
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times

author:Guosheng strategy Zhang Qiyao
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times

Introduction: 1. What era is this? The era of high-win investment. 2. What is the beta of the times? Large plate, faucet style. 3. How to choose the direction in the faucet? Three high assets: high prosperity, high ROE, high dividends. 4. What is the intersection of the "three high" assets? 15+3: Alpha in Era Beta.

[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times
[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times

To sum up, in the era of high win rates, the beta of the era of large-cap faucet style seems to have just begun. In the large-cap leading style, the three high-asset assets (high prosperity, high ROE, and high dividend) are the three choices of global consensus, and "15+3", as the intersection of the three high-asset assets and the enhancement of the large-cap style, will become a strong alpha in the beta of the times.

Risk Warning

Economic data fluctuates, policy tightens more than expected, and the Federal Reserve raises interest rates more than expected, etc.

Note: The report in this article is excerpted from the research report published by the Industrial Securities Institute of Economics and Finance, and the specific report content and related risk warnings are detailed in the full report. Securities Research Report: "Beta of the Times: 2024 Medium-term Strategic Outlook" was released on June 21, 2024

Report Issuer: Industrial Securities Co., Ltd. (Licensed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for Securities Investment Consulting Business) Analyst of this report:

Zhang Qiyao SAC Practising Certificate No.: S0190521080005

Zhang Qianting SAC Practising Certificate No.: S0190521110002

程鲁尧 SAC执业证书编号:S0190521120004

胡思雨 SAC执业证书编号:S0190521110003

张勋 SAC执业证书编号:S0190520070004

陈恭懿 SAC执业证书编号:S0190523060001

陈禹豪 SAC执业证书编号:S0190523070004

林怡 SAC执业证书编号:S0190523080001




[Blockbuster release|PPT Full Version] 2024 Medium-term Strategy: Beta of the Times

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Investment Rating DescriptionThe ratings involved in the investment recommendations in the report are divided into equity ratings and industry ratings (unless otherwise stated). The rating criteria are the rise and fall of the company's stock price (or industry index) relative to the representative index of the relevant securities market in the 12 months after the date of the report, wherein: the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges are based on the CSI 300 index; The BSE market is benchmarked against the BSE 50 Index; The NEEQ market is based on the three-board index; The Hong Kong market is benchmarked against the Hang Seng Index; The U.S. market is benchmarked against the S&P 500 or Nasdaq Composite. Sector Rating: Recommended - Relative outperformance of the representative index of the underlying securities market over the same period; Neutral - Relative performance is on par with the representative index of the underlying securities market over the same period; Avoidance - Relative weaker performance than the representative index of the underlying securities market over the same period. Stock Rating: Buy - >15% increase relative to the representative index of the relevant securities market over the same period; Overweight - compared with the representative index of the relevant securities market in the same period, the increase is between 5% ~ 15%; Neutral - relative to the same period, the representative index of the relevant securities market rose between -5% ~ 5%; Reduction - less than -5% increase in the representative index of the relevant securities market in the same period; No Rating - We are unable to assign a definitive investment rating because we are unable to obtain the necessary information, or because the Company is facing significant uncertainties with unforeseeable results, or for other reasons.

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