
The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Blue Brick Jian

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Text|Shengsheng said

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Do you remember the last time you sat down with your family to watch a variety show?

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Today's variety shows are either "short-lived" or "boring".

However, looking back on the past, we have excellent programs that have been prosperous for a long time.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

They have accompanied the growth of a generation, but they have passed away in the long river of time.

See what shows have awakened your long-forgotten memories......

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Miscellaneous Altar (1991-2011)

There are cross talk and sketches, magic and acrobatics.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Are you sure you don't want to watch such a variety show?

In 1991, the host Wang Wenhua appeared in front of everyone with the variety show "Quyuan Miscellaneous".

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Adhering to the purpose of promoting the Chinese art of the motherland, the program is almost a collection of traditional culture.

With the blessing of the prime time of 8:30 p.m. on Central Radio 3, "Quyuan Miscellaneous" dominates the screen strongly.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Without bonus incentives and audience interaction, many people predict that the show will not last long.

However, the opposite is true.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

"Quyuan Miscellaneous Altar" has not only persisted for 20 years, but also become an unsurpassable classic in the hearts of countless people.

And the reason why the show can endure for a long time is because of the three words "new, strange and special".

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

"New" is new, and the program team can always launch new programs.

They draw nourishment from traditional culture and bring all forms of art to the stage.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

At the New Year's Day party in 2000, "Five Golden Flowers" was refreshing to the audience.

The five mothers-in-law reversed and took out their own housekeeping skills.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

They skillfully combined duo turn, ballet, Cantonese opera, etc., to bring a wonderful performance.

It is rare to appreciate both elegance and vulgarity.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

And "Qi" is a bold reform of the stage in the program group.

The program team used TV stunts and high-tech sound and light effects to render the stage scene very cool.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

In that era when science and technology were not developed, it undoubtedly aroused the curiosity of the audience.

"Special" can be said to be special, or it can be said to be maverick.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

The host, Wang Wenhua, traveled all over the world to find new talents, especially those with special talents.

They refresh the audience's eyes again and again and bring new experiences.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

The program team's art form of combining cross talk and magic, cross talk and acrobatics is also so different;

It has both freshness and a sense of the times.

However, it is a pity that this show was finally stopped in 2011.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

One is that the program can no longer keep up with the trend of the times, and the other is that the host has also reached the age of retirement.

Let countless people know and understand the traditional Chinese culture, it has completed its historical mission.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

"The Same Song" (2000-2010)

"Is "The Same Song" going to be off the air as it was rumored on the Internet?"

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

In 2009, the reporter anxiously asked Zhu Xun, director of the CCTV Literature and Art Center, Nigmat and others.

"Haven't heard of it, haven't been notified."

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

CCTV 3 is going to be revised, and the question of its trump card program "The Same Song" has become the focus of public discussion.

However, as soon as the masses ate a "reassuring pill", "The Same Song" stopped broadcasting in 2010.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

From birth to end, the show has had both glory and controversy.

Since it began broadcasting in 2000, "The Same Song" has been leading the ratings.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

On New Year's Day in 2006, it even broke CCTV's ratings record in one fell swoop.

The show revolves around music, with various theme singing and charity singing.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

"The Same Song" jointly organized the Sino-Japanese Singers Association, the China-South Korea Singers Association and other activities;

Not only has it caused quite a stir in Asia, but it is also well-known internationally.

A variety show can unite so many countries and so many stars, which can not be described as "majestic".

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

However, it is a pity that the variety show has gradually embarked on a "downhill road" due to market winter and policy restrictions.

In 2010, "The Same Song" ended with a regrettable end.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Happy Dictionary (2000-2013)

"Are you sure? That's your answer? ”

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

In 2000, a novel and interesting quiz program broke into people's attention.

Contestants are required to give answers to their questions within the allotted time;

If you answer incorrectly, you will leave unfortunately, and if you answer correctly, you will be able to accumulate the prize money and get the final prize.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Countless people are gearing up to try their skills.

However, the problem of the program setting is extraordinary.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Even if you know astronomy and geography, it is very likely that you will "sink into the sand".

However, it is this kind of question with professional knowledge and common sense of life that drives many viewers in front of the TV to answer the questions together.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Their mood was the same as that of the guests, excited and excited.

