
Notes: Thompson has arrived in Los Angeles and will have final negotiations with the Lakers about his franchise

author:Old Zhuge Bayern Munich boss

On July 1, Beijing time, the free market of the 2024 NBA offseason will slowly and solemnly open like a golden door. For the long-awaited NBA teams, this is undoubtedly a golden moment for them to find treasures and strengthen their strength; And for those players who have dreams and ambitions, this is also a precious opportunity for them to rewrite their destiny and reshape their "money path".

Notes: Thompson has arrived in Los Angeles and will have final negotiations with the Lakers about his franchise

This year's free agency market is star-studded, and there is no shortage of legendary veterans who fans are familiar with. Among them, the brightest star is undoubtedly LeBron James. According to media reports, the basketball superstar has decided to break free from his current contract, however, instead of seeking a new home as he has done in the past, he has firmly chosen to renew his relationship with the Lakers. James' intention to jump out of the contract this time is to sign a new contract with the Lakers, and the specific length and annual salary of this contract will depend on the clever operation of Lakers management in the free market.

It is reported that the types of players James is willing to take a pay cut for are mature veterans like James Harden or Klay Thompson, or big men who can play alongside Anthony Davis, such as Jonas Valanciunas. It can be said that the Lakers are making a last ditch effort to improve the team's competitiveness.

Notes: Thompson has arrived in Los Angeles and will have final negotiations with the Lakers about his franchise

On June 30, Beijing time, according to Yahoo reporter Jake Fischer, Klay Thompson and his agent team have arrived in Los Angeles and will have final negotiations with the Lakers on joining.

Notes: Thompson has arrived in Los Angeles and will have final negotiations with the Lakers about his franchise

Thompson is known to be an excellent catch-and-shoot player. Although his form has declined significantly in the past two seasons, his positioning and projection ability is still among the top in the league. During the Warriors dynasty, the organization and pull of Green, Iguodala and Curry and others were always able to create excellent opportunities for Thompson. Playing next to James and Reaves, Thompson can undoubtedly fit into the Purple and Gold's system, especially using James' top-notch passing ability to convert opportunities into scoring. And once the outside firepower can be improved, then the strength of the Lakers will undoubtedly be improved by a notch.

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