
This chat log is on fire! Netizen: At first glance, it is the "post-00s" who have taken up their posts......

author:Ping An Jilin


On an outdoor large screen in Dezhou, Shandong

An interesting set of chat logs appeared

And quickly became popular on the Internet

It has attracted the attention of countless netizens

At first glance

It is a chatting conversation between the director and his subordinates

It's actually from the police station

College entrance examination anti-fraud propaganda poster

Absolutely full of creative points

I saw it in the chat log

The director asked his subordinates to "Xiao Li"

Make an anti-fraud propaganda poster

Remind college entrance examination students and parents to be vigilant against telecom fraud

Topics include:

Check your test scores in advance

Tampering with the candidate's wishes

Falsifying acceptance letters

If the score is not enough, you can "make up" the money

Falsely claiming to help apply for grants and subsidies

Defrauding parents of living expenses, training fees, etc

This chat log is on fire! Netizen: At first glance, it is the "post-00s" who have taken up their posts......


The leadership also demanded:

The form must be original

Be sure to be conspicuous

And when seen

"Okay, the director, it's done."

"So fast???"

The moment of this conversation

Netizens suddenly realized

It turns out that this chat log itself

It's anti-fraud propaganda

This chat log is on fire! Netizen: At first glance, it is the "post-00s" who have taken up their posts......

Police officer Li Chenchen introduced

Director Guo Chaolin arranged for her

Make an anti-fraud poster

Because I am a "post-00"

After receiving the task

I've been thinking about how to do it

More eye-catching reminders for candidates to prevent fraud

It was also in the communication with the director

The idea came to her out of nowhere

"Traditional 'didactic' propaganda

It is difficult to attract the attention of the masses

So there is the 'conspicuous bag' version

Anti-fraud poster"

Li Chenchen said

This chat log is on fire! Netizen: At first glance, it is the "post-00s" who have taken up their posts......

Auxiliary police officer Li Chenchen and director Guo Chaolin publicized anti-fraud knowledge in the jurisdiction.

After reading it

The editor said

It is worthy of the "post-00s"

Knowledge has been done in a "vicious" way

Got into my head

Netizens also liked it very much

This novel form of anti-fraud


"At first glance, it's the 'post-00s' on the job"

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's really conspicuous enough"

This chat log is on fire! Netizen: At first glance, it is the "post-00s" who have taken up their posts......
This chat log is on fire! Netizen: At first glance, it is the "post-00s" who have taken up their posts......

Tell the truth

"I don't even look at your advertisement

But you send a chat history

I must see."

This chat log is on fire! Netizen: At first glance, it is the "post-00s" who have taken up their posts......

"I'll just say

AI will never replace humans."

This chat log is on fire! Netizen: At first glance, it is the "post-00s" who have taken up their posts......

The younger generation has a unique perspective

A wave of anti-fraud knowledge was vigorously promoted


As netizens said

This is the power of the "post-00s"!

Kudos to the police

is the "post-00s" policeman Li Chenchen

Thumbs up!

Source: Xinhuanet WeChat Comprehensive Xinhua Daily Telegraph, Lightning News, Jinan Daily, Rule of Law Daily