
Steamed pork ribs with a unique flavor

author:Prince lyrical

Cold rain


In the kitchen of life, each dish has its own unique production process, just like a poem, which needs to be read and tasted by heart. Today, let's walk into the production process of steamed pork ribs and feel the sweetness and mellowness of the slightest.

First of all, we need to prepare some basic ingredients: fresh pork ribs, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, salt, ginger and garlic, green onions, etc. Of course, if you have more time and energy, you can also add some other spices, such as star anise, cinnamon, etc., to increase the flavor of the ribs.

In the first step, wash the ribs, cut them to the appropriate length, and then gently pat them with the back of the knife to make the ribs more fluffy and easy to absorb the flavor. This step is very important because it not only allows the ribs to better absorb the flavor of the seasoning, but also allows them to heat more evenly during the steaming process.

In the second step, put the chopped pork ribs into a bowl, add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar and salt, and mix gently. The purpose of this step is to allow the ribs to fully absorb the flavor of the seasoning, while also allowing a thin layer of juice to form on the surface of the ribs, ready for the subsequent steaming process.

The third step is to marinate the ribs. This usually takes a while, usually half an hour to an hour. In this step, you can do other things, such as washing vegetables, cutting vegetables, etc., and come back when the time is up to move on to the next step.

In the fourth step, place the marinated ribs in the steamer. Remember, make sure there is a certain amount of space between the ribs to allow for steam circulation and even heating. Then, add an appropriate amount of water and close the lid on the pot.

The fifth step is to start steaming. Depending on the size of the ribs and the performance of the pot, the steaming time may vary. Generally speaking, steaming over medium-low heat for about half an hour should be fine. During this process, you can observe the doneness of the ribs and adjust the heat and time at the right time.

Step 6: Remove from the pan and serve on a plate. Remove the steamed pork ribs, sprinkle with chopped green onions, and serve. At this time, you can add some sauce or cooking oil according to your taste to make the ribs more delicious and tasty.

This is how steamed pork ribs are made. It requires not only patience and skill, but also respect for the ingredients and the pursuit of taste. The main ingredient of steamed pork ribs is pork ribs, but unlike our common braised pork ribs or sweet and sour pork ribs, the pork ribs here are cooked in a steamed way, which maintains the original flavor of the pork ribs and allows each pork rib to absorb the aroma of various spices. When cooking, we use seasonings such as ginger, garlic, cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, etc., all to make the pork ribs richer and more mellow. But the most important thing is our chef's mastery of the heat. Only by putting the ribs at the right time can you ensure that the ribs taste fresh and tender, and they will not grow old or woody.


When I think back to my childhood, the taste I miss the most is the steamed pork ribs made by my mother. The unique aroma, the deliciousness, the unforgettable taste always evokes memories in my heart.

In that ordinary kitchen, my mother used her unique skills to interpret an ordinary pork rib into a gastronomic legend. Steamed pork ribs are a deceptively simple dish that is actually deeply mysterious. Its success lies not only in the freshness of the selection of materials and the mastery of the heat, but also in the dedication and emotional investment.

The choice of ribs is crucial. Fresh pork ribs with tender meat and rich taste. Mother always picks the most tender parts, and she knows that only the most tender parts bring out the best flavor of the ribs. Under her skillful hands, these ribs are marinated, floured, steamed in a series of steps, and then become tender and juicy, melting in the mouth.

Mastering the heat is the key. Mother always carefully controls the heat and allows the ribs to slowly steam in the pot, and every bite is full of life. If the heat is too low, the ribs will look shriveled and tasteless; If the heat is too high, the ribs will become too soft. Only with just the right heat can the pork ribs taste the best. And that dedication and emotional investment are even more unforgettable. Mother is always full of enthusiasm and patience in the process of making steamed pork ribs. She will add some unique seasonings when marinating the ribs to make the ribs more flavorful. She carefully coats the ribs with a thin layer of starch so that the ribs can better absorb the soup during the steaming process. Once the ribs are out of the pan, she sprinkles them with chopped green onions and coriander to add color and aroma to the dish.

