
DNF: 2 New Abysses Explained! If you clear the level, you will drop the fusion stone, but if you fail to open the door, you will be rewarded with a reward

author:Reckless game

After the national server 7.4 update, while launching the fog god group book, it also brought 2 new copies of the "Record Room" and "Library", which is actually equivalent to the new version of the abyss, let's introduce one or two in detail.

DNF: 2 New Abysses Explained! If you clear the level, you will drop the fusion stone, but if you fail to open the door, you will be rewarded with a reward

1. "Library"

This copy is actually very identical to the "Abyss Arbiter", with an entry reputation value of 51693 and an entry material of "8 Fatigue + 23 Memory Marks".

As long as you have enough fatigue and memory scars, you can enter an unlimited number of times, and memory scars can be obtained through the Mist God Cluster Original.

DNF: 2 New Abysses Explained! If you clear the level, you will drop the fusion stone, but if you fail to open the door, you will be rewarded with a reward

The Library has only one core mechanic: the energy bar (similar to the Abyss Arbiter's energy bar).

After the small energy bar is full, it will definitely flash the next time you clear the level, and you can drop custom epic or fusion stone equipment.

After the large energy bar is full, the next time you clear the level, you will definitely get the "Primal Fusion Stone"!

DNF: 2 New Abysses Explained! If you clear the level, you will drop the fusion stone, but if you fail to open the door, you will be rewarded with a reward

So this is also a double guarantee, as long as you keep brushing this map, you can drop a lot of customization and fusion stones.

2. "Recording Room"

The entry reputation value is still 51693, and the entry material is "30 fatigue + recording room key"!

DNF: 2 New Abysses Explained! If you clear the level, you will drop the fusion stone, but if you fail to open the door, you will be rewarded with a reward

This dungeon is more powerful, more like a combination of "abyss + advanced dungeon", each character can only enter the field up to 7 times a week, and each time you clear the level, you will definitely drop fusion stones!

There are 3 main core mechanics of this dungeon:

[1] The "Recording Room" consists of 5 rooms, each of which has a chance to drop items such as fusion stones, feeding materials, and memory marks.

DNF: 2 New Abysses Explained! If you clear the level, you will drop the fusion stone, but if you fail to open the door, you will be rewarded with a reward

There are many monsters in each room, which feels a lot like Weiyang Palace, and each mob has a chance to drop fusion stones, so it is almost impossible to have a bald head.

[2] "Recording Room" exclusive door opening mechanism!

When you clear a room, a magic circle will appear, at which point you can choose to "continue the challenge" or "give up".

DNF: 2 New Abysses Explained! If you clear the level, you will drop the fusion stone, but if you fail to open the door, you will be rewarded with a reward

"Giving up" means returning to town with the existing burst reward;

"Continue to challenge" will have two situations: one is to successfully open the door, then directly challenge the next room, and the other is to fail to open the door, a certain reward will be deducted before you can challenge the next room.

And it's a system here that forcibly deducts your rewards, and it's very likely that your fusion stone equipment will be deducted.

Therefore, if a good fusion stone has been broken, it is recommended that everyone just give up and return to the town and do not continue to challenge.

DNF: 2 New Abysses Explained! If you clear the level, you will drop the fusion stone, but if you fail to open the door, you will be rewarded with a reward

[3] "Recording Room" Exclusive Constellation System!

After clearing the Recording Room, you have a chance to obtain the "Remnant of the Star", which can be used to light up the stars on the Constellation system;

DNF: 2 New Abysses Explained! If you clear the level, you will drop the fusion stone, but if you fail to open the door, you will be rewarded with a reward

There is a possibility of success or failure in the lighting process, if all 12 stars are lit up, you can get a random primal fusion stone;

If the Lighting Failure durability is reset to zero, you will receive "Star Memory", which can be exchanged for Mist Treasures or Encapsulated Legendary Fusion Stones!

DNF: 2 New Abysses Explained! If you clear the level, you will drop the fusion stone, but if you fail to open the door, you will be rewarded with a reward

Tail it

The main rewards of the "Recording Room" and the "Library" are the same, both are for the production of fusion stones, relatively speaking, the "Recording Room" has a higher explosion rate, but it can only be played 7 times a week;

And the "library" is more like a regular abyss, although the explosion rate is relatively low each time, but fortunately, there is no limit to the number of times, as long as the liver is burst all the time, there is still a chance to burst out of the fusion stone, or even the original fusion stone!