
What is the difference between female masturbation and sex? In addition to the number of people, do you know these 3 points?

author:Medica Media

For women with strong sexual desire, it may be manifested as a desire for sex, a feeling of dissatisfaction, obviously having sex many times, the frequency is high, but still not satisfied, may be solved by using hands, masturbation can also get pleasure, to achieve orgasm. Some people can't help but ask, what is the difference between a woman's use of her hands to solve physiological problems and a normal sex life?

What is the difference between female masturbation and sex? In addition to the number of people, do you know these 3 points?

1. The sense of experience is different

The most obvious difference between women using their hands and having sex is that the number of people involved is different, masturbating with their own hands is done independently, while having sex requires the assistance of a partner, so there is a difference in the number of people. Of course, the physical experience is also very different.

When solving it with hands, most people just want to reach orgasm and get pleasure, but there may be a feeling of emptiness and loneliness in the process, because they do it alone, often they don't have many intimate actions like their partners to tease each other, and they lack a lot of fun, as if they are just to complete the task, so there is a clear difference in experience, and solving it with hands is often not as enjoyable as women are compared to having sex.

What is the difference between female masturbation and sex? In addition to the number of people, do you know these 3 points?

2. The length of time is different

Women masturbate to satisfy themselves, and normal sex life is different from the length of time, their own hands to solve physiological problems, usually longer, because in the process may be with the help of some erotic products, the body can be stimulated, so as to get pleasure, and this time can be controlled by yourself, if you want to last longer, you will stick to it for a longer time, and if you want to complete it quickly, you may shorten the time.

And to have a normal sex life, in fact, the length of time varies from person to person, mainly depending on the other person. If the male sexual intercourse is short, it may be done in a few minutes, ten minutes. It can be seen that there is a difference in the length of time.

3. The restrictions are different

Many women are empty and lonely for a long time, and will get pleasure by masturbating with their hands, of course, this is not the same as living a normal sex life, the difference is that they are more free, not limited by time, they want to solve it with their hands, and they can do it whenever they want, but if they live a married life with their partners, there may be time restrictions.

What is the difference between female masturbation and sex? In addition to the number of people, do you know these 3 points?

If the other party is busy and does not have time in a short period of time, you may have to suppress the desire to have sex first, and wait until the other party is free to complete it, so there is a difference in the time limit.

In summary, it can be seen that whether women use their hands to solve physical problems or have sex, they can get pleasure from it, but there are many differences, in addition to the difference in numbers, there are also the points listed above. But for the sake of health, the frequency of sexual life should be controlled, not for a long time without intercourse, nor indulgence, of course, when solving the problem with hands, we should pay attention to hygiene, so as not to poor hygiene, bacterial breeding and invasion to bring some gynecological problems, safety should be taken into account.

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