
Delicious boiled fish

author:Prince lyrical

Cold rain


That day, the sun was just right and the breeze was not dry, so I decided to make a delicious home-cooked dish – boiled fish.

First, I set my sights on the big carp that was alive. Its smooth skin shimmers like satin, and its tender flesh looks particularly attractive in the sun. I stroked it gently, as if I could feel its vitality. In the process of cooking, it will become the soul of a delicacy.

Next, I took out a variety of seasonings: Sichuan pepper, chili, bean paste, minced garlic, ginger slices, green onions...... These seasonings are like a supporting role for boiled fish, and together with the main fish, they create a feast of food. Fresh vegetables are the green side dish of this dish, and they float gently in the water to exude a fresh scent. Green bamboo shoots, bean sprouts, tofu skin...... These vegetables resemble a green background of boiled fish, bringing out the deliciousness of the fish.

Finally, I took out the indispensable tofu. Beneath its jade-white exterior hides a tender heart. I cut it into thin slices and gently put it in the water to add a delicate texture to the dish. Pour oil into a hot pan, then add the bean paste and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add the fish and tofu and gently cook so that each slice of fish absorbs the flavor of the seasoning. The heat is just right, so that the fish is tender and delicious, and the tofu is smooth and delicate.

Watching the steaming pot tumble with the delicious soup and the ingredients dancing in it, my mood became cheerful. It's not just a dish, it's a great time for me to share with the ingredients. When the final dish was presented on the plate, it was as if I saw the stories of the ingredients being told. The fresh fish, the abundant vegetables and tofu all tell their own stories, as if to tell me: this is life, this is food.

Every bite of this boiled fish makes me feel the beauty and uniqueness of the ingredients. The freshness of the fish, the delicacy of the tofu, and the freshness of the vegetables...... They are intertwined in my mouth and make a wonderful picture. The ingredients jump and tumble on the tip of my tongue, giving me a feast for the eyes and the palate. At this moment, I felt the charm of food. It is not only a food to satisfy the appetite, but also a life attitude, a dialogue with nature and life. The ingredients of boiled fish show me the beauty and richness of life with their deliciousness and uniqueness. As a traditional dish with a deep Sichuan flavor, boiled fish has become a favorite of many people with its delicious fish meat and unique spicy taste.


In this world, there is nothing like a dish of food that touches our taste buds and emotions more than that. Today, I'm going to share with you a mouth-watering delicacy – boiled fish.

First, let's talk about ingredients. Choosing fresh fish meat is the key to cooking boiled fish. In general, grass carp, carp, and blackfish are all good choices. Before cooking, the fish is cleaned, thinly sliced, and marinated for a few moments with cooking wine, salt, and ginger slices to remove the fishy smell and add texture. At the same time, prepare an appropriate amount of vegetables such as bean sprouts, tofu, etc. as a side dish and cook it with fish to add color and nutrition to the food.

Next up are the cooking tips. After preparing all the ingredients, we need to prepare cooking oil, bean paste, Sichuan pepper, dried chili, ginger and garlic and other seasonings. After the oil is heated, add the bean paste and stir-fry the red oil, then add an appropriate amount of water, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to taste. Place the side dishes and marinated fish in a pot and cook, paying attention to the heat to avoid overcooking or undercooking. When the fish are cooked, remove them and place them in a bowl.

Then, put an appropriate amount of peppercorns and dried chili peppers on top of the fish, heat some more oil and drizzle over the peppercorns and dried chilies. Suddenly, the aroma overflows, which makes people appetize. At this time, you can sprinkle some chopped green onions or coriander according to your personal taste to add a touch of freshness and naturalness to the food.

Cooking boiled fish requires not only mastering the basic ingredients and seasonings, but also paying attention to the heat and seasoning. During the cooking process, we need to constantly adjust the cooking time and temperature to ensure that the ingredients can be cooked at their best. At the same time, take care to control the amount of oil and chili pepper to avoid being too spicy or irritating. A food is not only a dish, but also an expression and exchange of emotions. Boiled fish is one such delicacy, which uses delicious fish meat and spicy seasoning to tell the enthusiasm and beauty of life. In the midst of your busy life, you might as well cook a boiled fish dish for yourself and your family to feel the joy and satisfaction brought by food.

