
42 points and 14 boards still lost, Zhang Ziyu hid his face and cried bitterly! The female Yao Ming was isolated, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost the championship

author:Pot basketball

On June 30, Beijing time, the U18 women's basketball Asian Cup final officially started, the Chinese women's basketball team ushered in the match with the strong rival Australian women's basketball team, and entered the semifinals with three wins in the group stage, according to the rules, the Chinese women's basketball team has been qualified to participate in the 2025 U19 Women's Basketball World Cup, basically completing the goal of this event, during which the 2.23-meter center player Zhang Ziyu attracted the attention of the outside world with his terrifying inner dominance, and won the reputation of "female Yao Ming", and it was also under her leadership that the Chinese women's basketball team was able to reach the finals. In the end, facing Australia, which had an all-round advantage in depth, the Chinese women's basketball team lost and missed the championship.

42 points and 14 boards still lost, Zhang Ziyu hid his face and cried bitterly! The female Yao Ming was isolated, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost the championship

【Data Details】

Australia: Shears 30 points, 14 rebounds and 5 assists, Monique 19 points, 7 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 steals, Jana 12 points, 2 rebounds, 1 assist and 1 steal, Bonnie 8 points and 5 rebounds, Lara 6 points, 11 rebounds and 3 assists.

China: Zhang Ziyu 42 points, 14 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal and 1 block, Xu Fengwei 9 points, 7 assists and 3 steals, Wang Jiaxin 8 points and 6 assists, Li Yuwei 4 points, Zhang Ziyue 2 points, Xu Peilin 4 points, 2 rebounds and 3 assists.

【Star of the Field】

Zhang Ziyu became the star of the game, in the face of Australia, which was almost isolated, in the face of a strong physical confrontation Australia, Zhang Ziyu shot 18 of 36, and scored 42 points, 14 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal and 1 hat.

【Contest Highlights】

Collapse as soon as you play! Zhang Ziyu's face on the bench was solemn

42 points and 14 boards still lost, Zhang Ziyu hid his face and cried bitterly! The female Yao Ming was isolated, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost the championship

I did my best! Zhang Ziyu hid his face and cried bitterly after the game

42 points and 14 boards still lost, Zhang Ziyu hid his face and cried bitterly! The female Yao Ming was isolated, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost the championship

【Highlight Moment】

Spiritual! Zhang Ziyue hit the board and threw a hit after feintting

42 points and 14 boards still lost, Zhang Ziyu hid his face and cried bitterly! The female Yao Ming was isolated, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost the championship

Tough! Li Yuwei hit with one enemy and two 2 points

42 points and 14 boards still lost, Zhang Ziyu hid his face and cried bitterly! The female Yao Ming was isolated, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost the championship

Hold high! Zhang Ziyu hit a 2-point shot over his opponent's head

42 points and 14 boards still lost, Zhang Ziyu hid his face and cried bitterly! The female Yao Ming was isolated, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost the championship

Dominance! Zhang Ziyu scored in the second attack and added a penalty

42 points and 14 boards still lost, Zhang Ziyu hid his face and cried bitterly! The female Yao Ming was isolated, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost the championship

No solution! Zhang Ziyu scored 2 points easily under the basket

42 points and 14 boards still lost, Zhang Ziyu hid his face and cried bitterly! The female Yao Ming was isolated, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost the championship

Steady! Zhang Ziyu squeezed away the opponent and scored another 2 points

42 points and 14 boards still lost, Zhang Ziyu hid his face and cried bitterly! The female Yao Ming was isolated, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost the championship

【Contest Review】

At the beginning of the game, Australia showed the usual fierce defense and physical confrontation, Australia Shears scored the first point with a layup, the Chinese women's basketball team was obviously a little uncomfortable, played for more than two minutes, Zhang Ziyue helped the team score the first point, Wang Jiaxin also had three points in the bottom corner, the women's basketball team overtook 5-4, Williams immediately counterattacked and scored 2 points, and then stealed the women's basketball team to score 2 points, Xu Fengwei chased 3 points to 8 draws, Dees responded with 3 points, Zhang Ziyu continued to make kills, free throws to get 2 points, Schaumfoy responded with 2 points, Li Yuwei hit a layup, Harvey hit both free throws, Li Yuwei responded with horseback archery, Shears hit a 2-point shot, Zhang Ziyu broke the scoring drought and chased the score, plus Xu Fengwei hit a free throw, and the Chinese women's basketball team fell behind by 3 points 19-22 in the first quarter.

42 points and 14 boards still lost, Zhang Ziyu hid his face and cried bitterly! The female Yao Ming was isolated, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost the championship

In the second quarter, Hu Yifan chased the score 2+1, Shears responded with a layup, relying on Zhang Ziyu to make fouls continuously, Australia was full of fouls early, but the women's basketball team lacked reliable scoring means on the offensive end except for Zhang Ziyu, Australia blossomed inside and outside, and when Zhang Ziyu was at the end of the break, he stretched the lead to as many as 14 points in one breath, Zhang Ziyu was forced to play in advance, fortunately, Zhang Ziyu was reliable enough, scored 10 points in a row after the debut, and directly chased the difference to 4 points, but his teammates next to him made mistakes one after another, Giving Australia easy scoring opportunities in a row, Australia led by seven points at 49-42 at halftime.

42 points and 14 boards still lost, Zhang Ziyu hid his face and cried bitterly! The female Yao Ming was isolated, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost the championship

After Shomfoy scored 2 points at the beginning, Zhang Ziyu dominated the game alone, carrying the other 4 teammates next to him to confront Australia, chasing the score to 53 in one breath, and overtaking 2 points in the middle of the quarter, helplessly, as long as Zhang Ziyu took a breath, the game quickly collapsed, and a wave of 8-0 attack wave at the end of the quarter overtook the score, and Australia led by 5 points 68-63 in the third quarter.

42 points and 14 boards still lost, Zhang Ziyu hid his face and cried bitterly! The female Yao Ming was isolated, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost the championship

Entering the final quarter of the competition, the advantage Zhang Ziyu scored 2 points to stop the bleeding, Schaumfoy responded with 2 points, Zhang Ziyu scored 4 points in a row, but unfortunately the defensive end was completely unable to limit Australia, and the score difference was always maintained at around 5 points, the Chinese women's basketball team was once close to the score in the middle of the quarter, but Wang Jiaxin and Xu Fengwei made unreasonable shots many times, frequently wasting opportunities, plus Zhang Ziyu's physical fitness warning, the Chinese women's basketball team fell behind by 9 points in the last 3 minutes and fell into a desperate situation, Zhang Ziyue hit a life-saving three-point, but the defensive end was full of loopholes, and finally the women's basketball team surrendered in advance with three minutes left.

【Both starts】

Australia: Monique, Bonnie, Lara, Jana, Shears

China: Wang Jiaxin, Xu Fengwei, Zhang Ziyu, Li Yuwang, Zhang Ziyue

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