The flavor uniqueness of steamed pork ribs doesn't stop there. In addition to the process of its production, it is also about its taste. The tenderness of the pork ribs and the aroma of the seasoning blend perfectly together, and you can feel the unique taste as soon as you taste it. This flavor has both the rich layers of spices and the umami of the ribs themselves. Every bite is memorable.


In our lives, food is a unique landscape, which carries the diligence and wisdom of the people, and the production process of steamed pork ribs is one of the best. It is both a subtle use of ingredients and a delicate contemplation of the art of cooking.

At the moment of the morning light, the sound of busyness can already be heard in the kitchen. It was my mother preparing the ingredients for the steamed pork ribs, and her craft was like magic, turning ordinary ribs into a delicious one. From the selection of fresh pork ribs to the preparation of condiments, every step is full of enthusiasm and anticipation of life.

First of all, the ribs need to be carefully selected and processed. Mother's fingers roam between the ribs, like a pianist jumping on the keys, every movement is full of rhythm. She carefully removes the bones to make sure every rib is perfect. She then washes the ribs with water to remove blood and impurities to make the final product even more delicious.

Then, the mother will choose different condiments according to different tastes. She mixes spices such as green onions, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, and cooking wine to create a unique sauce. These condiments not only enrich the taste of the ribs, but also reflect the wisdom and creativity of the people.

Finally, put the processed ribs into the steamer, add the appropriate amount of water, and turn on the heat. Steam fills the entire kitchen, as if the sweat of hard work is crowning the food. During this process, the mother's eyes are always focused and determined, as if performing a sacred ritual.

When the ribs are served on the table, all the hard work and waiting turns into satisfaction and happiness. The crystal clear pork ribs and the fragrant sauce all reflect the diligence and wisdom of the people. And this food has also become an emotional bond between family members, allowing us to find each other's support in our busy lives.

The production process of steamed pork ribs is a hymn to the people's diligence and wisdom. It not only shows the charm of culinary arts, but also reveals the true meaning of life: no matter how difficult life is, as long as we have diligence and wisdom, we can create our own food and enjoy the beauty of life.


An ordinary home-cooked dish, steamed pork ribs, but with rich cultural connotations. Pork ribs, as a delicacy rich in protein and collagen, are not only delicious, but also symbolize health and wealth. In traditional Chinese culture, steamed pork ribs are not only a food, but also an emotional sustenance and cultural inheritance.

Steamed pork ribs represent family and affection. In traditional Chinese culture, the family is the most basic social unit, and the family relationship between family members is very important. Steamed pork ribs, as a family dish, represents the love and affection between family members. In the process of making steamed pork ribs, the family will work together to complete the dish. This expression of family affection not only makes people feel the warmth and happiness of the family, but also inherits the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

Steamed pork ribs represent reunion and harmony. In traditional Chinese culture, reunion and harmony are very important values. At festivals or family dinners, people prepare hearty dishes, among which steamed pork ribs are an essential dish. The family sits around and saves delicious steamed pork ribs and shares each other's joy and happiness, and this atmosphere of reunion makes people feel warm and satisfied. Steamed pork ribs is not only a delicacy, but also an emotional sustenance and cultural inheritance.

Steamed pork ribs also represent diligence and wisdom. In the process of making steamed pork ribs, it needs to go through multiple steps such as marinating, seasoning, steaming, etc., which takes a lot of time and energy. This reflects the spiritual qualities of the Chinese people's diligence and wisdom. By making steamed pork ribs, people express their love for life and the pursuit of food, and at the same time, they also inherit the traditional craftsmanship and cultural essence of the Chinese nation.

Steamed pork ribs also represent respect and inclusion. In the process of making steamed pork ribs, people adapt to different tastes and preferences to make the best they can be. This spirit of respect and inclusiveness reflects the Chinese nation's open-mindedness and excellent quality of inclusiveness.