
Singing loudly and loudly to praise the party's grace, the "Golden Years Choir" celebrated the "July 1st" performance was wonderful

author:Zhumadian TV network

All-media reporters Jia Dan, Wang Xin, Liu Qingchun

On the evening of June 29th, a passionate and energetic "Always Follow the Party" celebration "July 1st" theatrical performance was held on the cultural stage of the Royal Post Station. The event was hosted by the Zhumadian Federation of Trade Unions and the Municipal University of Veteran Cadres, aiming to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and express the love of the elderly for the party and the country through passionate singing and wonderful performances.

Singing loudly and loudly to praise the party's grace, the "Golden Years Choir" celebrated the "July 1st" performance was wonderful

The performance kicked off with the dance "Gathering Together", and the familiar melody sounded, which instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the audience. The classic song "Party, Dear Mother" brought by the choir sang infinite gratitude and loyalty to the party through affectionate singing, and the song seemed to take the audience through the long river of history, reviewing the arduous course and brilliant achievements of the Communist Party of China leading the people.

Singing loudly and loudly to praise the party's grace, the "Golden Years Choir" celebrated the "July 1st" performance was wonderful

Subsequently, the song "Building the Chinese Dream Together" pushed the performance to a climax. The passionate melody and heroic lyrics make everyone's heart swell with a strong sense of national pride.

Singing loudly and loudly to praise the party's grace, the "Golden Years Choir" celebrated the "July 1st" performance was wonderful

The performance was also interspersed with classic singing passages of Henan Opera, poetry recitation, dance and other programs.

The July 1st performance interpreted the love for the party and the pursuit of art with practical actions, showed the positive spirit of the elderly, and also presented a generous gift for the party's birthday. (Edited by Li Zongwen)

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