
98 years, 26 years old, weight loss: the end of a good body is to improve metabolism and regulate diet

author:Uncle Diet said

Born in '98 and now 26 years old, I know that the key to maintaining a good body is to improve metabolism and eat a reasonable diet. I was once questioned by online trolls for posing for photos because of my inconsistent appearance and figure, and this experience made me more determined to pursue health.

98 years, 26 years old, weight loss: the end of a good body is to improve metabolism and regulate diet

I've been working out for six years now and I've never blindly pursued big guys and muscular legs, but focused on health and beauty. Once because of staying up late and eating indiscriminately, his figure was out of shape for a while, with a big belly and a fat face, and various problems followed. However, since I started to focus on improving my metabolism, I now have a small waist and hips, and a beautiful body. Even when you meet your crush at the gym, you can feel confident in your pajamas. It's all thanks to the changes that come with boosting metabolism.

My health experience is shared

In order to help you better understand how to improve metabolism, I have summarized the following methods and explained their principles and operation steps in detail.

98 years, 26 years old, weight loss: the end of a good body is to improve metabolism and regulate diet

1. Apple goji berry water

Drinking apple goji berry water every day is a good help to improve metabolism. Cut the apples into cubes, add the hawthorn and goji berries, and cook in a health pot for 20 minutes. Apples are rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, while goji berries have antioxidant and immune-boosting effects. Hawthorn aids digestion, and the combination of the three is not only delicious but also boosts metabolism.

98 years, 26 years old, weight loss: the end of a good body is to improve metabolism and regulate diet

2. Rub your belly

Rubbing your abdomen half an hour after meals or 10 minutes before going to bed can help promote gastrointestinal motility and improve digestion. By rubbing the belly, you can speed up the blood circulation in the abdomen, help the body better absorb nutrients, and eliminate toxins. This simple method, if you stick to it for a long time, will make your stomach flat.

98 years, 26 years old, weight loss: the end of a good body is to improve metabolism and regulate diet

3. Stick to internal adjustments

After the age of 25, many women will encounter a bottleneck when losing weight, and it will be difficult to lose excess fat. The key is to improve metabolism. My fitness friends around me not only work fitness, but also pay attention to internal adjustment. They recommended me to eat the Hundred Grains Meal, a combination of more than 100 ingredients that helps to condition the internal organs, increase metabolism, and improve skin and body condition.

98 years, 26 years old, weight loss: the end of a good body is to improve metabolism and regulate diet

4. Soak your feet

Soaking your feet in mugwort leaves and safflower for 15 minutes every night not only boosts blood circulation, but also helps to relax and unwind. Artemisia leaves have the effect of warming the body, and safflower helps to promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, the combination of the two will make the whole body feel relaxed after soaking the feet, and the quality of sleep will be greatly improved.

98 years, 26 years old, weight loss: the end of a good body is to improve metabolism and regulate diet

Eat less and control sugar: Eat a balanced diet and lose weight healthily

In addition to improving metabolism, a reasonable diet is also the key to staying in shape. I have managed to stay in shape through fasting and sugar control.

98 years, 26 years old, weight loss: the end of a good body is to improve metabolism and regulate diet

Intermittent fasting (5+2 diet)

I follow a 5+2 diet, which is a normal diet for 5 days a week and a light fasting for 2 days. During these 2 days, I mainly consumed low-calorie, high-fiber foods, such as vegetable soups, fruits, etc. This method gives the digestive system a chance to rest and helps to increase metabolic rate and fat burning.

Sugar control does not quit sugar

Sugar control doesn't mean quitting sugar altogether. A reasonable intake of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits, can meet your body's energy needs without causing a spike in blood sugar. I avoid refined sugar and foods high in sugar and choose natural sources of sweetness, such as honey and maple syrup, to satisfy my sweet tooth.

A healthy lifestyle not only makes me feel better, but also gives me more self-confidence. Last month, I was asked for WeChat by my little sister in '05 at the gym, and this experience made me more determined to maintain a healthy life. I hope my experience can be helpful to you, and may we all have a healthy and beautiful body through scientific methods.

As the old Chinese saying goes, "The body is the capital of the revolution." Only by having a healthy body can we enjoy life better and achieve our dreams. May everyone be healthy and beautiful through a scientific diet and reasonable exercise.

98 years, 26 years old, weight loss: the end of a good body is to improve metabolism and regulate diet

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