
He won the National Science and Technology Progress Award with his benevolence, and the male gynecological doctor expressed his original intention of doing popular science

author:Bright Net

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, and the Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences were held in Beijing. The National Science and Technology Progress Award has been awarding the achievements of science popularization projects since 2005. So far, a total of 60 popular science projects have been awarded, including 2 in 2023. We invite the 2023 award-winning representatives to talk about their feelings, missions, and responsibilities.

Many thanksgiving little bit feedback

On the morning of June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, and the Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences were held in the Great Hall of the People. My team and I created "Words of the Palace of Life" (upper and lower volumes) and we were honored to win the second prize of the 2023 National Science and Technology Progress Award (popular science category). I am very honored to take the stage as a representative of the award, and receive the award certificate from Academician Li Deren, the winner of the highest national science and technology award.

He won the National Science and Technology Progress Award with his benevolence, and the male gynecological doctor expressed his original intention of doing popular science

Academician Li Deren, winner of the highest national science and technology award, presented the award certificate to Tan Xianjie. (Photo courtesy of the author)

Walking off the rostrum with a heavy certificate, I was quite emotional.

This time, it won an award for popular science works. As the columnist of "Words on the Palace of Life" of "Science Times", I contacted the editorial department as soon as the meeting ended, hoping to express my deep gratitude through the publication of this article.

First of all, thank you to the party and the country.

This is a heartfelt statement. I was born in Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County, Chongqing, a former national-level poverty-stricken county. Before I left Tujiashan Village at the age of 11 to go to middle school in the county seat, I was an authentic cattle herder, half a day to school, half a day to herd cattle and cut grass. In the winter when I was 12 years old, my mother passed away from a gynaecological tumor. Two months later, when I came home from winter vacation, I fainted on the spot when I learned the bad news, and after that, I decided to go to medical school.

Since then, my family has undergone tremendous changes. Due to the high cost of treatment for my mother's illness and the lack of management in the family after her death, our family has changed from a wealthy family in the rural area to a poor local household. During that difficult period, I was forced to interrupt my studies twice, and it was difficult to solve the basic problem of food and clothing. Fortunately, the teachers and classmates at the school actively applied for the temporary hardship grant for me after understanding my predicament, and increased my bursary, and the support of family and friends also helped me to complete my secondary school.

Therefore, I am deeply grateful for the Party's education and student assistance policies. Without the promotion of these policies, I would not have been able to obtain national science and technology awards and achieve my personal achievements in science popularization. I feel deeply fortunate to live in such an era of opportunity, and at the same time, I want to cherish and strive to give back to the society.

He won the National Science and Technology Progress Award with his benevolence, and the male gynecological doctor expressed his original intention of doing popular science

After Tan Xianjie won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, he took a photo in front of the Great Hall of the People. (Photo courtesy of the author)

Secondly, thank you to the school, thank you to the hospital.

In 1987, I was admitted to West China Medical University (now West China Medical Center of Sichuan University) and became the first college student in Tujia Shanzhai. I received 5 years of basic and clinical training at West China Medical University, where I spent my university years in material poverty but spiritual abundance.

In 1992, I was selected to be the first place in the whole grade for three consecutive years to be admitted to Peking Union Medical College Hospital for internship, and after the internship, I was fortunate to stay in the obstetrics and gynecology department built by Dr. Lin Qiaozhi, a people's medical scientist. After completing a full clinical rotation including obstetrics, and in light of the tragic death of my mother due to gynaecological cancer, I decided to make gynaecological oncology my area of expertise and dedicate myself to providing professional medical assistance and support to women with such conditions. This decision is not only a response to my personal experience, but also a reflection of my commitment to a career in medicine.

Thanks to Peking Union Medical College Hospital for giving me more than 30 years of professional training, I have learned the spirit of "rigorous, refinement, diligence and dedication" from the older generation of medical scientists such as Lin Qiaozhi, Zhang Xiaoqian, Zeng Xianjiu, etc., and felt the professional responsibility of "health is related to life". The "Three Treasures" of "Professors, Medical Records, and Libraries" and the clinical practice efforts of their predecessors have provided valuable creative materials for "Words of the Palace of Life". In fact, this book is the collective wisdom of the decades of clinical practice of Concord's predecessors, and it is just told in a way that I am good at.

