
The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

author:Gourmet qualities

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body", this high-potassium food should be eaten more, legs and feet are strong, and the spirit is full.

Summer is hot and rainy, the temperature is hot and humid, many people are easy to sweat in this season, especially people who love to sweat, at this time sweating is easy to take away the body's potassium, potassium loss is easy to lead to physical fatigue, no energy, at this time to drink more water, drink more light salt water, eat some foods with high potassium content, can replenish potassium to the body, help the body recover physical strength, legs and feet, more energetic.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

When it's hot, cucumber is indispensable in our diet, because it has high moisture and clears away heat. The potassium in fruit bananas is also good, you can eat some bananas in moderation, it also has a good fatigue relieve, as well as detoxification and laxative benefits. However, there is another vegetable that is also high in potassium, and it is edamame.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Edamame is rich in high-quality plant protein, which helps maintain the body's normal physiological functions and muscle growth. Dietary fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation, and maintain intestinal health. Contains vitamin C, vitamin E, and more, which have antioxidant effects and help protect cells from free radical damage. In addition to the high potassium content (about 1503 mg/100 g), it is also rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc., which play an important role in maintaining the normal metabolism and physiological functions of the body.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Five-spice brine edamame

1. Pick fresh and plump edamame, place it in a large pot, and add plenty of water. Then add two spoonfuls of salt to the water and stir gently with your hands to allow the salt to dissolve thoroughly. Soak for 15 - 20 minutes, which can help remove impurities and pesticides that may remain on the surface of the edamame.

2. After soaking, rinse the edamame with water. Use scissors to carefully cut off the sharp corners of the ends of the edamame. On the one hand, it allows the edamame to absorb the flavor of the seasoning more fully during the subsequent marinating process, and on the other hand, it can be easier to peel off when eating.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush


1. Take a large pot and add enough water. Turn on a high heat to bring the water to a boil.

2. Once the water is boiling, add a little cooking oil to the pan. The purpose of adding cooking oil is to preserve the emerald green color of the edamame during the cooking process, making it look more appealing.

3. Next, gently pour the processed edamame into the pan. Keep the heat high and cook for 3 - 5 minutes. This step is mainly to preliminarily break the raw beans and remove the ajerky taste of the edamame. Cook for too long to avoid the edamame becoming too soft. Once cooked, quickly remove the edamame and drain it in a drain.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

4. In a separate pot, add an appropriate amount of water. The amount of water should be completely submerged over the edamame. Put star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, Sichuan peppercorns, dried chili peppers (if you like spicy), flattened garlic cloves, and sliced ginger in a pot.

5. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and cook for 5 minutes. This allows the flavor of the spice to be fully released into the water.

6. Add the appropriate amount of salt, the amount of salt can be adjusted according to personal taste and the amount of water. In general, it is slightly saltier than usual cooking so that the edamame tastes better. Then add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce to add umami, and a little dark soy sauce to adjust the color. Add 2-3 icing sugars to make the brine taste more mellow.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

7. Put the previously boiled and drained edamame beans into the spiced brine. Bring the brine to a boil over high heat again, then reduce the heat to low and cook for 10-15 minutes. Flip the edamame from time to time to make sure that each edamame absorbs the flavor of the brine evenly.

8. When cooked, turn off the heat. But don't rush to scoop out the edamame, let the edamame soak in the brine for 30 minutes to 1 hour. The longer it is soaked, the more flavorful the edamame will be.

9. After soaking, remove the edamame from the spiced brine and serve on a plate.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush


1. When boiling edamame, you should control the heat well, as cooking over high heat will easily cause edamame to lose its taste and color.

2. The taste of the brine can be tried and adjusted according to personal preference during the cooking process.

3. If you can't eat the cooked edamame in one go, you can keep it in the refrigerator, but it is recommended to consume it within 1-2 days to ensure taste and hygiene.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Loofah roasted edamame

Pick fresh and plump edamame pods and wash them off the surface with clean water to remove dirt and impurities. Hold the tail of the edamame pod with one hand and pinch the tip of the edamame pod with your thumb and forefinger with the other hand and gently squeeze it to peel out the edamame kernels. Put the peeled edamame grains into a large bowl, add water, stir gently with your hands to let the floating bean skin and impurities come to the surface, then pour out the water and repeat the washing 2-3 times to ensure that the edamame grains are clean and free of impurities.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Choose a loofah with uniform thickness and smooth skin, and carefully peel off the skin with a scraper, taking care to completely remove the green crust, otherwise it will affect the taste. The peeled loofah is cut into hob pieces and soaked in fresh water with a little salt, which will prevent the loofah from oxidizing and turning black in the air.

