
Where does the gray hair grow, where does the disease come from? Try this treatment

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Guangming Network

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People are middle-aged

The problem of gray hair is a problem for many people

Different locations of gray hair

Does it really reflect different health issues?

How can it be mitigated?

Wang Nanyue

Medical Experimental Center, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences


Gray hair is a natural phenomenon in the aging process.

It is recorded in the "Ancient Book of Heaven" of the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing" that women begin to have gray hair at the age of 42 and men at the age of 48, which is a physiological phenomenon.

However, if there is a noticeable gray hair before this age, we think that it may be a pathological condition. According to the different parts of gray hair, we can determine where there is a problem with the human organs, and then we can regulate it.

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Gray hair in different positions

Reflect different health issues

1. Forehead gray hair is associated with the spleen and stomach

Causes: For example, spleen deficiency caused by long-term exertion, or stomach heat caused by excessive diet, which may cause gray hair on the forehead.

Where does the gray hair grow, where does the disease come from? Try this treatment

There is more gray hair on the forehead, which is mainly related to the spleen and stomach. There will also be some symptoms in clinical practice, such as feeling tired, stomach distention, eating unpleasantly, etc., at this time it is recommended to eat some foods that strengthen the spleen and stomach to reduce the formation of gray hair.

[Make it up like this]

Tea substitute: 20 grams of Poria cocos, 10 grams of tangerine peel, 15 grams of raw barley, 5~10 minutes after soaking in boiling water, you can start drinking, and continue to add water after drinking.

Where does the gray hair grow, where does the disease come from? Try this treatment

2. Gray hair on the temples is related to the liver and gallbladder bladder

Reason: For example, frequent stress, staying up late, and some women's blood deficiency and liver blood deficiency may cause the hair on the temples to turn gray intensively.

Where does the gray hair grow, where does the disease come from? Try this treatment

The temples are white, which is generally related to hepatobiliary dysfunction.

Empirical evidence: more anxious and easy to get angry, often stay up late with dry mouth and bitter mouth, at this time it is recommended to eat some cold food.

[Make it up like this]

Tea drink: 5 grams of acacia flowers, peony skin, and light bamboo leaves can be soaked in water.

Where does the gray hair grow, where does the disease come from? Try this treatment

Deficiency: yellowish complexion, anemia, feeling tired, then it is recommended to eat some blood-replenishing food.

[Make it up like this]

Tea substitute: 5~10 grams of angelica, Chuanxiong or mulberry each, put together to boil water.

Where does the gray hair grow, where does the disease come from? Try this treatment

3. The gray hair on the top of the head and the back of the head is related to the kidneys

Causes: More related to kidney deficiency.

In addition to graying hair, some people will experience soreness in the waist and knees, accompanied by hair loss, and even some women will have problems such as irregular menstruation.

Where does the gray hair grow, where does the disease come from? Try this treatment

[Make it up like this]

Black soybean milk: 30~50 grams of black rice, black beans, and black sesame seeds, and then you can add some mulberries and wolfberries to it.

Drinking porridge with mulberries, wolfberries and black rice can also help boost kidney qi.

Where does the gray hair grow, where does the disease come from? Try this treatment

In general, the different positions of gray hair represent a loss of function in certain organs of the body. If you want to alleviate the problem of gray hair, you should also avoid staying up late, because lack of sleep may cause neurological disorders and imbalance with endocrine levels, resulting in a decrease in melanin in hair follicles and gray hair.

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Black food for black hair?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that black enters the kidneys, so most black foods have the effect of tonifying the kidneys.

In the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia", it is recorded that the drugs with the effect of treating premature whitening of barbae are mainly black sesame seeds and mulberries.

1. Black sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds are rich in a variety of nutrients such as fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that black sesame seeds can nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish blood and black hair, and can alleviate and improve the deficiency caused by lack of sperm and blood and kidney qi deficiency.

In addition, black sesame seeds are rich in high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, calcium and other nutrients, which have an auxiliary effect on hair maintenance.

2. Mulberry

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that mulberry is sweet and sour, slightly cold, enters the heart, liver and kidney meridians, and is a good fruit for nourishing yin and nourishing blood, and can be used clinically for the treatment of premature white hair caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency.

Modern medicine believes that the fresh fruit of mulberry is rich in glucose, fructose, carotene, vitamins and minerals, etc., which can improve the blood supply to the skin, nourish the skin and black hair.

3. Black rice

One of the active ingredients in black rice is anthocyanins, and the other is flavonoids. Anthocyanins have antioxidant effects, and flavonoids can prevent arteriosclerosis, both of which are effective ingredients for anti-aging, so they can inhibit the production of gray hair to a certain extent.

Black rice is rich in dietary fiber, which can help reduce blood cholesterol levels and help prevent heart disease caused by coronary arteriosclerosis.

In addition, minerals such as potassium and magnesium in black rice also help control blood pressure, stabilize blood sugar and reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

4. Black beans

It is rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, especially the isoflavones it contains, which have antioxidant properties and are beneficial to human health. And from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, black enters the kidney meridian, so black beans have the effect of tonifying the kidney. The replenishment of kidney essence helps to delay aging.

Where does the gray hair grow, where does the disease come from? Try this treatment

Health Tips:

1. Physiology: At the age of 42 for women and 48 for men, hair begins to turn gray.

2. Gray hair in different locations reflects different health problems

Forehead gray hair is related to the spleen and stomach: 20 grams of poria cocos, 10 grams of tangerine peel, 15 grams of raw barley seeds soaked in water to drink;

The white hair of the temples is related to the liver and gallbladder: the empirical evidence can be soaked in water with 5 grams of acacia flowers, peony bark and light bamboo leaves, and the false evidence can be boiled together with 5~10 grams of angelica, Chuanxiong or mulberry to drink.

The gray hair on the top of the head and the back of the head is linked to the kidneys: black soy milk or porridge with mulberries, goji berries and black rice.

Source: CCTV Life Circle

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