
Du Ruoxi participated in her daughter's graduation performance! Rourou and Xie Na's daughter are in the same school, and the parents' photo attracts attention

Du Ruoxi participated in her daughter's graduation performance! Rourou and Xie Na's daughter are in the same school, and the parents' photo attracts attention

Du Ruoxi's mother-daughter relationship with flesh and flesh has received wide public attention in a recent kindergarten graduation performance. This time, Du Ruoxi shared a video of Rourou's performance at the Shanghai Grand Theater on his personal social platform, which sparked heated discussions and discussions among netizens.

On the day of the performance, the meat was tied with a high ponytail, neatly combed, and looked even more playful and cute. She wears a crisp white dress, every detail is carefully designed, and she wears light makeup, as if she is a modern version of Snow White out of a fairy tale.

As the lead singer, Rou Rou behaved confidently and generously, standing in the center of the stage, with her hands naturally at her sides, showing her stage charm smoothly. Her clear singing voice is full of power, making the audience feel as if they see a little angel singing. The audience applauded and gave her the most sincere praise for her performance.

Du Ruoxi participated in her daughter's graduation performance! Rourou and Xie Na's daughter are in the same school, and the parents' photo attracts attention

Du Ruoxi sat in the audience, watching her daughter's every move on the stage intently. She was extremely excited, recording every precious moment with her mobile phone, while silently cheering for the meat in her heart. Her mother-in-law was equally excited, tears of emotion welled up in the corners of her eyes from time to time, and two generations shared unforgettable moments on such occasions.

Du Ruoxi is conscientious in her work and is known as "Desperate Sanniang". With her strong plasticity and sincere performance style, she has won unanimous praise from the audience and her peers. Many netizens said that Du Ruoxi can deeply understand and interpret the inner world of the characters in every role, and her performance is full of realism and emotional expression, which is impressive.

Du Ruoxi participated in her daughter's graduation performance! Rourou and Xie Na's daughter are in the same school, and the parents' photo attracts attention

In addition to the seriousness and persistence in work, Du Ruoxi shows a completely different side in daily life. She is described as a "little woman" with a sweet temperament and a sincere and hearty personality, and often shares the bits and pieces of her life on social platforms, which has aroused the love and attention of many fans. Netizens have left messages praising Du Ruoxi not only for his outstanding performance on the screen, but also for being a very cute and approachable person in real life.

The love story of Du Ruoxi and Yan Yikuan is even more enviable. Their marriage not only shows romance and sweetness, but also shows the tacit understanding and mutual support between the two. Netizens often discuss their loving relationship on social media, praising the two as the best partners in each other's lives. Their love story has become a sweet longing in the hearts of many fans, making people believe that true love can exist in such a high-pressure environment as the entertainment industry.

Du Ruoxi participated in her daughter's graduation performance! Rourou and Xie Na's daughter are in the same school, and the parents' photo attracts attention

On social media, Du Ruoxi shared videos and photos of her daughter's performance, which sparked widespread attention and heated discussions. Many netizens left words of praise in the comment area: "The meat is so cute! "It's really touching to see her so confident! Some netizens also sighed: "Du Ruoxi is a competent mother who can record every moment of her child's growth with her heart." ”

In addition to the praise of Rou Rou's performance, netizens also began to discuss the kindergarten where Rou Rou is and her classmates. Someone commented: "The education of Meat Kindergarten is really level, and it has cultivated so many cute and talented children. Some people also noticed that Rourou was in the same school as the children of other celebrity families, "These children grew up in the same environment, and it seems that the educational choices of celebrity families are the same as those of ordinary families." ”

Du Ruoxi participated in her daughter's graduation performance! Rourou and Xie Na's daughter are in the same school, and the parents' photo attracts attention

Regarding the group photo of Du Ruoxi's family, netizens also have different opinions and comments. "This family looks so happy and warm!" "Du Ruoxi looks so low-key in the group photo, unlike some celebrities who always like to steal the limelight. The comment section is full of curiosity and understanding of the family lifestyle of celebrities, showing the public's attention and recognition of the lives of these public figures.

Before the performance, for the sake of meaty stage styling, Du Ruoxi specially accompanied her daughter to try on the performance costume. She carefully selected a white dress that suited her body and image, making sure that every detail was perfect. Du Ruoxi carefully adjusted every inch of her clothes on the side to ensure that the image of the flesh on the stage not only met the requirements of the performance, but also showed her personality charm.

On the night of the performance, Du Ruoxi invited her father-in-law and mother-in-law to attend together, and the reunion of the whole family became a highlight outside the performance. They clinged to each other in the audience, looking forward to the moment when Flesh would perform on stage. Du Ruoxi sat among them, exchanging glances with them from time to time, silently praying and cheering for her daughter. At that moment, they were not only fleshy family, but also her most solid backing and supporters on the stage.

Du Ruoxi participated in her daughter's graduation performance! Rourou and Xie Na's daughter are in the same school, and the parents' photo attracts attention

When the audience saw this scene, they couldn't help but sigh at the warmth and intimacy of this family. Their reunion is not only a celebration of fleshy performances, but also a demonstration of the deep emotional bond between family members. This sincere and harmonious family atmosphere also made the audience feel a special warmth and touching between performances.

Du Ruoxi and her family interpreted their concern and support for the growth of meat with practical actions. They not only care about her studies and life, but also give her the most sincere blessings and companionship at important moments. Such family unity and warmth not only added special meaning to the performance of flesh and meat, but also made every audience present feel a deep resonance and touching between families.

Du Ruoxi participated in her daughter's graduation performance! Rourou and Xie Na's daughter are in the same school, and the parents' photo attracts attention

Rourou studied in Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Kindergarten, which also made her classmates with Xie Na and Zhang Jie's twin daughters Jumping and Qiaoqiao. This kind of celebrity family's choice of general education not only shows the importance that parents attach to education, but also arouses the public's curiosity and understanding of celebrity family life.

Du Ruoxi's group photos posted on social media, especially with other parents, have also become the focus of conversation. Netizens commented on the dress and atmosphere of the parents, and conducted in-depth discussions on the different attitudes of Du Ruoxi's family and other celebrity families, showing their interest and observation in the role positioning of celebrity families in public.

Finally, send blessings and prospects for meat. This graduation performance is not only a recognition of her early performance in her early life, but also a good start for her future growth. Looking forward to welcoming more beautiful tomorrow in confidence and elegance.

Du Ruoxi participated in her daughter's graduation performance! Rourou and Xie Na's daughter are in the same school, and the parents' photo attracts attention

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