Peel the garlic, flatten it with a knife and cut it into minced garlic, as finely chopped as possible to better release the garlic aroma. Wash the ginger and cut it into shredded ginger, either thin or thick, according to personal preference.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Prepare a large pot and add enough water to completely cover the edamame and loofah. Bring the water to a boil over high heat and add a teaspoon of salt and a few drops of cooking oil to the water to keep the edamame and loofah bright in color while adding a base flavor. Add the edamame cubes and cook for 3-5 minutes. Stir with a spoon from time to time during cooking to make sure the edamame is evenly heated. Once cooked, remove the edamame grains with a colander and quickly soak them in cold water for a while, then drain them and set aside. This keeps the edamame crisp and tender.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Then remove the loofah pieces soaked in lightly salted water and blanch them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Pay attention to the color of the loofah, and when it becomes more emerald green, you can remove it. Immediately after removal, put it in ice water prepared in advance to cool down quickly, which can maintain the crispness and color of the loofah.

Turn on medium heat, heat a wok and pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil. When the oil is slightly smoking, add minced garlic and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant. You can use a spatula to gently press the minced garlic and shredded ginger so that it is in full contact with the bottom of the pot, and the aroma can be released more easily. Place the blanched edamame cubes in a pan and stir-fry over high heat for 2-3 minutes. During the stir-frying process, keep turning to let the edamame grains heat evenly, so that some places are not scorched, and some places are not cooked. Add the loofah cubes and continue to stir-fry over high heat. At this time, pay attention to the strength of the stir-fry, and do not fry the loofah pieces.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Add salt to suit your taste and the amount of ingredients. It is recommended to put less at first and taste the taste before deciding whether you need to add it. Pour in an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, which not only adds umami but also adds color to the dish and makes it look more appealing. Pour in slowly while stir-frying evenly. If you like the flavor of the dish to be more delicious, you can add a little chicken essence to enhance the freshness. However, if you are sensitive to essence of chicken, you can also omit this step.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Once the seasoning is added, stir-fry quickly and evenly to allow the loofah and edamame to fully absorb the flavor of the seasoning. At this point, you can continue to stir-fry for 2-3 minutes until the ingredients are cooked through and flavorful. If you like the soup to be thicker, you can add a little water starch to thicken it before it comes out of the pot to make the soup wrap around the surface of the ingredients and make the taste richer. Turn off the heat, serve the dish on a plate, sprinkle with some chopped green onions as a garnish, and a plate of delicious loofah roasted edamame is complete.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush


1. When blanching, the edamame and loofah should be well timed to avoid the edamame being underripe or the loofah being too soft.

2. During the stir-frying process, stir-fry should be kept to ensure that the heating is evenly heated, and the seasoning should be even.

3. The amount of light soy sauce should be moderate, too much will make the dish too dark in color and too salty in taste.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Edamame stir-fried vegetables

Handling edamame: Pick fresh and plump edamame pods and rinse them carefully with water to remove impurities and dust from the surface. Hold the tail of the edamame pod with one hand and gently squeeze the tip of the edamame pod with your thumb and forefinger with the other hand to remove the edamame grains. Place the edamame cubes in a large bowl, add plenty of water, add a teaspoon of salt, stir well, and steep for about 15 minutes. This removes residues from the surface of the edamame and makes it easier for the edamame to cook and absorb the flavor in subsequent cooking. After soaking, rinse with water several times and drain for later use.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Prepare the corn kernels: If using fresh corn, wash the cob first and use a knife to cut the kernels along the cob. If using frozen corn kernels, remove them from the refrigerator ahead of time and let them thaw naturally at room temperature.

Handling horseshoe: Wash the soil on the surface of the horseshoe and peel off the skin with a paring knife. When peeling, pay attention to peeling the skin from the roots and hollows. The peeled water chestnuts are first cut into thick slices, then cut into small cubes, and soaked in water to prevent oxidation and discoloration.

Handling carrots: Wash the carrots and peel off the skin with a spatular. Cut the carrots into even pieces, then cut each into quarters, and finally cut into small cubes, as close in size as possible to the rest of the ingredients.

Peel the garlic, flatten it with a knife and cut it into minced garlic, try to chop it finely, so that the garlic aroma can be released more fully when stir-frying.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Prepare a large pot and add plenty of water. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, adding a teaspoon of salt and a few drops of cooking oil to the water to keep the ingredients bright and add some undertaste. Add the edamame cubes and cook for 4-5 minutes. Stir with a spoon from time to time during cooking to make sure the edamame is evenly heated. Once cooked, remove the edamame with a colander and quickly soak it in cold water for a while to keep the edamame green and crisp, then drain and set aside.

