
One move, home is almost gone!

author:Guest firefighting

The habit of unplugging household appliances as soon as they are used up

Have you cultivated it?!!

One move, home is almost gone!

On the morning of June 25

Linhai, Taizhou, Zhejiang

The fire department received an alarm that said

Smoke rises from a resident's home on the 10th floor

But no one was at home

After receiving the alarm

Fire and rescue personnel were immediately dispatched

One move, home is almost gone!

Fortunately, the accident was dealt with in a timely manner

No greater economic losses were caused

To be on the safe side

Firefighters inspected the scene

Evacuate the site after confirming that there is no recurrence

One move, home is almost gone!

The scene was the bedside table that burned first and spread to the bed and wardrobe

The householder said it could be caused by a charger or a mosquito coil

Subsequent investigation found that it was an electrical wiring fault

One move, home is almost gone!
One move, home is almost gone!

People walk away without power

It's a small thing, of course

But these details

It is precisely overlooked by people

and become the cause of frequent fires

One move, home is almost gone!

Case 1:

On January 27, 2024, a fire broke out in a high-rise community on Guizhong Avenue, Chengzhong District, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

One move, home is almost gone!
One move, home is almost gone!
One move, home is almost gone!

Case 2:

On October 11, 2023, in Wuhan, Hubei Province, a fire broke out in an electrical repair shop on the street, according to the owner, it was his own old computer, because it was used in the store for a long time, it was rarely turned off, and it has been used for more than ten years, and it was not turned off when he left the store that night, and finally the fire caused most of the household appliances in the store to be scrapped.

One move, home is almost gone!
One move, home is almost gone!
One move, home is almost gone!

Fluke psychology is often the case

Laying the groundwork for a fire accident

To avoid accidents

The best thing to do is

Check your home's electrical wiring frequently

People walk away without power

Do not give a chance to a fire

Staying safe is crucial

Let's learn together

One move, home is almost gone!
One move, home is almost gone!

Source: Zhejiang Fire Protection, Taizhou Fire Protection