
What are the stylistic characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive writing? What is the difference with Wei and Jin cursive?

author:I'm in Huangshan

Hello everyone, today let's talk about Huang Tingjian cursive, Huang Tingjian cursive is famous for its unique style in the calligraphy circle, in various exhibitions, cursive is not a few Huang Tingjian cursive, so, what are the characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive? How to learn it? What is the difference between him and Wei and Jin cursive? Let's talk about it today.

1. Characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive writing

What are the stylistic characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive writing? What is the difference with Wei and Jin cursive?

Huang Tingjian's cursive script has a unique artistic charm, and its style is mainly reflected in the majestic atmosphere, vertical and horizontal opening and closing. His cursive works often give people a strong visual impact, with thick and powerful strokes, smooth and natural lines, full of movement and tension.

What are the stylistic characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive writing? What is the difference with Wei and Jin cursive?

Huang Tingjian's cursive script pays attention to the overall coordination and unity in the layout, and the characters and lines echo each other, forming an organic whole. At the same time, he is good at using exaggerated techniques to enlarge or distort certain strokes or structures, so as to enhance the artistic appeal of his works.

2. Characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive penmanship

Huang Tingjian's cursive writing is rich and varied, the most prominent feature of which is the use of both the center and the flank. When he writes, he often flexibly changes the stroke of the pen, so that the lines have both the roundness and fullness of the center and the sharpness of the side.

What are the stylistic characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive writing? What is the difference with Wei and Jin cursive?

In addition, Huang Tingjian's cursive penmanship also pays attention to the changes in the press. Through the skillful use of lifting, the strokes produce a contrast of thickness, lightness and weight, and enhance the sense of rhythm and rhythm of the work. At the beginning and end of the pen, Huang Tingjian also has a unique way of dealing with it, which is often sharp and imposing.

What are the stylistic characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive writing? What is the difference with Wei and Jin cursive?

3. The characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive writing

Huang Tingjian's cursive knots break the traditional formal form and pursue a free-spirited effect. He often uses techniques such as exaggerated deformation and side momentum to make the glyphs full of change and dynamic.

What are the stylistic characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive writing? What is the difference with Wei and Jin cursive?


At the same time, Huang Tingjian pays attention to the creation of space within the word, and makes the structure of the word more layered through dense contrast. When combining the parts of the characters, he does not stick to conventional, but flexibly arranges them according to the needs of the whole to create a unique shape.

What are the stylistic characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive writing? What is the difference with Wei and Jin cursive?

Fourth, the layout characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive calligraphy

What are the stylistic characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive writing? What is the difference with Wei and Jin cursive?

Huang Tingjian's cursive layout is unique, and he is good at using the technique of sparse and dense, virtual and real to create a rich visual effect. In the work, large blank spaces sometimes appear, contrasting with the dense brushstrokes, giving an ethereal feel. His layout makes full use of the principle that the characters are attached to the form. In the process of repeatedly asking questions and solving problems.

The question is to give a shape, and then go to solve the arrangement of the rest of the words.

What are the stylistic characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive writing? What is the difference with Wei and Jin cursive?

The relationship between the lines is also very cleverly handled, often interspersed with each other, staggered, forming a kind of ups and downs of momentum. In terms of the overall layout, Huang Tingjian pays attention to the overall coordination of the works, so that the various parts echo each other and form an organic whole.

5. The difference between Huang Tingjian's cursive script and Wei and Jin cursive script

The cursive script of the Wei and Jin dynasties is represented by Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi, and its style is elegant and elegant, peaceful and natural. The Wei and Jin cursive scripts pay attention to the delicacy and delicacy of the penmanship, the lines are smooth and tactful, and the knots are dignified and regular.

What are the stylistic characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive writing? What is the difference with Wei and Jin cursive?

In contrast, Huang Tingjian's cursive writing is more bold and free, and magnificent. In terms of brushwork, Huang Tingjian is more bold and innovative, the mid-side forwards are converted more frequently, and the changes in the press are more obvious; In terms of knots, Huang Tingjian pursues more exaggerated deformation and free and unrestrained; In terms of chapter layout, Huang Tingjian pays more attention to the overall momentum and tension.

What are the stylistic characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive writing? What is the difference with Wei and Jin cursive?

6. How to learn Huang Tingjian's cursive script

To learn Huang Tingjian's cursive handwriting, you need to start from the following aspects:

What are the stylistic characteristics of Huang Tingjian's cursive writing? What is the difference with Wei and Jin cursive?

1. Provisional Posts: Select Huang Tingjian's classic cursive works for provisional study, such as "Zhu Zhu Zhu Zhu Through the post, you can deeply understand the characteristics of its penmanship, knots and chapters.

2. Brushwork training: Strengthen the training of brushwork skills such as mid-flank conversion, lifting and pressing changes, etc., to improve the expressiveness of brushwork.

3. Knotting research: Carefully analyze the rules of Huang Tingjian's cursive knots, and pay attention to the methods of exaggerated deformation and space creation.

4. Grasp the chapter method: understand the characteristics of the chapter layout of Huang Tingjian's cursive script, and learn to use techniques such as sparseness, virtual and real to create the overall effect of the work.

5. Improve self-cultivation: Extensively dabble in calligraphy theory and related cultural knowledge, and improve one's own artistic accomplishment and aesthetic level.

In short, learning Huang Tingjian's cursive requires long-term accumulation and practice, and only by constantly studying and exploring can we comprehend its essence and improve our cursive skills.

Well, that's it! I wish you all the best in the day!