, it may generate waste, which in turn will affect the hygiene of the surrounding environment.

Especially in summer, odors and mosquito problems in the trash can can seriously affect the comfort of living. In addition, the smell of food emitted by restaurants may also permeate the surrounding area for a long time, affecting the quality of life.

Buying a house should avoid these 4 floors, it is not easy to live or sell, and some people have quietly "got rid of it"

Buying a home is a complex process that requires consideration of an individual's actual needs, preferences, and budget.

The ideal home is something that everyone is looking for, and hopefully the above analysis will help potential homeowners make more informed decisions when choosing a floor above the ground floor.



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