
800,000 rounds of ammunition approved in one go! Lao Jiang is rare and generous, why was the 35th Army still completely annihilated?

author:Xiong Xiong talks about martial arts

We all know that in addition to the central army, the national army also has many local armies, and among the many local armies, Fu Zuoyi's Suijun system is the most special one.

This army was born out of the Jin Sui military system, and basically it was only after Fu Zuoyi led his troops to leave Suiyuan at the end of 1938 that it was able to truly exist independently.

At that time, Fu Zuoyi had already assumed the post of deputy commander of the Eighth Theater of Operations, and was actually responsible for all military affairs in the direction of Suiyuan.

However, Suiyuan itself is barren and poor, and Fu Zuoyi actually controls only Suixi, so the scale of the army under his command is not large; Even if you include the other military units under his command, there are actually not many.

However, the combat effectiveness of the troops under Fu Zuoyi's command is not bad, especially its trump card, the 35th Army.

800,000 rounds of ammunition approved in one go! Lao Jiang is rare and generous, why was the 35th Army still completely annihilated?

This army was one of the four armies that were reorganized after the defeat of the Jin Sui Army in the Central Plains War, and Fu Zuoyi was the commander at that time; When Fu Zuoyi left Suiyuan, he also brought this army; Later, it gradually branched out from the 35th Army system and formed the Suijun system.

Originally, it was difficult for Fu Zuoyi to expand his power only in Suiyuan, but after the start of the Liberation War, Fu Zuoyi gradually became the core of the Kuomintang army in North China, and it was basically his sphere of influence from the west of Beiping to Suiyuan.

In this way, the troops of Fu Zuoyi's system have expanded the strength of several armies, and there are also several cavalry units.

However, although Lao Jiang appointed Fu Zuoyi as the commander-in-chief of the so-called "suppression" in North China at that time, he was not very relieved of him; In fact, the Central Army in North China was still subject to Chen's succession; As for the replenishment of weapons and equipment, in fact, Fu Zuoyi was not given much preferential treatment.

Therefore, even Fu Zuoyi's most elite 35th Army only has a small number of American weapons; By the time the army was destroyed in the new security, the main equipment of the army was still in a mixed state of national, Japanese, and Soviet weapons; Finally, there was an American-style howitzer battalion, but the actual strength was only at the company level.

800,000 rounds of ammunition approved in one go! Lao Jiang is rare and generous, why was the 35th Army still completely annihilated?

The real trouble for the 35th Army was that Fu Zuoyi equipped it with an additional baggage car regiment, plus the 35th Army's own automobile team, so that it could use 400 cars to achieve rapid mobility; Of course, from a car point of view, it is indeed a beautiful machine.

In addition, as Fu Zuoyi's starting unit, the 35th Army has more veterans and backbones, which is also its more difficult side to deal with.

However, by the time of the Pingjin Battle in 1948, Fu Zuoyi's mobile corps was finally surrounded in Xinbao, and the situation was different.

First of all, if you fence it off, the power of the car, which has the greatest advantage, is useless.

Secondly, these hundreds of vehicles are mainly used to transport troops, and the food and ammunition they carry are not much, which means that the 35th Army's sustained combat capability is not strong.

After encircling the new security guard, the only way to maintain its combat effectiveness was to drop food and ammunition by air.

However, if you rely on airdrops, you need air force transport planes, and this thing has to go through Lao Chiang.

800,000 rounds of ammunition approved in one go! Lao Jiang is rare and generous, why was the 35th Army still completely annihilated?

At this time, it was already December 1948, when we had won the Liaoshen Campaign, and Lao Jiang could only rely on Fu Zuoyi in North China.

Therefore, Lao Jiang agreed that Fu Zuoyi would receive the US weapons of several armies and expand the corresponding troops.

Of course, these American weapons and equipment, the besieged 35th Army will definitely not be able to catch up; Even because Fu Zuoyi's No. 2 and No. 3 main forces were subsequently annihilated, they could only equip the new army in Beiping.

For the besieged 35th Army, Fu Zuoyi was also very anxious, and sent a telegram to Lao Jiang saying that he needed to airdrop 150 tons of ammunition.

Although Lao Jiang usually searches, he is also generous at this time.

According to the telegram sent by Guo Chen at that time, 600,000 rounds of 79-step machine gun ammunition, 80,000 rounds of submachine gun ammunition of two calibers, and 100,000 rounds of 762-step machine gun ammunition were approved for distribution, with a total of 780,000 rounds of ammunition.

Of course, bullets alone will not work, and shells.

At that time, the 35th Army actually had 1 American 105 mm howitzer company, 1 75 mm field artillery battalion, and 2 75 mm mountain artillery batteries; In addition, 82-mm mortars and 60-mm mortars are equipped at the battalion and company levels.

800,000 rounds of ammunition approved in one go! Lao Jiang is rare and generous, why was the 35th Army still completely annihilated?

So the ammunition for the supply is also concentrated on these items.

Among them, 800 rounds of American 105-mm grenades, 1,200 rounds of 75-mm field artillery shells, 200 rounds of 75-mm mountain artillery shells, 6,900 rounds of 82-mm mortar shells, and 10,000 rounds of 60-mm mortar shells are approved.

A total of 19,100 rounds of shells of the above categories were issued.

In other words, including the above-mentioned bullets, Lao Jiang agreed to airdrop about 800,000 rounds of shells and bullets after receiving Fu Zuoyi's call for help.

If this batch of ammunition can be airdropped to Xinbao, it will undoubtedly have an adverse impact on our army's subsequent fighting.

However, Fu Zuoyi's telegram for help was sent on December 21, and Lao Chiang agreed to distribute ammunition and decided on the specific quantity on December 22.

800,000 rounds of ammunition approved in one go! Lao Jiang is rare and generous, why was the 35th Army still completely annihilated?

However, our army in North China had already cleared the perimeter of Xin'an on the 21st, launched a general attack on the 22nd, and then resolved the battle in 11 hours, completely annihilating the main force of the 35th Army of Xin'an.

During this time window, it was clear that there was no time for the above-mentioned ammunition to be dropped and calmly distributed by the 35th Army.

Of course, these ammunition may have been distributed to Beiping later, but with the peaceful uprising in Beiping later, they were eventually used by our army.