
The ultra-clear photos of the Chang'e-6 robot are announced! Chang'e-7 is a "roaring dog", which can fly and climb

author:Universal Science Cats

China's Chang'e-6 mission was a complete success and brought back 1935.3 grams of lunar samples, and this time the return of lunar samples also created a new history of continental lunar exploration, and also created a new history of lunar exploration in the world's aerospace industry.

Because this part of the lunar sample is from the far side of the moon, it is the first time that human beings have collected the soil on the far side of the moon, which is more valuable than the hundreds of kilograms of lunar soil collected by humans on the front side of the moon.

The ultra-clear photos of the Chang'e-6 robot are announced! Chang'e-7 is a "roaring dog", which can fly and climb

However, under the Chang'e-6 mission, many people have heated discussions about Chang'e-7's "Roaring Sky Dog" again, and this mission is also the mainland's next lunar exploration mission.

Of course, its exposure is more direct than the robots brought by Chang'e-6, so what's going on? Let's first tell you about the robot of Chang'e-6, and then talk about the "roaring dog" of Chang'e-7.

Chang'e-6 robot - mysterious and mysterious

That's right, the robot of Chang'e-6 is really too mysterious to the mainland, and it has completely reached a certain "level of secrecy", because there is no relevant disclosure before the Chang'e-6 mission.

And directly after China's Chang'e-6 probe landed on the far side of the moon and took a historic photo of Chang'e-6, there was news of its relevance, and it took on the role of its "photographer" on the far side of the moon.

The ultra-clear photos of the Chang'e-6 robot are announced! Chang'e-7 is a "roaring dog", which can fly and climb

Therefore, at this time, everyone remembered how the photos of the mainland Chang'e-6 probe were taken, and they were taken from a distance, and then they knew that this group of photos was taken by this mysterious robot.

After Chang'e-6 completed sampling on the far side of the moon, it autonomously separated to the surface of the moon, moved to a suitable shooting position autonomously, independently selected the shooting angle and composition and intelligently optimized the imaging position, and finally took a third-view real image of the lander ascender assembly on the far side of the moon.

In addition to taking "selfies", another task of the little robot is to verify autonomous intelligence technology, which is seen as the future direction of deep space exploration.

The ultra-clear photos of the Chang'e-6 robot are announced! Chang'e-7 is a "roaring dog", which can fly and climb

And yet? In addition to seeing the photos of the Chang'e-6 combination, everyone still doesn't know what this robot looks like, even if the photos of the robot announced before, it is completely blurry and can't be seen clearly, which makes everyone question, the mainland is still keeping it secret, and after that, its news disappeared again, almost forgotten by everyone, and the result?

After the handover of the lunar samples of Chang'e-6 on the mainland, everyone really saw this lunar rover clearly, you can see this picture, it is so simple, this is completely a bit of a mismatch with its function, no way, the scientific team of the mainland has completely integrated it.

The ultra-clear photos of the Chang'e-6 robot are announced! Chang'e-7 is a "roaring dog", which can fly and climb

Therefore, after the foreign media saw China's disclosure of this robot, they also spoke highly and praised it, that is, the moon's "autonomous photographer" showed China's scientific research strength.

See? From the launch to the release of samples on the far side of the moon on the mainland, for such a long time, everyone finally waited for the photos of its robot, which is really not easy, you say it is not mysterious and mysterious, this time everyone saw the high-definition photos, it can indeed be collected, it is rare.

And this lunar robot, the mainland also announced a name, that is, named "Jin Toad", so Chang'e-6 took "Jin Toad" to take pictures, this is its situation.

The ultra-clear photos of the Chang'e-6 robot are announced! Chang'e-7 is a "roaring dog", which can fly and climb

However, the mainland's Chang'e-7 is different this time, announcing its leap period in a high-profile manner, and everyone can call it the "Roaring Sky Dog" because its strength is even stronger.

Chang'e-7 will be on board the "Roaring Sky Dog", which can not only fly, but also climb

That's right, after the mainland Chang'e-6 mission, the Chang'e-7 mission is the most critical, and this time the mainland disclosed some explanations very early.

That is, the mission is preparing to land at the south pole of the moon, and after landing, it will carry out exploration missions including the lunar surface environment, lunar soil water ice and volatile components at the south pole of the moon, obtain remote sensing and scientific data in place for the whole moon, landing area and patrol area, and lay the foundation for the construction of the lunar scientific research station.

The ultra-clear photos of the Chang'e-6 robot are announced! Chang'e-7 is a "roaring dog", which can fly and climb

Of course, the most important thing is to find the moon's water source. And it is necessary to mention here that in fact, it is not uncommon to find water on the moon, and Chang'e-5 on the mainland has already found water, and there are a large number of impact glass beads in the lunar soil samples brought back by Chang'e-5.

The researchers selected 32 uniformly textured impact glass beads and analyzed them and found that the average water content of these impact glass beads was 0.05%. The water content of the glass beads showed obvious diffusion ring characteristics, and the water content decreased from the outer edge of the glass beads to the core.

The ultra-clear photos of the Chang'e-6 robot are announced! Chang'e-7 is a "roaring dog", which can fly and climb

Therefore, Chang'e-5 discovered water, if nothing else, Chang'e-6 lunar samples may also have water, because according to the news revealed by Hu Hao, the chief designer of the mainland Chang'e-6 mission, Chang'e-6 felt that the lunar soil on the back side of the moon is not the same as the lunar soil on the front, the lunar soil on the front is more delicate, and the lunar soil on the back of the moon is more viscous and agglomerated.

It is because of the description that the lunar soil is relatively viscous and agglomerate, which makes everyone say that this may be evidence of the existence of water, but the mainland did not give a positive research result, and only later affirmed it, then we will know.

Therefore, the Chang'e-7 lunar probe will explore the water source of the moon's south pole, which will be a new starting point.

The ultra-clear photos of the Chang'e-6 robot are announced! Chang'e-7 is a "roaring dog", which can fly and climb

And this time Chang'e-7 will be on the "Roaring Sky Dog", which is the main payload of this mission, but the mainland does not keep it secret this time, and has also made a special disclosure of relevance, you can take a look at the picture of Chang'e-7 - Leap Water Molecule Analyzer.

The ultra-clear photos of the Chang'e-6 robot are announced! Chang'e-7 is a "roaring dog", which can fly and climb

As you can see above, this one payload can enter various areas by flying or climbing.

This is actually recalled, the mainland calls it a "flying machine", which is completely normal, and it can be climbed on the ground, that is really an all-round machine, function and other issues, you can look at the image, this is the general situation,

Chang'e-7 "Roaring Sky Dog": Many countries will also witness together

That's right, the mainland Chang'e-6 mission has 4 countries involved, and the mainland Chang'e-7 mission has more countries involved, and 7 countries have been officially announced, and the Chang'e-7 that the mainland plans to launch around 2026 will carry 6 payloads from Egypt, Bahrain, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, Thailand, the International Association of Lunar Astronomical Observatories and other 7 countries and international organizations to fly to the moon together to carry out relevant scientific research.

The ultra-clear photos of the Chang'e-6 robot are announced! Chang'e-7 is a "roaring dog", which can fly and climb

Then the mission activities of the Chang'e-7 "Roaring Sky Dog" will also be witnessed by these countries.

Having said that, the participation of these countries also means that the mainland Chang'e-7 mission has started the construction of the "Lunar Scientific Research Station", which can be regarded as intermittently carrying out the mission of the scientific research station, so after the later countries join again, these are already considered "veterans". Therefore, it is expected that the Chang'e-7 mission will be a complete success and open a new era of lunar exploration on the mainland.


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