
Delicious bacon

author:Prince lyrical

Cold rain


In my memory, whenever the cold winter wax moon, the fragrant bacon taste will always come as scheduled, lingering in every corner of the home. Bacon, a unique delicacy originating from the countryside, is not only a dish, but also an emotional sustenance and a witness of the years.

The origin of bacon may be traced back to that difficult era, when people salted meat and then dried it to make it a food that could be preserved for a long time. Today, bacon has long become a delicacy on the table of every household.

The unique flavor of bacon comes from every step of the production process. In terms of material selection, it must be fat and thin pork, too thin is firewood, too fat is greasy. When marinating, the proportion of salt is just right, less is light, and more is salty. In the process of air drying, the time, temperature and humidity must be strictly controlled, otherwise the taste and texture of the bacon will be greatly reduced. And the last step, the cooking method of stir-frying or steaming, sublimates the taste of bacon.

Whenever I taste this fragrant bacon, I always think of those days spent in the countryside. At that time, every household would be busy making bacon in the wax moon, and the air was filled with a strong fragrance. While the adults were busy cutting, marinating, and drying the meat, we children were playing and waiting for the smell of bacon to accompany us through the cold winter.

Nowadays, the pace of life is accelerating, and people often ignore the traditional food that seems cumbersome but full of flavor in pursuit of convenience. And bacon, a delicacy originating from the countryside, always evokes deep emotions in our hearts. It reminds us of those hard years, and also makes us miss those relatives and friends who accompanied us to grow up.

The unique flavor of bacon lies not only in its texture and taste, but also in the emotions and memories it carries. The production of bacon is cured and dried for a long time, which makes the meat firm and elastic, and the taste is very delicious. At the same time, the various spices and condiments used in the marinating process, such as salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, etc., also add a rich flavor layer to the bacon. These unique flavors combine to give bacon a rich aroma and an attractive mouthfeel.


In the long river of years, there is a delicacy that has witnessed the change of seasons and carries the taste of nostalgia, and that is bacon. It has a bright red color, firm flesh and a unique aroma that makes people linger. And more importantly, bacon is not only delicious, but also rich in nutritional value.

When winter is approaching, the kitchens of every household start to get busy. In order to welcome the upcoming New Year, people began to prepare various New Year's goods, among which the indispensable pieces of bacon hung under the eaves were dried in the air. These bacon are not only delicacies on the table, but also the sustenance of nostalgia and a symbol of family affection.

The raw material of bacon is pork, which has undergone a special treatment of air drying and smoking, and its nutrients have not been lost. Among them, it is rich in mineral elements such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, and phosphorus, and also contains a certain amount of vitamin B1 and B2. These nutrients are good for boosting physical strength, replenishing energy, and promoting physical development. In addition to its rich nutritional value, bacon also has a unique taste and flavor. Dried and smoked bacon gives the meat a firmer texture and a more mellow taste. When cooking, whether it is stir-frying, stewing soup or grilling, it can give off an enticing aroma and whet your appetite. And this unique taste and flavor is also the reason why bacon can become one of people's favorite foods.

However, there are some caveats to the consumption of bacon. First of all, bacon is a high-fat, high-calorie food, and excessive consumption may lead to obesity and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, when consuming bacon, the intake should be controlled in moderation. Secondly, since bacon is smoked, it may contain some harmful substances, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, etc., and should be consumed in moderation for people with respiratory diseases.

Bacon is a delicious and nutritious delicacy. It not only brings a rich taste to our dining table, but also conveys our longing for our hometown and family. While enjoying the delicious taste of bacon, we should also pay attention to eating it in moderation to avoid unnecessary burden on the body. While enjoying the taste of bacon, let us also think about how to better cherish and protect this traditional food culture. When we taste the mellow flavor of bacon, we also pay attention to the ecological environment and food safety issues behind it. Let us not only inherit this delicacy, but also advocate healthy and scientific eating habits, so that the traditional delicacy of bacon can continue to accompany us through one abundant season after another.

