
On the shore of the Li River, a picture of humanity and natural ecology is drawn


As soon as we talk about Guilin, we will involuntarily come up with this sentence in our minds - "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world". This poem from the Song Dynasty literati Wang Zhenggong is the most direct expression and praise of Guilin, which is picturesque with mountains and rivers.

Guilin, with its beautiful mountains and rivers, is blessed with unique natural resources and has always been a popular tourist destination. I have also traveled to Guilin and other places many times in Guangdong, and I am relatively familiar and cordial with this place.

When I was a child, I traveled to Guilin with adults, went to see Elephant Trunk Mountain, went to see the prototype of landscape painting for 20 yuan, visited various magical karst caves, went to take a boat to swim in the Li River, and went to take a bamboo raft to play in the water. In recent years, he often goes to Yangshuo County, Xingping Ancient Town and other idyllic countryside below Guilin, and always immerses himself in the fresh and beautiful natural scenery every time.

On the shore of the Li River, a picture of humanity and natural ecology is drawn

Guilin and its surrounding areas, with its beautiful mountains and rivers, have actually experienced environmental pollution and destruction of the natural ecology. There was a time when the locals were stunned by the pollution caused by the development of industries for economic production, or the discharge of sewage, or the digging of sand in the rivers, or the dumping of garbage.

Fortunately, through the efforts of many people, the environment damaged by pollution was changed little by little, so that Guilin's green mountains and clear waters could see the light of day again. The process may seem simple to say, but it has been a difficult one, with many difficulties and resistances, and the locals have had to persevere to achieve the results they are today.

On the shore of the Li River, a picture of humanity and natural ecology is drawn
On the shore of the Li River, a picture of humanity and natural ecology is drawn

The long-form reportage "Jiang Rulian" written by Ren Linju, winner of the Lu Xun Literature Award, vividly tells the history and achievements of environmental governance in Guilin and the protection and construction of natural ecology in the Lijiang River basin with beautiful and delicate writing and emotionally rich words.

The author started from Mao'er Mountain, the source of the Li River, went down the river, went deep into more than 30 villages, interviewed more than 60 people, investigated and traced the scene in various places, excavated the stories of local history, humanities, natural resources, ecological protection, etc., and showed us the unique ecological civilization of the Li River Basin, and showed the harmonious coexistence and close relationship between man and nature.

On the shore of the Li River, a picture of humanity and natural ecology is drawn
On the shore of the Li River, a picture of humanity and natural ecology is drawn

The efforts made by the people of Guilin to restore the natural ecological environment are also a demonstration lesson in the relationship between man and nature. Their environmental protection experience and practical experience also have great reference and learning value for the environmental governance work of other regions and cities.

Those mountain rangers who are not afraid of hardships and dangers in order to protect the natural environment and diverse species of Mao'er Mountain, those who travel around to investigate and implement pollution control projects in order to control environmental pollution in Guilin, those who give up the big city and return to Guilin to devote themselves to the economic and cultural development of the city, and those who do not forget to protect the environment while developing tourism...... They all contribute to making Guilin a better place.

In the author's pen, these people seem to be right in front of our eyes, doing what they insist on, showing their true emotions and emotions.

On the shore of the Li River, a picture of humanity and natural ecology is drawn
On the shore of the Li River, a picture of humanity and natural ecology is drawn

As a bystander, I was also involuntarily moved, walked into the mountain, the water and the village, and immersed myself with them in this simple world away from the hustle and bustle of the city and returning to nature and harmony.

Standing on the shore of the Li River, it can be seen that the bay of river water is passing away, flowing endlessly, the green mountains on both sides of the river are the same, and the Chengjiang River is like practice......

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