
Roll up your sleeves for love, "doctor" is not to be dismissed! "Wangyi people" actively participate in unpaid blood donation activities

author:Hunan medical chat


On the occasion of the 20th "International Blood Donation Day", Want Want Hunan Hospital actively responded to the call of the Provincial Health Commission to carry out blood donation activities in our hospital. On the afternoon of June 28, all Wangyi people were moved by the news and actively signed up to participate.

Roll up your sleeves for love, "doctor" is not to be dismissed! "Wangyi people" actively participate in unpaid blood donation activities

At the event site, the enthusiasm of "unpaid blood donation" was ignited by Wangyi people. Liu Xiaopeng and Liu Guangzong, two directors of the medical department, personally went into battle, Xu Xiaoju, the third branch of the hospital trade union, and Xiong Jieping, director of the sixth branch, led the team to attend, and a total of 70 people from the six branches actively signed up to participate in unpaid blood donation. Luo Bayi, chairman of the hospital union, attached great importance to it, came to the scene to organize and condole, and was deeply moved by everyone's selfless dedication and expressed deep gratitude!

Dr. Huang Zhongji of the emergency department was anxious at the gate of the emergency department, and he was on duty at 120, only worried that he would miss the blood donation by the emergency ambulance, so he was the first to register. Five colleagues from the laboratory department, including Wang Min and Xu Meiwen, came in a group, and they knew the importance of blood for treating patients, so they were familiar with every blood donation. Shu Huyang, director of the medical insurance department of the fourth branch, and 5 colleagues from the department also came to "check in" collectively.

At 14:30, when the agreed blood donation time arrived, the medical teams on each floor arrived at the blood donation site.

Roll up your sleeves for love, "doctor" is not to be dismissed! "Wangyi people" actively participate in unpaid blood donation activities

On the blood donation car, Wangyi people have put up their arms and used their blood to convey the "pulse" of life. They include Zhang Bin and Liao Ling, who both husband and wife donated their blood, as well as the newly recruited pathology technician Fang Bofu last week, as well as the four intern classmates Ou Jinyang, Yang Yang, Huang Huilin, Wu Jiancheng and Dai Xiaolin, the family members of the employees, and Liu Fei, Rao Zhiqi, Wang Jing, and a group of generals who often "donate" blood who can't remember how many times they have donated blood.

Roll up your sleeves for love, "doctor" is not to be dismissed! "Wangyi people" actively participate in unpaid blood donation activities
Roll up your sleeves for love, "doctor" is not to be dismissed! "Wangyi people" actively participate in unpaid blood donation activities
Roll up your sleeves for love, "doctor" is not to be dismissed! "Wangyi people" actively participate in unpaid blood donation activities
Roll up your sleeves for love, "doctor" is not to be dismissed! "Wangyi people" actively participate in unpaid blood donation activities
Roll up your sleeves for love, "doctor" is not to be dismissed! "Wangyi people" actively participate in unpaid blood donation activities
Roll up your sleeves for love, "doctor" is not to be dismissed! "Wangyi people" actively participate in unpaid blood donation activities
Roll up your sleeves for love, "doctor" is not to be dismissed! "Wangyi people" actively participate in unpaid blood donation activities
Roll up your sleeves for love, "doctor" is not to be dismissed! "Wangyi people" actively participate in unpaid blood donation activities
Roll up your sleeves for love, "doctor" is not to be dismissed! "Wangyi people" actively participate in unpaid blood donation activities

Hunan Want Want Hospital has insisted on many years and regularly organized unpaid blood donation activities.

Hunan Medical Chat Special Author: Chen Liang, Secretary of the Labor Union of Hunan Want Want Hospital

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(Editor YH)

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