Then add the diced carrots and cook for 2-3 minutes. Carrots are comparatively tough and need to be cooked for a while longer to ensure they are cooked through. Once cooked, remove and drain. Finally, add the corn kernels and cook for 1-2 minutes. Corn kernels are relatively easy to cook, and the cooking time should not be too long to avoid losing the taste. Once cooked, remove and drain.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Turn on medium heat, heat a wok and pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil. When the oil is slightly smoking, add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Use a spatula to gently press the minced garlic so that it is in full contact with the bottom of the pan, and the aroma can be released faster. When the minced garlic is stir-fried until it is slightly golden, the aroma is the strongest.

Add the diced water chestnuts and stir-fry over high heat for 2-3 minutes. The diced water chestnut is relatively crisp, and the stir-fry time should not be too long, so as not to lose the crisp taste. Add the blanched edamame, diced carrots and corn kernels in turn and stir-fry quickly. High heat allows ingredients to heat up quickly, locking in moisture and nutrients.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Add an appropriate amount of salt, and the amount of salt should be adjusted according to the amount of ingredients and personal taste. It is recommended to put less at first and taste the taste before deciding whether you need to add it. Pour in a little light soy sauce, which not only adds umami flavor but also adds color to the dish. Pour in slowly and stir-fry evenly so that the light soy sauce is evenly distributed over the ingredients. You can add a little sugar, which can play a role in improving the freshness and making the taste of the dish more delicious. If you like the flavor of the dish to be more intense, you can add an appropriate amount of oyster sauce, the umami and unique flavor of the oyster sauce can add a lot of color to the dish.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Once the seasoning is added, continue to stir-fry on high heat for 3-4 minutes to allow the ingredients to fully absorb the flavor. At this time, it is important to observe the condition of the ingredients to ensure that each ingredient is cooked thoroughly and tastes right. If you prefer the soup to be thicker, you can add a little water starch to thicken it before removing it from the pan. Dissolve an appropriate amount of starch in a small amount of water, pour it into a pot, and stir-fry quickly to make the soup thick and better wrapped on the surface of the ingredients. Turn off the heat, sprinkle with chopped green onions, stir-fry evenly, and let the aroma of chopped green onions fully emanate. Serve the dish on a plate.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush


1. When blanching, put in the ingredients according to their degree of difficulty and familiarity to ensure that each ingredient can reach the right degree of doneness.

2. During the frying process, it is necessary to stir-fry quickly on high heat, so that the moisture and nutrients of the ingredients can be quickly locked, and the taste and color can be maintained.

3. When seasoning, add seasonings gradually, adjust while tasting, and avoid adding too much at one time to cause the taste to be too salty or too light.

4. Control the amount of starch when thickening starch to avoid the soup being too thick or too thin.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Edamame roasted mandarin fish

First, pick a live, fresh, plump mandarin fish. To be on the safe side, gently tap the mandarin fish's head with the back of the knife to temporarily unconscious it for subsequent operations. Next, use a scaler to carefully scrape the scales from the tail to the head, a process that requires patience and care, taking care not to scratch your hands.

Then, use scissors or a sharp knife to cut off the base of the gills and remove the gills completely. Then, make a small incision in the anus of the fish, and carefully remove the internal organs of the fish with your hands, including fish intestines, fish gall bladder, etc., especially taking care not to break the fish gall bladder, otherwise it will affect the taste of the fish. After the internal organs are treated, rinse the fish body repeatedly with clean water, especially the black membrane and residual blood in the abdominal cavity.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Draw a few knives evenly on both sides of the fish, about 1 cm deep and 2-3 cm apart, so that the fish can be more flavorful in subsequent cooking. Finally, use a kitchen paper towel to absorb the moisture on the surface of the fish to prevent the hot oil from splashing while frying the fish.

Place the processed mandarin fish in a large, spacious bowl. Sprinkle a small spoonful of salt evenly on the fish and gently massage it with your hands to ensure that the salt is evenly distributed on the surface and incision of the fish. Next, pour in 2 tablespoons of cooking wine and gently apply it with your hands so that the cooking wine is fully soaked. After that, sprinkle with an appropriate amount of white pepper and continue to massage the fish to allow the seasoning to penetrate into the flesh. Place the fish in a bowl and marinate for 15 - 20 minutes to allow it to fully absorb the flavor of the spice and prepare it for subsequent cooking.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Peel the ginger, cut it into thin slices and then cut it into thin strips. Wash the green onions and cut them into 3-4 cm pieces. Peel the garlic, flatten it with a knife and cut into garlic slices. If you prefer a slightly spicy taste, cut the dried chili peppers into 1-2 cm long pieces.

