
Photos丨There is a lot of joy in the bright moon city of Tianshan Mountain

author:Xinjiang Net

  On June 29th, coinciding with the weekend, Tianshan Mingyue City attracted a large number of tourists to visit and feel the charm of traditional Chinese culture with the architectural style of Tang Dynasty and ancient charm combined with Xinjiang characteristic cultural elements and ancient performances. (Photo by reporter Shi Lei)

Photos丨There is a lot of joy in the bright moon city of Tianshan Mountain

  In Tianshan Mingyue City, tourists enjoy the scenery and check in to enjoy the holiday.

Photos丨There is a lot of joy in the bright moon city of Tianshan Mountain

  In the Tianshan Bright Moon City, tourists watch the actors perform a "tumbler" performance.

Photos丨There is a lot of joy in the bright moon city of Tianshan Mountain

  In the Tianshan Bright Moon City, tourists watch the performers perform ancient dance performances.

Photos丨There is a lot of joy in the bright moon city of Tianshan Mountain

  In Tianshan Mingyue City, a tourist wore a doll to check in and take pictures.

Photos丨There is a lot of joy in the bright moon city of Tianshan Mountain

  In Tianshan Bright Moon City, an exhibitor participating in the 8th China-Eurasia Expo is checking in and taking photos.

Photos丨There is a lot of joy in the bright moon city of Tianshan Mountain

  In Tianshan Bright Moon City, a child is tasting ice cream.

Photos丨There is a lot of joy in the bright moon city of Tianshan Mountain

  In Tianshan Mingyue City, tourists take photos at the check-in point.