The show has been on the air for 13 years, and the host Wang Xiaoya's limelight once overshadowed Dong Qing.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

However, this show that watched Changhong was eventually permanently suspended after several revisions.

Later, CCTV launched a similar "Open the Door".

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

The format is the same, they are all answering questions, but the show is listening to the song and guessing the name of the song.

And the host Nikomat also kept that classic mantra.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

"Are you sure?"

Although the two variety shows burst out with different vitality, they are excellent programs in the same vein.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Variety Show (1990-2004)

can be called the "Little Spring Festival Gala" by industry insiders, "Variety Show" is really unusual.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

As soon as I saw that there were Ni Ping, Zhou Tao, Dong Qing and others in the host, I knew that the show was stable.

The predecessor of "Variety Show", "Literary World", was already good, and the ratings have been ranked first for many years.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

In the 90s, there were almost 200 million TV viewers.

Standing on the shoulders of giants, "Variety Show" is naturally not to be underestimated.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

The variety show is composed of several small sections, not only excellent singing and dancing performances;

There are also programs such as cross talk sketches full of jokes.

With the standards of the Spring Festival Gala, "Variety Show" will invite celebrities from all walks of life to come to help.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

There are powerful singers Mao Amin, comedy masters Zhao Benshan, and world magic master Harary.

With such a lineup, it's hard not to be famous.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

The show is not only well-known in China, but also has a wide influence in overseas Chinese areas.

However, after the glory, its shortcomings were gradually exposed.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

First, the concept is outdated and there is no innovation.

The second is that the program does not interact with the audience and is decoupled from young people.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Once the novelty is gone, the show will come to an end.

And "Variety Show" also stopped broadcasting in 2004 after struggling for several years.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Happy Camp (1997-2021)

A variety show can last for more than 20 years, and it must have accompanied the growth of a generation.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

As the name suggests, "Happy Camp" is meant to bring laughter.

The positioning of the program is mainly entertainment, emphasizing proximity to the masses.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Game links such as "Fireline Impact" and "Happy Fax" can attract attention;

Practicing with off-site TV viewers increases the program's interactivity with the audience.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

With the tacit cooperation of the hosts Li Xiang and He Jiong;

As soon as the show was launched, it became the trump card program of Hunan Satellite TV.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

It's just that the program team also knows that if you don't bring forth the new, the audience will have aesthetic fatigue.

After a period of exploration, Happy Camp underwent a major change in 2008.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Its program format has changed to invite idol stars to participate in the game.

can see the unknown side of idols, and the star-chasing group is crazy.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Every Saturday, everyone squats in front of the TV on time and punctually, watching which star the show invites.

The ratings of "Happy Camp" have climbed, and celebrities are proud to be on this show.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Even idol groups as far away as South Korea rely on this show to increase their popularity in China.

Since most of the idols invited are popular stars, the fan base of this show is also very clear.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Young people are the majority, and women are the majority.

After such a revision, "Happy Camp" does not worry about the ratings at all.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

As long as the invited celebrities are popular, their fans will contribute to the ratings.

However, as time passed, "Happy Camp" gradually came to an end.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Under the attack of various new entertainment variety shows, it has long lost its glory.

And the unchanged host lineup has also become a point of complaint for many people.

Xie Na has no ability to control the field, and Haitao Wu Xin is a "transparent person......

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Maybe it started at that time, or maybe it was earlier.

"Happy Camp" seems to have brought more controversy than happiness.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

Amid more and more criticism, "Happy Camp" announced its end in December 2021.

The youth of a generation has come to an end in this way.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic


Although these variety shows have been discontinued, they linger in the minds of the audience.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

What people miss is not the show itself, but the memories that can't be returned.

Today's variety shows are varied, and many people criticize "nondescript".

But perhaps years later, they will also be the "exclusive memory" of a generation.

The 5 veteran variety shows that unfortunately "disappeared", the longest-lived ones have been broadcast for 24 years, and they are all nostalgic

(Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.) If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact. )

Source of this article

[1] "CCTV Network: "Variety Show" and CCTV International Sincere Interaction

[2] "China News Network: Quyuan Miscellaneous Altar Can't Let the Ratings Be "Eliminated" by One Vote"

[3] "China Economic Net: "Happy Dictionary" Wears a Cultural Vest