
The liver is "dumb", the liver is not good, the body will have these 4 reminder signals, early detection and early conditioning

author:Panda Medicine

There is a dumb organ in our body, and many people don't understand which organ it refers to, which is actually the liver, why is the liver a dumb organ? It is because when liver disease occurs, it is often not easy to find in the early stage, and it is usually in a more serious stage when it is discovered, for example, many patients are already in the advanced stage of liver cancer when they go to the hospital for examination, and they die soon due to the torture of the disease. In order to prevent and prevent the further progression of liver disease, it is very important to be able to detect the body's warning signs at an early stage of the disease.

Only early detection and early treatment can actively prevent the progression of the disease. So when there is a liver disease, what warning signals does the body send? Once these 4 signals appear, it is necessary to pay attention, and it is best to check the liver function as soon as possible.

1. Endocrine disorders

The liver is "dumb", the liver is not good, the body will have these 4 reminder signals, early detection and early conditioning

Problems with any of our internal organs may lead to endocrine disorders, such as skin problems such as acne and pimples, which are more common in young people, and may be a manifestation of endocrine disorders caused by liver dysfunction.

In addition, when there is a problem with the liver, the ability to metabolize toxins in the body will decrease, which may lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body in the body, and may also appear in the skin, resulting in some abnormal itching and rashes on the skin.

2. Physical drowsiness and emotional problems

The liver is "dumb", the liver is not good, the body will have these 4 reminder signals, early detection and early conditioning

If there is a problem with the liver, it can lead to a further decline in the body's mood and physical functions. Emotional problems will be more common, such as some people will have irritability, fatigue, emotional depression, anxiety and other manifestations in their emotions, and in terms of physical functions, they will have body sleepiness, abdominal distention, and even liver cirrhosis ascites in severe stages, etc., at this time, the body may also have edema, and this may be ascites caused by hypoalbuminemia, which is also a more serious manifestation of liver function impairment.

3. Pain in the oblique ribs

We know that when there is an abnormal performance or disease of a certain organ, there is often some pain in the part where it is located, and the part where the liver is located is often called the liver area, in our right oblique ribs, if there is pain in this part, sometimes it will be mistakenly thought to be caused by bruises, etc., such as muscle strain caused by accidentally during exercise, etc., but if this pain occurs for a long time and is not relieved, it is necessary to consider whether it is abnormal pain caused by internal organ diseases.

4. Emaciation

The liver is "dumb", the liver is not good, the body will have these 4 reminder signals, early detection and early conditioning

As the saying goes, if you are sick and not like a human type, any organ problem may lead to a chronic disease in the human body, and the more common is the body emaciation, yellow muscle thinness, if the liver is diseased, due to the decline in liver function, the metabolic ability of various nutrients will also decline, which may lead to the loss of many effective ingredients in the human body, such as the decline in protein intake and absorption, resulting in hypoalbuminemia, anemia and other manifestations in the human body, at this time it is easy to have low energy, Manifestations such as emaciation.

Of course, in addition to the symptoms caused by the above common liver diseases, there are some symptoms that are not easy to find, so we need to find them through routine physical examination, which can also monitor the state of the liver and kidneys by checking the liver and kidney function.

There are also some symptoms that are easier to find, such as when liver disease progresses to a certain stage, it may lead to the appearance of jaundice, and jaundice is mainly manifested by yellow face, scleral yellow staining and yellow urine, among which the yellow face often includes yellow skin, when the body appears these jaundice manifestations, it also needs to be paid attention to.

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