
Tencent's app suddenly announced its closure and has been online for 10 years

author:It's all skills
Tencent's app suddenly announced its closure and has been online for 10 years

Recently, the news of the closure of Tencent's education platform "Tencent Classroom" has sparked heated discussions.

According to the official arrangement, Tencent Classroom will stop accessing all online courses from August 1, 2024, and users will not be able to access new course content, but they can continue to watch the historical free course content in the "Class Schedule". On October 1, 2024, Tencent Classroom will cease operations completely.

Tencent's app suddenly announced its closure and has been online for 10 years

In fact, earlier, Tencent Classroom was ready to suspend operations. The last update of its social media account is still two or three years ago.

At present, the Tencent Classroom app has been removed from major app stores. Both Android and Apple users are no longer able to search for the app in the app store, and even if they can occasionally search for it, they will not be able to download and install it. Only the web version can barely be used for the time being.

Tencent's app suddenly announced its closure and has been online for 10 years

According to relevant information, Tencent Classroom was launched in April 2014 and has been in operation for 10 years.

In the early stage of its launch, Tencent Classroom gathered a large number of high-quality educational institutions and famous teachers to provide users with a large number of professional online learning courses, and achieved a complete closed-loop experience of "finding courses + live classes + reminder reach" by creating a classroom where teachers teach online and students learn in a timely manner.

With its strong background and high-quality educational resources backed by Tencent, it has rapidly risen to become a leader in the online education industry. According to a report released by the Beijing News and Qianlong Think Tank in 2021, Tencent Classroom ranked third among 47 adult education brands.

Tencent's app suddenly announced its closure and has been online for 10 years

However, with the passage of time and the intensification of market competition, Tencent Classroom has inevitably ushered in the countdown to life.

Although Tencent did not disclose the specific reason for its shutdown, it can be speculated that it is related to factors such as the overall development trend of the online education industry, market competition, and Tencent's own strategic adjustment.

Tencent's app suddenly announced its closure and has been online for 10 years

Ten years of glory will eventually become a thing of the past. Many netizens expressed reluctance and regret for the closure of Tencent Classroom, but this may be the inevitable result of market competition and changes in the times.

Looking back at the products that Tencent has shut down in recent years, it is not only Tencent Classroom. From Little Goose Pinpin to Microvision, and then to Kandian Express, it can be seen that Tencent is constantly adjusting its product line to adapt to this rapidly changing market.

Even in the field of games, it is difficult to escape this fate, and many games such as Tencent's "Food Language" and "Komori Life" have also announced the news of closure this year.