The rich nutritional value of bacon is not only reflected in its delicious taste, but also in the attitude and emotional sustenance it represents. Bacon is rich in protein, fat, vitamin B, niacin and other nutrients, which play an important role in human health. In particular, niacin has the effect of promoting blood circulation and lowering blood pressure. Therefore, moderate consumption of bacon can not only satisfy the taste buds, but also provide sufficient nutrients for the body.


In the traditional kitchen of our village, the aroma of bacon always wakes up the sleeping taste buds in the cold winter months. Today, let me take you into the mysterious world of bacon and explore how to make it together.

First of all, we need to prepare some fresh pork, preferably pork belly, which is fat and lean and has a rich taste. Next, prepare some spices, including salt, Sichuan pepper, star anise, bay leaves, white wine, etc. Of course, there are also some essential tools such as cutting boards, knives, ropes, smoke racks, etc.

The first step is to wash the pork. We need to clean the surface of the pork with blood to ensure the hygiene and taste of the bacon.

The second step is pickling. Sprinkle salt on a cutting board, cut the pork into strips and spread evenly over the meat, making sure that each piece of meat is fully exposed to the salt. At the same time, sprinkle with some peppercorns and star anise to help enhance the flavor of the bacon. Then, place the meat in an airtight container, cover it with a lid and place it in a cool, ventilated place to marinate for a day and night.

The third step is to air dry. Hang the marinated meat on a string and place it in a place where direct sunlight does not shine through it. During the drying process, we will observe the gradual evaporation of moisture from the surface of the meat and the gradual firmness of the meat. This step requires patience and usually takes half a month to a month.

Step 4, Smoke. When the meat has dried to the point where we are satisfied, it is ready for smoking. Find a smoker rack, hang the meat on it, light the charcoal and wood, and let the smoke smoke through the whole bacon. The process of smoking requires patience and usually takes anywhere from a few hours to a day.

The charm of bacon lies not only in its texture and taste, but also in the lifestyle and cultural traditions it represents. In the cold winter months, the family sits together, tastes the bacon they make and talks about household chores, which is what life is like. The preparation of bacon is not complicated, but it requires patience and time. It's like life, although there will be difficulties and setbacks sometimes, as long as we have patience and perseverance, we will definitely be able to overcome them. So, if you haven't tried making bacon yet, give it a try. I am sure that you will be conquered by its deliciousness.


The history of bacon can be traced back to the ancient agricultural civilization. At that time, in order to store meat food, people smoked and dried meat to make bacon. Over time, the art of making bacon has matured and has become a unique food culture. In many places, bacon is not only a delicacy on the table, but also an emotional sustenance, a kind of hometown memory.

The unique flavor of bacon stems from the unique craftsmanship in which it is made. First of all, the selection of materials should be particular, generally choose fresh pork, with pork belly as the best. Secondly, the curing process requires a certain amount of skill, not only to ensure that the meat is fully flavorful, but also to avoid over-marinating and causing the meat to become salty. Finally, the bacon that has been air-dried and smoked gives it a firmer taste and a richer aroma. In the process of tasting such food, people can't help but sigh at the magic of nature and the wisdom of human beings.

In traditional culture, bacon is not only a food, but also a carrier of emotions. Whenever the Spring Festival is approaching, every household will prepare bacon to celebrate the festival with their families. Those wanderers who are wandering will also return to their hometowns with bacon to find the long-lost nostalgia. The fragrance of bacon not only permeates the dining table, but also permeates the hearts of every wanderer. However, with the fast pace of modern life, many traditional crafts and customs are gradually disappearing. We should cherish these traditional foods and cultures and let them continue to be passed on in our lives. Let's taste the delicious taste of bacon together, feel the historical and cultural background behind it, and let this delicious taste become an emotional bond between us and our family and friends.

Bacon has a rich and diverse history and cultural background, and it is not only a delicacy, but also an emotional sustenance. In this fast-paced modern society, let's cherish these traditional foods and cultures together and make them an integral part of our lives. And the aroma of bacon wafting in the air will remain in our memories forever and become the best memories in our lives.