
Newsweek丨Come on, Li Dong! From a homeless man to a workshop leader, a new student for the hearing impaired

author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily

Peninsula All Media Chief Reporter Gao Fang

Three years ago, he was a wandering "nameless", he didn't know where he came from, he didn't have an identity, and his hearing impairment deepened the gap between him and the world.

Three years later, he worked as a team leader in the workshop of a washing company, always working a few beats faster than others, always squatting next to the machine and following the master to learn maintenance techniques, in the eyes of the boss: "He is an active person." ”

His name is Li Dong, and in the past three years, it has been the relay of love from many well-wishers who has helped him complete a new life that broke out of the cocoon and became a butterfly.

Newsweek丨Come on, Li Dong! From a homeless man to a workshop leader, a new student for the hearing impaired
"I'm a normal person anymore"

On the morning of June 28, in the workshop of a washing company located in Qingtongxia Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City, the oversized washing machine turned vigorously, Wang Jianmin walked into the spacious and bright workshop, and searched for a familiar figure between the piles of white sheets and rows of rumbling machines.

Glimpsing Wang Jianmin coming, Li Dong was stunned at first, then a smile appeared on his face, he bent his thumb, and clicked a few times, this is he greeting Wang Jianmin.

Wang Jianmin also asked him in sign language: Have you completed all the documents?

Li Dongbi said: The disability certificate has been issued, and I am applying for a transportation card, so with the ID card I got before, I am a normal person who can work to support myself and live freely.

Wang Jianmin was very happy for him and continued to ask: How are you doing here? Tired or not?

Li Dong responded: I'm not tired, I'm very happy, I like this job very much.

In the interval of this silent exchange, Li Dong did not stop what he was doing, and it could be seen that his whole person was full of energy.

As a public welfare sign language teacher who serves the hearing-impaired people in the island city all the year round, Wang Jianmin will come to the washing company from time to time to visit Li Dong, ask him about his current situation, and help him communicate his needs. Seeing that Li Dong did a good job, Wang Jianmin was also very pleased.

After all, from a hearing-impaired person with no identity, no place of residence, and no family, to become a team leader in a workshop, to achieve self-reliance, and to receive a salary of four or five thousand yuan a month, it is a new life for Li Dong.

Newsweek丨Come on, Li Dong! From a homeless man to a workshop leader, a new student for the hearing impaired

"It is the help of many well-wishers that has allowed Li Dong to have a fulfilling life today." Wang Jianmin said with emotion.

Time has to go back to one day in 2021, Wang Jianmin received a call from a police officer: "Mr. Wang, can you come to the Jinhu Road Police Station?" ”

Wang Jianmin, who is in his 60s this year, as a volunteer who has been engaged in public welfare for a long time, has encountered all kinds of difficulties for the hearing-impaired. But when he met Li Dong at the police station that day, he also realized that the problem was very tricky and difficult to solve.

Through sign language communication, Wang Jianmin learned that the hearing-impaired man in front of him, who claimed to be "Li Dong", was about 32 years old, and he couldn't tell where he was born, saying that he had no impression of his parents when he had memory. Everyone also judged from this that he was likely abandoned by his parents since he was a child.

As an adult, Li Dong has wandered in many cities, making a living by doing odd jobs, because he has no ID card, his work and life are greatly restricted, and he has even been detained for several months for theft. After coming to Qingdao, with the help of Ms. Jiang, a citizen, he finally got a stable job, doing some handling and delivery work in the small supermarket opened by Ms. Jiang.

But later, Ms. Jiang had to go back to her hometown to take care of her elderly mother, and the supermarket had to close. She considered that Li Dong was a hearing-impaired person and had no one to rely on, and was afraid that he would go astray again, so she sent him to the Jinhu Road Police Station and wanted to ask the police comrades to help arrange a suitable place to live.