To make delicious boiled fish, it is important to master the heat. The fish must be stir-fried in oil until slightly yellow before being put into the pan, so that it can better absorb the aroma of the stir-fry. At the same time, the water added must be kept boiling to ensure that the fish can be heated evenly and the taste is tender. The presentation of spicy flavor mainly depends on the combination of Sichuan pepper and bean paste, as well as the proper control of heat. Of course, in addition to the ingredients and cooking techniques, the spicy taste of boiled fish also comes from the unique way of seasoning. The spicy flavor of bean paste and Sichuan pepper blends with each other, supplemented by an appropriate amount of salt, sugar, cooking wine and other seasonings, making the taste of boiled fish both spicy and delicious, which makes people have an endless aftertaste.


Boiled fish is a representative of Sichuan cuisine that uses fish meat as the main ingredient and various spices and seasonings to cook it. Its unique cooking method preserves the freshness of the fish and gives it a unique aroma. Fish meat is tender and rich in protein, minerals such as calcium, potassium and unsaturated fatty acids, which have many benefits for human health.

Boiled fish is rich in high-quality protein and is a basic raw material for human growth and development. Protein is an important component of the body's tissues and organs, and a lack of protein can lead to problems such as decreased immunity and muscle loss. Eating boiled fish in moderation can provide us with sufficient protein to meet the needs of the body.

Boiled fish is also quite rich in minerals. Among them, calcium and potassium are important elements for bone health and help prevent diseases such as osteoporosis and high blood pressure. The magnesium in fish contributes to cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Boiled fish is high in unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial fats that help lower cholesterol, improve blood circulation, and prevent cardiovascular disease. At the same time, it can also improve brain function, maintain visual health, and play an important role in maintaining physical health. The process of tasting food is also a spiritual enjoyment. Cooking boiled fish requires careful preparation of ingredients and seasonings, which in itself is a showcase of art and craftsmanship. Watching the ingredients churn in the pot and the aroma is a visual and olfactory treat. The delicious fish is even more satisfying.

Boiled fish is not only a delicacy, but also a nutritious and healthy dish. It is a unique way of cooking, which perfectly blends the deliciousness of fish meat with the flavor of various spices, bringing us a feast for our taste buds. And its nutritional value allows us to enjoy food while maintaining good health. In the process of tasting the food, we felt the beauty and warmth of life. Whether it's a family dinner or a gathering of friends, boiled fish is an indispensable delicacy. Boiled fish is not only delicious but also rich in nutrients such as protein, calcium, and vitamin D, which is a great help in maintaining good health. Especially for people who need to supplement protein, boiled fish is undoubtedly a delicious and nutritious choice.


Fish, the creature that swims on the surface of the water, has always been a regular guest at the human table. Among the many cooking methods, boiled fish is undoubtedly the one that best reflects the Chinese food culture. It's a combination of the mastery of the heat, the combination of spices, the skill of cooking, and that respect and love for the ingredients.

The taste of boiled fish, like in this city, has both a warm side and a deep side. The warmth of the chili pepper is like the prosperity of the city, and the delicacy of the fish is like the blandness of life. This taste is not only a praise of life, but also an understanding of life. It tells us that life is like this dish, we need to savor it and feel the ups and downs. And behind this dish, there are countless people who love life and food. They carefully select the ingredients and cook each dish with care, their passion and perseverance are as hot as the chili, and their wisdom and skill are as precise as the mastery of the heat. In their own way, they interpret the love of life and the pursuit of food.

Looking at the fish tumbling in the pot, I felt as if I saw the history and culture of the city. Those former prosperity and loneliness, those former joys and pains, are all tumbling in this pot and turning into delicious dishes. Every bite of fish is a piece of history, an emotion, and a culture.

Boiled fish is not just a dish, it is a cultural embodiment. It tells us that life is like this dish, we need to cook it with our hearts and savor it. It tells us that food is not only to satisfy the appetite, but also to convey emotions and pass on culture. When this plate of boiled fish is served on the table, the unique aroma comes to your nose. The tender pieces of fish are poured with hot oil, giving off an enticing aroma. And the peppers and peppercorns floating on the soup are even more mouth-watering. It's a visual and olfactory experience, as well as a blend of culture and emotion.

Tasting this dish is like meeting a bridge of history. Those stories and emotions of the past have been continued and passed on in this dish. Every bite of fish seems to tell a piece of history, and every bite of soup seems to convey an emotion. This experience makes people feel warm and intimate, and it also makes people full of respect and gratitude for life. Boiled fish is not only a delicacy, but also a symbol of culture. It represents our love of life and pursuit of food, as well as our admiration and inheritance of history and culture. It makes us feel the deliciousness of food and the blending of emotions, and also makes us understand the meaning and value of life.

Boiled fish carries the food culture and tradition of the Sichuan region, showing the perfect combination of spicy taste and umami taste. While tasting the boiled fish, we can also feel the charm of the folk customs and food culture of the Sichuan region.