
24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

author:Ping An Jilin

24 years ago, 15 young people

Say goodbye to teachers and parents

Got on a train to the west of the motherland

They crossed the Taklamakan Desert

Carrying a bag and a household registration

Rooted deep in the desert

In Xinjiang and Mo County

The three-foot podium has been standing on the stage for more than 20 years

It is affectionately called by the local people

"The teacher who can't be blown away by the wind"

Today, we want to put their stories

I'll tell you about it

Because of a word

Fifteen college students went deep into the desert

Spring 2000

Xinjiang Jimo County No. 2 Middle School

Recruit at Baoding College (formerly Baoding Normal College).

Hou Chaoru, Li Guizhi, Jing Huifang

Wang Jianchao, Wang Weijiang, Pang Shengli

Xin Zhongqi, Zhu Yinghao, Zhou Zhengguo

Ding Jianxin and 15 other outstanding fresh graduates

After layers of selection, the contract was finally signed

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

In 2000, 15 graduates who were about to teach in Xinjiang took a group photo in front of their alma mater (formerly Baoding Normal College).

Among them are party members

There are provincial outstanding university graduates

Some of them passed the special exam

Some have already been contacted

Stable and well-paying job

Because of the sentence of Principal Duan Jun who came to recruit

"We are very short of teachers there"

Let them give up a better opportunity

Say goodbye to your hometown

I chose the end of the desert, far away in the desert

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

In August 2000, Ding Jianxin held the banner of "Teaching in the West", and a group of 15 graduates arrived at the end of the year

This time the contract was signed

It's not a short period of months or two or three years

Rather, it means to be

Take your household registration book and go there to put down roots

Many people make decisions without the help of their parents

Li Guizhi was an outstanding graduate of the provincial level that year

Many key middle schools in Hebei Province want to sign contracts with her

But she chose to be the end

This was previously connected to Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province

I have never been to Baoding Dingzhou girl

I want to see the outside world

The mother did not want her daughter to go that far

I spent the whole summer in a cold war with her

On the day of departure

Li Guizhi walked out of the house with his luggage

Mother said something later:

"Arrived, write a letter"

Li Guizhi's tears burst out of his eyes in an instant

She didn't dare look back

With an "um" sound, he set off

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

Li Guizhi

"Don't mention the word 'unfilial piety' in the future

You're in a place where the motherland needs you."

Transfer by train to car

All the way to the west

After 5 days and 4 nights of tossing and turning

They finally came to Xinjiang and the end

Because it is located in the heart of the Taklamakan Desert

Drought and wind-blown sand

It tests all life here from time to time

Along the way, the students became more and more silent

Although I was mentally prepared for a long time

But the hardships in Xinjiang are beyond their imagination

See the humble school with the walls peeling off

Take a bite of the noodles with the "condiment" of the sand

They really know where they are

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

This was what the classroom used to look like

Didn't wait for them to adjust their mood

God gave them a dismount

The sandstorm is coming!

Without warning, the sky darkened

The yellow sand in the sky is like a wall

The black pressed the ground and surrounded him

Visibility is less than a few meters

There is a choking earthy smell everywhere

Experienced this thrilling first

They just understood

Why is there a wind here

can "scrape" a few teachers

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

At the end of that year, the climate was dry and the wind and sand were raging

And the end of that time

There are about 16 days of extremely strong sandstorms every year

The weather in Yangsha was as high as more than 60 days

There are one-third of the days in the year

are all shrouded in floating dust

Xin Zhongqi said

Once it was windy and forgot to close the window

The house was all buried in the earth

Clear out half a bucket of soil

The dry climate makes them

Burst hands and nosebleeds

The most testing of them is

It's remote and isolated

On the platform of parting that year

They all said they wanted to go home often

But in reality most people

The number of times I have been home is only a handful

Go and end

Pang Shengli made an agreement with his father

Write a letter every month

Report on his life and work in Xinjiang

And this letter to the family

There was a long wait

Pang Shengli's letter written on March 9

It was March 26 when my father received it

Although he went and the end of his father was very reluctant

But still in the letter he said:

"Don't mention the word 'unfilial piety' in the future

You've arrived where the motherland needs you

Now we call on the people of the whole country to go there and develop it

You are the vanguard of the Motherland

It's good."

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

A letter from his father to Pang Shengli

It's too far from home

Unable to fulfill filial piety in front of parents

become their common regret

24 years have passed

Some have parents who have left

Just during the interview

Ding Jianxin received the sad news of his father's death

Hurried back to his hometown

There are only desolate deserts

There is no such thing as a desolate life

"There are only desolate deserts

There is no such thing as a desolate life."

This is the time when they are gone and at the end of the year

Halfway through the tower

Seen on a large iron shelf on the side of the road

This sentence shook 15 young people that year

It became their life motto

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

Li Guizhi took a photo in the tower

After so many years, they have not had the opportunity to return to their hometown

Relatives and classmates often tell them

Where is the hometown recruiting teachers?