After Wang Jianmin asked about Wang Dong's situation, he remembered a hearing-impaired girl he had rescued: someone brought this girl to Qingdao on the pretext of looking for a job, and after realizing that she had been deceived, the girl sneaked out and was sent to the city rescue service center by well-wishers when she was on the street. The staff of the center invited Wang Jianmin to communicate with the girl, and after obtaining the basic information of the girl's family, the staff quickly helped contact her relatives, and finally escorted her back to her hometown.

Subsequently, Wang Jianmin told everyone his thoughts: can he be sent to the Qingdao Rescue Service Center first to help him find his family.

This plan has been recognized by everyone, after all, now DNA and other big data comparison technologies are very advanced, through these methods, there is always a glimmer of hope to help Li Dong find his relatives.

Wang Jianmin asked Li Dong: Do you want identity?

Of course I did! ——Li Dong nodded frequently, and when he learned that the first step was to go to the rescue service center, he expressed his understanding and acceptance.

"It can be seen that he very much wants an identity where he can live like an ordinary person." Wang Jianmin recalled.

Newsweek丨Come on, Li Dong! From a homeless man to a workshop leader, a new student for the hearing impaired

A few days later, Wang Jianmin took Li Dong to the Qingdao Rescue Service Center to help Li Dong communicate with the center's staff. The staff was very sympathetic to Li Dong's plight, and immediately said: "Teacher Wang, don't worry, let's arrange for Li Dong to live first, so that he can have a stable life, and the rest of the things will be handled step by step according to the procedures." ”

Wang Jianmin's heart was put down, and he finally had some eyebrows to find an identity for Li Dong.

"I want to live with my hands"

I thought that Li Dong would return to his relatives with the help of the rescue service center and be well cared for, but whether it was through the national rescue network or DNA testing, Li Dong's information was like a pebble, thrown into the vast sea, and he did not get any effective response.

Fortunately, basic life such as food and lodging was guaranteed, and after determining that Li Dong had no identity information, and considering that he was a hearing-impaired person and temporarily incapable of solving his life problems, the staff of the rescue service center transferred him to the Qingdao Social Welfare Institute through the examination and approval of the policy according to the policy.

However, Li Dong, who entered the welfare home, although his life was well guaranteed, he was an idle person, and he sent text messages to Wang Jianmin several times, expressing his willingness to support himself with his hands and get paid for his labor.

"The work gives me a sense of fulfillment, and I don't want to stay in the orphanage anymore, I want to get out of there." During the video call, Wang Jianmin could see from Li Dong's facial expression that he was really a little impatient.

Wang Jianmin comforted him first, "At that time, I just said some comforting words first, and I don't know whether he can come out of the welfare home to work again." Wang Jianmin said that although there was no solution for a while, Li Dong's matter has always been taken to heart.

One day in May 2023, Wang Jianmin's friend Zhang Jian came to visit. Zhang Jian opened a washing company, there are many hearing-impaired people working in it, listening to Wang Jianmin talk about Li Dong, Zhang Jian's eyes lit up, he had already seen Li Dong, before Li Dong often went to his company, and chatted with hearing-impaired friends there, "I have a good impression of this young man, he is a person who lives actively." ”

The two exchanged information about Li Dong, and Zhang Jian expressed his willingness to help Li Dong. He has been running a company for so many years, whether it is a nursing home or a washing company, he has been providing jobs for the hearing-impaired, and has the ability to take care of Li Dong's life and solve his employment problems.

Newsweek丨Come on, Li Dong! From a homeless man to a workshop leader, a new student for the hearing impaired

Washing company workshop

So, Wang Jianmin and Zhang Jian came to the Municipal Social Welfare Institute and applied for a guarantee to let Li Dong return to society. In view of Li Dong's repeated requests to return to social work, the welfare institute expressed respect for Li Dong's ideas.

Things are going very well. On the afternoon of June 6, 2023, we went to the Shinan District People's Court with Li Dong, and the moment we saw Li Dong get his ID card, we were all very excited, and we felt that we had waited for a long time for this day, and it was not easy to come by, and our efforts were finally not in vain. Wang Jianmin said with emotion.

