
Xuanyuan Sword Cangzhitao: Why is the rough 3D production regarded as a masterpiece by players?

author:Stand-alone era
Xuanyuan Sword Cangzhitao: Why is the rough 3D production regarded as a masterpiece by players?

When it comes to the Xuanyuan Sword series, most players will always think of "Traces of the Sky" and "The Other Side of the Clouds and Mountains", which are also the pinnacle of 2D graphics in the series. But starting from the 4th generation, it may be inspired by "Sword and Fairy III", DOMO also wants to follow the trend of the times and make the game a new 3D game to cater to the market, but the reality is always more skinny than the ideal, because the 3D technology at that time was not yet mature, "Xuanyuan Sword 4: Black Dragon Dance Flying Clouds" received a large number of bad reviews after its listing.

Xuanyuan Sword Cangzhitao: Why is the rough 3D production regarded as a masterpiece by players?

The first thing to face in 2D to 3D works is the problem of picture quality,The combat effect of the black dragon、Scene performance、The image of the characters is very different from the three generations,Many NPCs in the game are more ugly than one another,Let players who are used to ink "Chinese style" completely unable to adapt to this cheap 3D picture,Many players turned around and left as soon as they saw the rough modeling of the "black dragon", and the editor also revisited this work after many years.

Xuanyuan Sword Cangzhitao: Why is the rough 3D production regarded as a masterpiece by players?

As a pioneer of domestic RPG3D, "Sword and Fairy III" is very clever to design the character as a Q version of the image, and the dialog box is still drawn in 2D, so that the overall look will be a lot more comfortable, of course, the IP of Sword and Fairy has also added a lot of points to it.

Xuanyuan Sword Cangzhitao: Why is the rough 3D production regarded as a masterpiece by players?

However, the production team did not give up the determination to transform, although facing countless ridicule and technical pressure, but they still continued the idea of 3D game in the next biography work "Cangzhitao", fortunately, the hard work paid off, "Cangzhitao", a benchmark masterpiece in the domestic RPG, won 12 game awards in more than a year after it was listed, becoming the most awarded work in the Xuanyuan Sword series. Why was the game biography that was frantically complained about a year ago, but when it came to the wind review of the Gaiden works, there was such a big turn?

Xuanyuan Sword Cangzhitao: Why is the rough 3D production regarded as a masterpiece by players?

This has to talk about the majestic narrative structure of "Cangzhitao", as a work with the most ink on the historical level in the series, although the story atmosphere of "Cangzhitao" is a little heavy and depressing, lacking some common love elements between men and women in RPG, but the plot is interlocking, many players will sigh after playing that human beings are too small, compared with the waves of history, we are just a piece of small wooden piece floating in the vast sea, why fight for a little dispute in front of you?

Xuanyuan Sword Cangzhitao: Why is the rough 3D production regarded as a masterpiece by players?

The image of the game heroine Che Yun is also very successful, although she was only 14 years old, although her feet were cut off and she was deeply disabled, but she was optimistic and kind, she did not lose hope in life, and still maintained her inner purity when getting along with others, whether it was to treat the monarch, Duanmu Ye or Hengyuanzhi who caused her to die, Che Yun has always maintained good expectations for others, but unfortunately the sky does not fulfill people's wishes, and the little car that only thinks about others eventually died at the hands of friends, making countless players sigh at her tragic ending.

Xuanyuan Sword Cangzhitao: Why is the rough 3D production regarded as a masterpiece by players?

The music of "Cangzhitao" is also a collection that should not be missed, and a good game work must not only move people's hearts from the story level, but also the embellishment of BGM is also a very important part.

Xuanyuan Sword Cangzhitao: Why is the rough 3D production regarded as a masterpiece by players?

As one of the masterpieces of the series, "Cangzhitao" also left players with several classic melodies, 38 BGM from the beginning interface to the end Yingshi took another soul of Che Yun to the peach blossom source established by Ji Liang, some are relaxed and melodious, some are tense and intense, and the game atmosphere is quite perfect, Xiaobian personally likes the two songs "Thousand Years of Fate" and "Stars in the Dark", and every time I listen to it, I can feel the depth that belongs to middle-aged people.

Xuanyuan Sword Cangzhitao: Why is the rough 3D production regarded as a masterpiece by players?

But if you want to say that the most classic factor of "Cangzhitao", the editor thinks it should be its game design concept, the production team outputs its own historical outlook and values by changing real historical events and characters, and players gain their own insights through the game. When I played this game when I was a child, I may only feel that it was too bad for Hengyuan to kill Che Yun who was thinking about him, and with the enrichment of social experience and resume, I could slowly appreciate the national righteousness and family and country feelings.

Xuanyuan Sword Cangzhitao: Why is the rough 3D production regarded as a masterpiece by players?

Just like the name of the game "Cangzhitao", you and I are already a drop in the ocean, so why bother to shake the irreversible wheel of history? It's hard not to become a classic for a work that can inspire people with such thoughts.

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