
Together with more than 90 cultural, commercial and tourism enterprises, Dongcheng has launched more than 100 products with the theme of "East of the Forbidden City".

author:Beijing News

Browse the fashion market in Longfu Temple, raise a glass from the terrace of a five-star hotel and look at the Forbidden City, watch a classic performance at the Capital Theater, and enjoy the rare traditional Chinese costumes from the Palace Museum at the Guardian Art Center...... On June 30, the 2024 "'Art' Life in the East of the Forbidden City" cultural tourism and consumption promotion activity hosted by the Dongcheng District Culture and Tourism Bureau was launched at the Longfu Cultural Center.

This event will last until October, covering the peak seasons of cultural tourism consumption such as summer vacation and National Day. During the event, it will focus on important areas such as the "Cultural Golden Triangle" of the Forbidden City-Wangfujing-Longfu Temple, anchor the five core formats of cultural consumption of cultural and museum arts, drama and performing arts, digital entertainment, boutique accommodation and compound casual catering, create 7 major theme product strategies, N representative integration projects and 4 major plate activity content, and join hands with more than 90 high-quality cultural, commercial and tourism enterprises to launch more than 100 multi-category and more than 100 "East of the Forbidden City" theme products, vividly connecting cultural consumption with lifestyle, and activating the unique cultural charm of the city with art. Leading the cultural tourism consumption boom.

Together with more than 90 cultural, commercial and tourism enterprises, Dongcheng has launched more than 100 products with the theme of "East of the Forbidden City".

On June 30, the 2024 "'Art' Life in the East of the Forbidden City" cultural tourism and consumption promotion activity was launched at the Longfu Cultural Center. Photo courtesy of the organizer

7 types of summer products directly hit the "demand point" of consumer groups

At the ceremony, the Dongcheng District Culture and Tourism Bureau released a series of wonderful contents of the 2024 "'Art' Life in the East of the Forbidden City" cultural tourism and consumption promotion activities.

Guided by the demand of the summer cultural tourism consumer market, this activity integrates and sorts out the high-quality cultural, commercial and tourism point resources in Dongcheng District, carries out three-dimensional packaging planning and artistic tandem, and launches 7 "east of the Forbidden City", including "art" from the exhibition and bookstore category, "art" from live (theatrical performances), "art" from check in (boutique beauty and accommodation), "art" from shopping (cultural and creative category), "art" from sitting (coffee shop), "art" from getting drunk (bar) and "art" from tasting (food) Theme product strategy, all-round enrichment of cultural tourism consumer product supply.

Parent-child families, young generations, and inbound tourists will be the main customer groups of summer cultural tourism consumption, and Dongcheng District has launched a rich and diverse cultural experience product in response to the personalized consumption needs of different customer groups. For parent-child families, children's plays such as China Children's Art Theater's "Cat God in the Forbidden City" and Poly Theater's "The Treasure of the Pirates" are not to be missed. For the younger generation of customers, the reborn Longfu Temple will successively launch various fashion and trend market activities, such as the panoramic immersive new concept play "The Great True Detective Zhao Catches the Goose 2" in the 77 Theater, a series of handicraft courses such as cloisonné enamel in the Dongsi Hutong Museum can experience the unique charm of new Chinese style and intangible cultural heritage, and there are also Internet celebrity coffee, tavern wine, live performances, etc. For inbound market customers, the "East of the Forbidden City" series of themed products will also be launched on the TUI global website in July, inviting visitors to Beijing from Germany, the United Kingdom, Northern Europe and other global source countries.

During the event, a number of representative cultural, commercial and tourism integration projects in Dongcheng District will be unveiled. During the consumption season, Dongcheng District approved a total of 380 commercial performances in the mainland, with more than 2,000 performances. In addition to the classic plays "The First Floor of the World" and "Thunderstorm" by the Beijing People's Art Theater, and the immersive drama "Reverse Stream Sanctuary" launched by Poly Performing Arts in Wangfujing Joy Shopping Center, etc., will be staged in turn; There are also China Children's Theatre Festival, Nanluoguxiang Drama Exhibition Season, Beijing Renyi International Drama Invitational Exhibition, Poly Theatre Gathering Festival, etc., which will successively create an artistic feast of harmony between drama and the city.

In the series of exhibitions of the National Art Museum of China, you can see various works of art such as Chinese painting, sculpture, and photography; For the sixth time, Guardian Art Center and the Palace Museum jointly created a special exhibition "National Clothing and Palace Color: Qing Dynasty Court Embroidery and Clothing Color Exhibition", presenting the brilliant splendor of traditional Chinese costumes.

Based on hot themes such as the central axis, time-honored brands of the national tide, cultural museums and arts, and red history, 10 cultural exploration routes have been created, and various ways such as cycling, running, and citywalk can be selected. New fashion leads the way. The "Landing on Moonlight Island" series of activities jointly created by Kuaishou and Fashion COSMO landed in Longfu Temple, with themed art exhibitions, market garden parties, and oriental fashion shows, focusing on the diversified integration of oriental aesthetics and avant-garde culture.

Provide consumers with campaign information across multiple channels

Based on the innovation ecology of the co-creation plan, the "East of the Forbidden City" brand has continuously improved the construction of the marketing matrix and strengthened the sharing of communication platforms. This event has achieved the comprehensive integration of multiple traffic platforms and media matrices such as Meituan, Dianping, Ctrip, Douyin, TimeOut Beijing, Kuaishou, Weibo, etc., increasing the exposure of high-quality enterprises in the district on all online and offline platforms, and consumers can obtain event information through multiple channels.

"East of the Forbidden City" and TimeOut Beijing jointly launched the "Scratch Walk Money Saving Guide", which selects 7 major consumption scenarios and 7 visiting routes, covering 49 cultural and tourism consumption points in Dongcheng District. Anchoring the interests of young customers, the "scratch ticket" and Citywalk are cleverly combined, consumers can get a discount of up to more than 1,000 yuan through scratch prizes, and can also redeem surprise prizes after collecting stamps along the recommended routes. From July 1st, the guide will be officially sold to the public, and it can be purchased online and offline through multiple channels, and every time a guide is sold, it will donate 1 yuan for the protection of cultural relics in Dongcheng District.

In addition to the offline version of the "Money Saving Guide", consumers can also obtain the online version of the "'East of the Forbidden City' Cultural Tourism Consumption Guide Check-in Map" on the Dianping platform. The map simultaneously opens up the Meituan platform's "East of the Forbidden City" brand flagship store, presenting more than 100 "East of the Forbidden City" themed products from more than 90 merchants. Hundreds of media experts will check in as the official visit store of the "East of the Forbidden City" cultural tourism experience, and drive high-quality cultural consumption with high-quality content output.

If you want to get information about the summer leisure and vacation strategy in Dongcheng District, consumers can check out the special issue of "East of the Forbidden City" on the Ctrip platform. The theme of this special issue is "Summer Travel Artist", focusing on the hotel "accommodation +" products such as "accommodation + afternoon tea/art exhibition/intangible cultural heritage experience/research course", including 4 major sections of "exquisite travel enjoyment", "dining artist", "children's artist" and "beautiful life home", covering 25 cross-format composite products of 15 boutique hotels in Dongcheng District, as well as 14 recommended points for cultural and artistic consumption, providing citizens and tourists with one-stop urban micro-vacation solutions.

After experiencing the cultural consumption content of Dongcheng, consumers can participate in the selection of the recommended list of cities "east of the Forbidden City" on the Douyin platform.

Beijing News reporter Chen Lin

Edited by Zhang Yan and proofread by Zhang Yanjun

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