Wang Jianmin still remembers the scene on December 27, 2023, when he and Zhang Jian went to pick up Li Dong in the welfare home, Li Dong was so excited that he shed tears, "All of us are happy for him, this is also a new beginning in his life." ”

"I'm happy every day"

On the same day, Zhang Jian drove Li Dong back to the washing company, and as soon as he entered the workshop, there were many hearing-impaired people who greeted Li Dong, and there was no communication barrier, so that Li Dong suddenly integrated into the world.

Counting, washing, ironing, preparation...... Li Dong, who stands next to the ironing machine every day, and his colleagues cooperate tacitly to lift, shop and put ...... In just 10 minutes, a cart of washed quilt covers is put into the ironing machine, and then turned into neat "square piers", which are sent to the packing place through the conveyor belt.

"Li Dong is very capable and cherishes the current job opportunity very much." Zhang Jian was full of praise for Li Dong. In the workshop, Li Dong is never lazy in his work, and he is very studious, "When he first came, he squatted in front of the smart washing machine to study these buttons, and every time he saw me operating the buttons, he would also ask me how to operate." ”

What surprised Zhang Jian was that when the maintenance master in the workshop overhauled the machine, Li Dong would squat next to him to learn, and later there were some minor faults in the machine, and he would also repair it. "This master is very strict, and he will not let people interfere with his work, but he is very relieved of Li Dong, and will let him be a little assistant, and basically take him as an apprentice."

Another reason that can make Li Dong adapt quickly is that there are more than a dozen hearing-impaired people in this washing company, and this atmosphere also allows Li Dong to find some sense of belonging.

Zhang Jian has been opening this washing company for ten years, and when he first opened the company, he had an idea to recruit some hearing-impaired people to come in and provide them with some jobs, "because I still have a nursing home, which is also a public welfare industry, and I hope to help more people in need in the society." ”

It didn't go well at first, and even because of poor communication with the hearing-impaired, it caused a lot of disputes and was complained. "But once they recognize you, it becomes very smooth, and there are a lot of hearing-impaired people in the company who have been working for 10 years and have never been late for work." Zhang Jian jokingly said that he communicates with the hearing-impaired all year round, and his sign language is basically self-taught.

Newsweek丨Come on, Li Dong! From a homeless man to a workshop leader, a new student for the hearing impaired

Cleaning and packing markings

Half of Zhang Jian's laundry company is hearing-impaired, employees are paid equally for equal work, and colleagues get along well, and there is an unwritten rule in the company that there can be no disrespectful names for hearing-impaired people.

Zhang Jian understands Li Dong's desire to return to social life: "Many hearing-impaired people are very hardworking and hardworking, and if they can integrate into society and support themselves with their own hands, they will also feel a great sense of achievement." ”

In the huge washing workshop, the workers are divided into several groups in an orderly manner, some of them tear out, shake off, flatten the washed and twisted sheets, and then put them into the ironing machine. Some simply fold the sheets in three or four neatly, and fold the sheets that have just dried and are still hot...... Everything was in order. In a group of workers, Li Dong's movements were obviously a few beats faster than others, and when other workers folded one sheet, he had already finished folding two sheets.

"Li Dong is currently a team leader on an assembly line." Zhang Jian introduced, "He is very responsible, and he will also go over and look at the packed sheets to make sure there are no mistakes." ”

It is hard to imagine that the workshop team leader in front of him was still an "anonymous" who had no fixed place and no ID card 3 years ago, and it is not difficult to see from the smiling face on Li Dong's face that he is full of confidence in his new life.

Newsweek丨Come on, Li Dong! From a homeless man to a workshop leader, a new student for the hearing impaired
Extend >> The life of another "anonymous" is also guaranteed

When interviewing Li Dong's story, Wang Jianmin told reporters a good news, "Wang Fuqiang, another 'anonymous person' we helped last year, has entered a social welfare institute and his life is guaranteed. ”

On November 19, 2023, this newspaper once did an article ""Anonymous", meet great love! The deaf-mute had a car accident at night, led by a Qingdao sign language teacher, and staged a relay of love", which tells the story of Wang Fuqiang, another hearing-impaired person.