Fresh, blemish-free edamame is carefully selected to remove impurities and incomplete pods. Peel off the pods and remove the edamame grains and rinse the edamame thoroughly with water. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, bring the water to a boil over high heat, and add the edamame. Add a teaspoon of salt and cook for 3-5 minutes, until the edamame breaks but still retains some crispness. Once cooked, quickly remove the edamame and soak it in cold water for a while to preserve its emerald green color and crunchy texture. Finally, drain and set aside.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Use a nonstick frying pan and heat it over high heat. Pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil, which will cover about 1-2 mm from the bottom of the pan. When the oil starts to smoke slightly, sprinkle a little salt evenly on the bottom of the pan to further prevent the skin from sticking to the pan during frying. Carefully place the marinated mandarin fish in the pan, and do not rush to flip the body of the fish at this time, so that the fish is set in the pan first. Fry over medium-low heat for 2 - 3 minutes until the skin is golden brown and crispy. You can shake the pan gently, and if the fish is able to slide freely in the pan, it means that the skin of the fish is ready. Then, carefully turn the fish over with a spatula and continue to fry on the other side, also until golden brown, then remove the fish for later use.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Leave a little base oil in the pan, and if the oil is too little, you can add some more. Keep the heat low and add the prepared ginger, green onions, garlic slices, dried chili peppers, star anise and Sichuan peppercorns to the pot. Stir-fry constantly with a spatula, about 1-2 minutes, until fragrant. Pay attention to controlling the heat during the stir-frying process to avoid the ingredients being scorched.

Gently place the fried mandarin fish in the pan and do so gently as possible to avoid breaking. First, pour 2 tablespoons of cooking wine along the edge of the pot, the cooking wine will evaporate quickly when exposed to high temperatures, effectively removing the fishy smell of the fish. Next, add 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce and coat the fish with the color and flavor of the light soy sauce. Add 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce to add an appealing color to the fish. Gently shake the pot or gently push the fish with a spatula to make sure the fish is evenly coated.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, and the amount of water should not exceed half of the fish. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to medium-low and bring to a simmer. At this point, you can close the lid and let the fish slowly absorb the flavor in the rich broth.

After simmering for about 5 minutes, open the lid and observe the color and consistency of the soup. Place the pre-prepared edamame evenly in the pan and surround the fish. Continue to simmer for 10-15 minutes, spooning the soup over the fish from time to time to make sure both the fish and edamame absorb the flavor.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

Depending on your taste and the saltiness of the soup, add salt to taste. You can add less at the beginning, taste the flavor of the soup, and then add it according to your actual needs. Next, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, which not only enhances umami, but also neutralizes the saltiness of the soy sauce for a richer, fuller flavor. If you like the soup to be thicker, you can make some water starch. Dissolve a small amount of starch in water, stir well, and slowly pour it into the pot while gently stirring with a spatula to thicken the soup and wrap it better on the fish and edamame.

The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

When the fish and edamame are cooked thoroughly and the soup reaches the desired consistency and flavor, sprinkle with a little chicken essence (optional) and stir well to further enhance the umami. Carefully remove the fish intact with a spatula and place it on a clean plate. Pour the edamame over the fish with the thick broth and soak it thoroughly. Finally, sprinkle some coriander or chopped green onions as a garnish to not only add to the beauty of the dish, but also bring a fresh aroma.


The potassium content is 27 times that of cucumbers and 16 times that of bananas! "No. 1 potassium supplement in summer", eat it quickly before entering the ambush

1. In the process of frying fish, it is necessary to make sure that the pan is hot enough, the oil is hot enough, and there is no moisture on the surface of the fish body, so as to effectively avoid the fish skin sticking to the pan and keep the fish body intact and beautiful.

2. When simmering, pay attention to the change of heat. After boiling the water over high heat, turn to medium-low heat in time to avoid the soup drying out too quickly or the fish from boiling apart, which will affect the taste and quality of the dish.

3. Seasoning is a key step, add seasonings gradually, and adjust them while tasting to avoid excessive or light flavor due to improper amount of seasoning, which will affect the balance of the whole dish.

4. Add the right amount of water, too much will make the soup taste weaker, and too little may cause the fish and edamame to be cooked thoroughly, affecting the ripeness and texture of the dish.


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