
The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Blind Visit

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Green beans are very common vegetables for us, and the need to pay attention to eating green beans must be ripe thoroughly, otherwise the heat is not enough to produce a harmful substance, containing saponin and trypsin inhibitors, which will stimulate the human stomach, cause food poisoning, gastroenteritis symptoms, and cause diarrhea and other discomfort. Then the common classic combination in the north is potato stewed beans, and this dry fried green beans is eaten more in southern restaurants.

The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious

Today we are going to make a very good dish of dried green beans, green beans are fresh and tender, it is a very easy dish to make, and the production is also very simple and easy to make.

The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious

【Ingredients for sautéed minced pork and green beans】

Ingredients: 200 grams of green beans

Ingredients: 30 grams of dried chili peppers, 100 grams of minced meat, 5 grams of Sichuan pepper, 20 grams of garlic, appropriate amount of sprouts, 5 grams of salt, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate

The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious

【Production process of dried fried minced pork and green beans】

To make this delicious dry stir-fried minced pork green beans, our preparation materials are also relatively simple, mainly fresh tender green beans, as well as minced meat and sprouts, dry stir-fried spicy and not spicy can be adjusted according to personal taste.

The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious

Fresh green beans can be cleaned and then broken into 4 cm pieces by hand, or you can cut them with a knife.

The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious
The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious
The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious

Green beans to cook, generally we can fry or boil in water, both methods can mainly depend on the conditions at home, the pot into the salad oil temperature to 5 into the heat, into the pot to fry for about 3 minutes, so that the green beans fried out more delicious and green.

The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious
The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious

Stir up the fried green beans and set aside, drain the oil.

The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious
The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious

Add a little salad oil to the pan, add the minced meat and garlic to the pan and stir-fry over low heat.

The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious
The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious
The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious

Stir-fry the minced meat until fragrant, then add a little sprouts and chili pepper and pepper to stir-fry together, and stir-fry over low heat to stir-fry the flavor of the chili pepper to bring out the fragrance.

The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious
The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious

Then put the fried green beans into the pot and stir-fry, add a little salt and monosodium glutamate, stir-fry to taste, and the taste can be adjusted according to personal taste.

The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious
The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious
The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious

Our super rice dish of dry fried minced pork and green beans have been made!

The method of drying green beans is too simple, you can learn it in a few minutes, it is tender and crisp, and the taste is delicious