On October 31, 2023, Wang Fuqiang and his co-workers were in a car accident on their way home, and Wang Fuqiang was thrown out of the back seat of a motorcycle, resulting in injuries and fractures. Subsequently, he was sent to the hospital by the Shinan traffic police for first aid, but because he was deaf and mute, neither the traffic police nor the medical staff could communicate with him. After many inquiries, the Shinan traffic police department found Wang Jianmin to help.

Wang Jianmin, who walked into the emergency room, recognized the "anonymous" lying on the hospital bed at a glance: "I have known him for many years, he is not only deaf and mute, but also has no ID card and no relatives who can be contacted, and he should be in his early 40s." Everyone only knows one name, they all call him Wang Fuqiang, and he usually does odd jobs to support himself. ”

During his hospitalization, Wang Fuqiang was carefully cared for by medical staff, and at the same time, a loving aid was also quietly carried out.

It turned out that on November 4 of the same year, when Wang Jianmin was giving a public welfare sign language class to college students, he told Wang Fuqiang about his helplessness and car accident. The students immediately offered to donate money to Wang Fuqiang to help him tide over the difficulties. The sign language volunteers from colleges and universities in the island city who participated in the sign language class on the day continued to mobilize their classmates to carry out a wider range of donation activities after returning to the school.

Although the number of donations per college student is not much, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 20 yuan...... At first, everyone just wanted to scrape together enough money for Wang Fuqiang to buy diapers and other nursing supplies, because Wang Fuqiang couldn't take care of himself after the operation, and he relied on medical staff to take care of his daily life, and the most urgent thing was diapers. Later, the number of donations rose all the way, and a total of 358 students from 6 colleges and universities and one vocational school participated in the fundraising activity, with a total donation of 3,544 yuan. The seven schools are Ocean University of China, Qingdao University, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao University of Technology, Shandong Foreign Trade Vocational College, Qingdao Hengxing University of Science and Technology and Qingdao Tourism School.

Wang Jianmin was taken aback when he saw the final amount of donations, and he learned from the hospital that what Wang Fuqiang needed most after being discharged from the hospital should be crutches and wheelchairs, so after discussing with everyone, he used the donated money to buy these two auxiliary equipment.

After a month of treatment in the hospital, Wang Fuqiang was admitted to the city's rescue service center, "At that time, he was walking unsteadily, and the crutches that the college students bought came in handy." Wang Jianmin said.

"At the rescue service center, Wang Fuqiang received a good recuperation because he had difficulty moving, and the staff would help him prepare meals and send them to the dormitory." Wang Jianmin introduced that after a month of recuperation, Wang Fuqiang threw away his crutches and was able to walk normally.

Three months later, in accordance with the policy approval, the staff of the Municipal Rescue Service Center transferred Wang Fuqiang to the Municipal Social Welfare Institute, and his future life was also basically guaranteed.

Speaking of Wang Fuqiang's wandering life in Qingdao in the past few years, Wang Jianmin knows very well: "He doesn't know where he came from, he doesn't have an ID card, and it is becoming more and more inconvenient to stay and find a job." Sometimes I work as a cook in a restaurant, and sometimes I do odd jobs on a construction site...... Wherever you work, you live. ”

"Being able to recuperate and live in a welfare home is a good thing for Wang Fuqiang, who is 'drifting' all day." Wang Jianmin said with emotion.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of hearing-impaired people in mainland China is as high as tens of millions, and there are about 20,000 hearing-impaired people with second-level or higher hearing impairment certificates in Qingdao alone, and many of them have communication problems. In Qingdao, a city of love, there are many well-wishers involved, and the hearing-impaired people in need of help have gained a happy life.

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