He won the National Science and Technology Progress Award with his benevolence, and the male gynecological doctor expressed his original intention of doing popular science

Tan Xianjie is operating on a patient. (Photo courtesy of the author)

Again, thank you relatives and friends, and thank you teachers.

I would like to thank my relatives, friends and teachers who have helped me along the way, especially my doctoral supervisor Academician Lang Jinghe.

At the end of my internship in 1993, Academician Lang Jinghe overcame difficulties to keep me in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and admitted me to his department for a doctorate three years later. In 2014, when the previous edition of "The Palace of Life" was published, "The Love of the Womb", he made an enthusiastic recommendation: "The most commendable thing is that Dr. Tan Xianjie loves medicine, loves science, and loves the benevolent heart of patients. In addition to the busy clinical work, being willing to spend time and energy to write popular science is willing to spend time and energy to be grateful to the public, and to be willing to spend time and energy to contribute to society. It's well worth it. ”

This time, "The Palace of Life" was nominated for the National Award, and Academician Lang Jinghe deservedly should be the main completer, but because another project needs his support more, it is a pity that he failed to enter the list of completers. However, in the early morning of the preliminary evaluation and defense of this project, I was pleased to receive the encouragement of Academician Lang Jinghe.

I would also like to thank Professor Xiang Yang, who took me to participate in the compilation of popular science books for the first time, and the "What to Do with 210 Gynecological Tumors" that I participated in won the second prize of the 2006 National Science and Technology Progress Award as the popular science book series of "Peking Union Medical College Famous Doctor Q&A".

He won the National Science and Technology Progress Award with his benevolence, and the male gynecological doctor expressed his original intention of doing popular science

Some of Tan Xianjie's popular science works have been published. Source: Xinhua News Agency

Finally, thank you to your family and to everyone.

Since I devoted myself to the cause of health science popularization, I have spent many nights writing popular science articles; Most weekends, I am on the road to public welfare science popularization, and I pay less attention to and care for my family. Especially my son, who took the high school entrance examination this year, felt deeply guilty for his lack of companionship. Fortunately, my wife and son have been supporting me silently, and they are just as happy as I am when I see women benefiting from my science popularization.

To this day, I still have a knot in my heart. Endometrial cancer of the mother can be cured if it can be diagnosed early. Unfortunately, she did not have the opportunity to get in touch with basic medical knowledge, which is the main reason why I have devoted myself to the popularization of women's health science after more than 20 years of medical practice, and it is my original intention to create and publish "Words of the Palace of Life". I hope that through popular science works and related popular science activities, I can help women care for themselves and be the first responsible person for their own health.

For me, winning the award is not only an affirmation of the work of science popularization in the past 10 years, but also a new starting point. I would like to use this as an opportunity to work on two fronts:

First, continue to devote ourselves to the popularization of women's health science, with a focus on improving the health literacy of female teachers in Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan and other Tibetan regions. It is expected to improve the health awareness of female teachers, understand the prevention and early diagnosis and treatment of common obstetric and gynecological diseases, and reduce the possibility of children delaying their studies due to teachers' illness.

Second, I will continue to share my experience, methods and tips from years of health science popularization with my peers who are committed to health science popularization, so that more medical workers can devote themselves to the cause of health science popularization while carrying out clinical diagnosis and treatment.

He won the National Science and Technology Progress Award with his benevolence, and the male gynecological doctor expressed his original intention of doing popular science


The pre-conference meeting in the afternoon before the National Science and Technology Award Conference will inform that the attendees can wear formal attire or national costumes. Tan Xianjie is a Tujia family and the first national award winner in Tujia Autonomous County, where his hometown is located. He borrowed Tujia clothes through his fellow villagers, but he didn't expect his son to raise objections, thinking that he was too conspicuous in a crowd of formal clothes, so he gave up and felt a little regretful. (Author: Tan Xianjie, Deputy Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chief Physician of Gynecologic Cancer Center)

Source: Popular Science Times

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