
It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Dog Food Diary

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It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body. I don't know if there is anyone like me, who has to eat soup in the morning, otherwise it will be dry and difficult to swallow. This time, I shared 6 breakfast dishes with soup, all of which are simple and easy to make, refreshing and delicious. If you like it, you can save it and give it a try.

Seaweed shrimp skin wonton skin soup

Ingredients: mustard, shrimp skin, seaweed, wonton skin, chopped green onion, salt, coriander, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil.

It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body
It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body

Loofah, egg, and tofu soup

Ingredients: loofah, tofu, eggs, salt.

It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body
It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body

Soup boiled rice cakes

Ingredients: shredded pork, green cabbage stalks, spicy millet, salt, rice cakes, light soy sauce, vegetable leaves, chopped green onions, salt, chicken essence.

It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body
It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body

Boiled vermicelli with beef balls

Ingredients: beef balls, garlic, chopped green onion, vermicelli, chopped green onion, light soy sauce, salt.

It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body
It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body
It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body

Yam gnocchi soup

Ingredients: yam, flour, hot oil, tomato, egg mixture, greens, salt.

It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body
It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body

Shrimp and seaweed egg soup

Ingredients: shrimp slippery, seaweed, eggs, chopped green onion, shrimp skin, sugar, pepper.

It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body
It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body
It is so comfortable to eat breakfast with soup in the morning, the soup is delicious and warms the stomach and lightens the body


1. Don't add too many seasonings for breakfast, try to be clean.

2. Friends who are losing weight can also eat it.