Come back when you are not used to it

Maybe everyone has thought about leaving

But no one really left

"The first few years

Everyone is single

put your whole heart and soul into it

Almost all of them are devoted to teaching

Eat and live in school every day

Together with the students who live and work"

Reminiscing about those days

Pang Shengli said

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

The teacher is fully engaged in teaching

Everybody wants to do a better job

Get your grades up

The 15 people who went with him were also secretly competing

Xin Zhongqi said

"The first class of students

The school made an exception and brought us to the third year of junior high school

Among the students of that class

Fifty-seven students were admitted to prestigious high schools in Bavaria

The results of the high school entrance examination are among the best in Bazhou

And the hat of the 'old end' of education has been taken off"

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

The teacher is fully engaged in teaching

Select Stay

It's easy to say

Implement it into concrete daily life

It's a myriad of cumbersome details

The test is the patience and dedication of the long stream

Seven years later

Zhou Zhengguo met Liu Qingxia, a girl from Baoding

Talked about "mobile phone love" for half a year

Two simple, honest, like-minded young people

Choose to get married

After marriage

Liu Qingxia resigned from her job in her hometown

came to Xinjiang with Zhou Zhengguo

to Xinjiang

The two were not together

One is at the end

One is far from the end of the test

More than 1,700 kilometers away from Tacheng to teach

In today's convenient transportation

From the end to Tacheng

It also takes seventeen or eighteen hours to drive

Back then, it took two days for the two to meet each other each way

The child wants Zhou Zhengguo

On the road, I saw my uncle wearing glasses

Just chased and shouted Dad

When the child was three years old

The family is finally reunited

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

Zhou Zhengguo's family of three

"The teachers are all here

We were very relieved to be here."

back then

They came to Xinjiang with a longing for a distant place

For more than 20 years

They are also in the hearts of groups of students

Plant the small seeds of "going out".

Students taught by Xin Zhongqi

Ilia Usman once posted on WeChat

It was the teachers who made him proudly walk out of that desert

This made Xin Zhongqi very moved

"I'm also from Taihang Mountain

When I was a child, my teacher also said

We're going to get out of that mountain

Now, I'm taking the baton

Get my kids out of this desert."

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

Iliya sent a circle of friends to thank these teachers from Hebei

There are also a lot of children who go out

I chose to go back to the end


Yang Fang, a student of Pang Shengli

Graduated from Xinjiang Normal University

He returned to teach at the second middle school

I also became an ideological and political teacher

Yang Fang said

"Teachers came so far away

can all put down roots here

My own home is here

I'm going to put down roots here, too."

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

Yang Fang

Wei Xiaoya graduated from Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics

also returned to the end of the second middle school

"They were also surprised

Say it as soon as you see me

How did you get back

Why didn't you stay where you went to school? ”

Wei Xiaoya told reporters

The teachers are all here

It's very safe to be here

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

Wei Xiaoya

For 24 years

Batches of students they have taught

Admitted to national key universities

Many people voluntarily return to their hometowns after graduation

Become a teacher, doctor, police officer, etc

That's how they traveled

The search for meaning and value

Hou Chaoru said

"I've taught thousands of students

Their growth reflects my youth

This is the value and happiness that I have pursued all my life

It's worth it! ”

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

Batches of outstanding students who have come out of the end

Because the choice is needed

Youth becomes more meaningful

Nowadays, more and more students from Baoding College

Follow their example

The west was chosen

Frontier was chosen

Since 2000

More than 300 graduates of Hebei Baoding University

Go to the grassroots in the west

They are rooted in Tibet and Guangxi

Yunnan, Gansu, Sichuan and other places

Let youth bloom where the motherland needs it most

this year

Baoding College has another 15 graduates

A contract was signed with Xinjiang

It continues the western teaching road of Baoding College

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

Fifteen graduates of Baoding College are about to go to Xinjiang


The reason why these 15 young people chose to go to Xinjiang

More diverse, more certain

After more than 20 years of development

The environmental conditions in the frontier have changed dramatically

They are determined to be where their predecessors have struggled

Pick up the next baton

Li Guizhi said emotionally

"We are ordinary

It's as ordinary as a grain of sand in the Taklamakan anymore

Because I chose a distant place

I selected the need

Our youth becomes more meaningful."

24 years, 15 young people, the wind can't blow them away

Today's Jimo County No. 1 Middle School campus

Youth is not far from mountains and seas

15 young people with their youth

Watering the flowers of the Motherland in the desert

The seeds of hope were planted

The teacher who can't be blown away by the wind

Hats off to you

Source: People's Daily WeChat, Acknowledgement: Hebei Youth Daily, Baoding University, Bayingolengrong Media Center